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I write. So most of my questions will be about books/poetry etc. I write compulsivly. Because I have to, not because I want to. ~Kxaltli
What kind of small fish should I have in a 20 gallon tank?
I don't want it to be too crowded, but I'd like to have more than just guppies. I also plan on planting it with live plants, so non-plant nibblers would be a plus.
6 AnswersFish9 years agoWhat plants should I put in a 5 gallon aquarium?
I have a small five gallon aquarium that I would like to put some live plants in. The only fish living in it right now is my betta but he doesn't like to hide in any of the decorations I have for him, so I was thinking that he might like the plants better.
What kind of live plants would work well for a five gallon tank, and what would work well with a betta in residence?
3 AnswersFish9 years agoMy fish is on his side, what can I do?
He is still alive, he's just on his side. I have been treating him for ich for the past few days.
Earlier he was swimming just fine but now he is on his side and swimming around. I saw him trying to roll himself upright earlier but he's stopped doing that now. Is there anything I can do about this? What's wrong with him?
5 AnswersFish9 years agoWhat should I house my mice in?
I'm looking for something they can't escape from easily, but I don't want to get a glass aquarium.
Are there any plexiglass aquariums? I'm looking for one that's just rectangular with an open top like your basic standard glass aquarium.
3 AnswersRodents9 years agoWhat kind of terrarium decor will help my cornsnake shed?
I've heard it's a good idea to keep something rough (not sharp) to help your snake rub off the skin it sheds, but what kind of decor would that be? Is it a specific type of wood? Or should I just go and look for something that feels a little rough at the pet store?
3 AnswersReptiles9 years agoWhat would people with metal allergies prefer?
I have the options to make jewelry with either solid sterling silver or plated sterling backings. Which would be preferable to someone with metal allergies?
I also have some wooden and ceramic backings- if I want to be able to offer choices for people with these sorts of allergies, would it be better just to post those for them?
If you have a metal allergy what do you look for? These are all going to be pendants or keychains by the way, not earrings or rings.
2 AnswersAllergies9 years agoWhere is a good place to buy a tortoise?
I would like to go to a reptile show, but it's difficult to find transportation to get to one.
Any good places online, or resources for finding a breeder in my state?
In addition to this I know I will be moving in a few years. Are there any special things I need to transport a tortoise?
2 AnswersReptiles9 years agoDo wood coffins get crushed after they're buried?
This came up in a debate between my roommates and it's gotten me a bit curious.
4 AnswersOther - Science9 years agoWhat are some good makeup brands?
In addition to Clinique. The place that I usually buy my Clinique stuff from closed down recently and it's been awhile since I've had to look for anything else. There's another place with more brands, but not that one and I was wondering what I should look for there.
I've heard that ELF is good for the price.
10 AnswersMakeup9 years agoWhat color scheme for gray eyes?
I have gray eyes- what eyeshadow color scheme works best with them? I usually tend to go toward more natural colors, but I would like to switch it up sometimes.
2 AnswersMakeup9 years agoShirts for a woman with broad shoulders?
I'm self-conscious about the way I look, so I end up getting the same kinds of clothes all the time. They mostly hide my shape and I'd like to start showing it off.
My biggest problem is that I have broad shoulders for a woman, so even though I'm a small/medium I almost always have to get shirts that are a size up so that the shoulders aren't too tight which makes the bottom half too loose, and I've gotten stuck in a rut where I only get things that are baggy/unflattering simply because it fits my shoulders.
So what kinds of shirts would work well? It's still cold here for a few more months, so tank tops are kind of out right now.
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoHow to dress "girly"?
I am a girl who doesn't really know how to dress "girly" and I have been told recently that I look like a man because of this.
So how does one go about dressing "girly"? My outfits are usually jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt.
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat are some good fish for a 10 gallon tank?
Although I would like to have a larger tank, 10 gallons is the largest we're allowed to have in our dorm rooms.
I am taking my betta fish with me, but I'd like to know what else (if anything) I could put in there with him. I know I can't put another betta in there, but I've heard it's possibly to have a few schooling fish in a tank with a betta, is this true?
If so, what kinds of fish will get along well with a betta in the tank with them and how many of them should I put in there (I'd like not to overstock it). I'd like to take some of my other fish along with me when I move into the dorm, but I don't think any of them will do well. The betta has been in his own tank (the 10 gal) since I got him.
