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Jon and Ari P

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  • breastfeeding and one day period?

    I'm breastfeeding my first born. She is almost 20 months old and I just started weaning her 2 weeks ago. My husband and I are not using protection as we wouldn't mind concieving, if it is possible. Well, I have not had my period yet. Except today I lightly for about 6 hours. Then it stopped. I seem to be having period symptoms, but my period is funky. Just stopped and now I feel fine. How common is this? Have any of you started weaning and had weird one day periods>? Should I call my doctor tomorrow?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My grandma uses all purpose cleaner in a pot on the stove as an airfreshener?

    Can someone give me some info on how toxic this is? She puts liquid all purpose cleaner inside a pot and puts it on the stove to simmer and "freshen the air". I know this has to release cancer causing chemicals in the air to be breathed in by her and anyone in her house. Can you give me some website that explain how bad this is? I need to print it out and give it to her, because she just doesn't believe me.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Problems with lactation?

    Has anyone ever tried Lactate support by Gaia herbs? I am having lots of trouble keeping a good milk supply and I have no idea why. I wanted to know if anyone has tried Lactate Support and what results they got. (I have tried just about everything else to boost my dwindlling supply. I have tried oatmeal, I pump after each feeding, I feed every 2 and a half hours, i've been drinking plenty of liquids and eating nutritious foods)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • lactate Support by Gaia herbs?

    Has anyone ever tried Lactate support by Gaia herbs? I am having lots of trouble keeping a good milk supply and I have no idea why. I wanted to know if anyone has tried Lactate Support and what results they got. (I have tried just about everything else to boost my dwindlling supply. I have tried oatmeal, I pump after each feeding, I feed every 2 and a half hours, i've been drinking plenty of liquids and eating nutritious foods)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • tonights presidential debate?

    I didn't get to watch tonights debate due to working. Is there somewhere online i can watch it? links please...thanks

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many people have read ominore's dilemma by michael pollan?

    I like that book. Not done yet, but I recommend it to all. very insightfull

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • how many have cats that will eat everything!!!!!!!!?

    My cat just ate a whole hand full of string from my dogs toys. I didn't see it happen but he threw up tons of string yesterday and today i took him to get x-rays because he is acting like his tummy is upset. JUst wanted to see how many kitties are not very smart.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is it safe to take x-rays with a lead apron while pregnant?

    Is it safe for a vet tech to take x-rays with an x-ray apron while pregnant? How much radiation (how many x-rays are too many to take while pregnant?)

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Are these signs?

    lately my period has been kind of "off" and not starting right on the day it always has in the past. It used to be like clockwork. Last period started 4 days late and scared me a lot. This time it has been over a week and still no period. I am on the pill.

    Do these sound like period signs or pregnancy signs?


    -frequent urination

    -light cramping (this is why I kept thinking my period was on the way)

    -a great amount of bloating

    -I get confused easily it seems (more than usual ;-)

    I just don't want to waste money on a test if I am just simply late again instead of preggo. My husband does not like the money wasting. But if you all think that it's a good idea, well then I might as well. I have a doctors appointment, but couldnt get in for another week.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Silky chicken breeders in stanislaus county, california?

    Anyone know of any silky chicken breeders in stanislaus county california? Or any other breed of chicken for that matter.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is it legal to have chickens (female only) in Turlock. I live in the city.?

    I want to get a few chickens for eggs and perhaps meat. I won't have a rooster (the chickens will still lay).

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • new computer: connecting to!!!?

    ok so i just finished building my new pc. i disconnected the old one and hooked up my ethernet (i ran direct to router because my old wireless adapter wasn't working). the comp formated the HD and all that already, i just need to connect to update windows. well my motherboard (asus p5n-t deluxe) has networking built in. but, i can't figure how to connect. i have tried running the set up wizzard and all that but no luck. i went out and bought a new linksys usb wireless N adapter...ran the install cd and it claims to be connected but with only 1mbps and it sends "packets" but isn't receiving any.

    anyone please try and help me trouble shoot this. i would rather do ethernet but i will do wireless if it works..maybe my mobo needs the drivers before the networking works? any help please..thanks

    3 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • do you ever hear your rat "bruxing" and does this mean they are happy or mad?

    My rat sits in my lap and when I rub his face he relaxes and starts to grind his teeth. I don't know if he is just pissed cuase he thinks he has no choice but to be pet, or if he really is enjoying it.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Off leash dog park: grants?

    we live in california and our town recieved approval for an off leash dog park. the group that is in charge of it hasn't raised that much money and hasn't any promotions/events