6 AnswersFish1 decade agoHow can I deal with this?
I'm leaving for university in January, and even though I'm not going to school very far away from where my parents live (it's about four-five hours away, so I could drive back whenever I want)- for some reason I'm getting really agitated and nervous about all of it now.
I have no idea why, because I'm also really excited to go- I'll be taking classes from some pretty awesome professors who I met when I went to visit the places I'll be taking all of my classes.
How can I get over being nervous about moving away from the place I've lived my whole life? I'll also be leaving behind all of my pets, and one of them is very old. I've been spending a lot of time with her, because I'm worried she'll pass away before I get to really say good bye while I'm away at school.
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoCreepy painting- what should I do?
Okay, I know this is going to sound kind of weird, but I'm going to visit a college campus in a week.
I have visited it before, ad it's located in a small town. There's only one hotel in the area, and the last time I stayed there a painting in the room (it's like a mass produced copy that's hung in every room) that was really creepy.
The painting was of this little old man, wearing glasses and holding a woman's boot in his hands. It's set in what looks like a cobbler's workshop, like he made the boot. I realize this is probably all in my head, but it as like every time I would come in the room he would no longer be wearing his glasses. Or the boot would be on the shelf behind him instead of in his hands, or he would be facing the other direction. It also felt like he was watching me.
I really, really don't want to have that painting in my room this time, but I don't really want to take it down because it would bother me even more. I'd probably end up taking it out to look at it all the time to make sure it looked the same. And the changes were corroborated by a friend I was visiting the campus with before. She had also noticed these things and mentioned them to me while we were eating dinner one night.
Is sticking it in a drawer face down and replacing it on the wall when I check out the best solution here?
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoParents- should I err on the side of caution?
Every year I take a group of kid trick-or-treating. It's something that's been organized by a group (non-religious) and I've been doing this for several years.
This year I'll be taking them through a neighborhood were I know for sure that instead of candy one house hands out religious pamphlets. I was thinking I should just skip that house so there won't be any issues with parents who don't appreciate the pamphlets in their kid's bags, but I wasn't really sure if that was the right way to go about it.
This guy hands them out every year, I know exactly which house it is because when I was younger he would give them to my cousins and I. The kids I'm taking are usually between the ages of 5-9 and it's a small group (four kids most of the time).
6 AnswersParenting1 decade agoIs it weird to still give gifts on her birthday?
I used to be close friends with this one girl for about seven years, but after she started college we began to drift apart and we haven't really become ex-friends, but we're a lot more like acquaintances now because we just don't talk or hang out very often anymore.
We didn't part on bad terms though, so there are no hard feelings between us. But I don't know if it's weird to still give her gifts for her birthday/holidays because we're just not very close anymore. Would it be strange to receive gifts from a friend you haven't seen in a year?
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoLentils in non-soup recipes?
When we were doing our grocery shopping we had forgotten to double check for lentils in our cabinet and ended up getting more then we needed for the lentil soup we were making that night.
What other recipes use lentils? They're brown ones, but would they substitute well for red or green ones?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoRecurring nightmares- can anyone tell me what they mean?
I keep having the same recurring dream. Sometimes the dream is a little different, but it's still really scary and I don't know what to make of it.
Basically, I'm walking through a hallway full of doors and mirrors, but it fades away to a darkness that's so dark I can't see anything except once in awhile there are these sharp teeth flashing about head height in the darkness.
I make my way down into a valley and there's a kind of really dim light all over the place. In the middle of the valley is a town but all the buildings are locked and I can't get inside. I know I want to be inside because I would be safe- now that I can see there's a bunch of these human-like figures all around. They're faceless except for their mouths which are stretched like smiles and have a lot of sharp teeth.
Throughout the whole dream I'm extremely scared and there's kind of an ominous feeling of dread. The sound of high heels on a hard surface goes on throughout it. I also constantly feel like I'm being watched by either one or many things from the dark (it varies).
2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoHow do you make fluted glasses out of polymer clay?
I'm working on making a themed dining set which includes a set of six fluted stem glasses. I'm not entirely sure how to do this though, and so far I've not been able to find a good tutorial on how to make any fluted glasses or glasses with stems (like wine glasses or goblets).
I'm going to be using a polymer clay to make these, and they're going to be 1:12 scale. Unfortunately cannot buy them off a site because these are supposed to be made off of designs I was given to work with.
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago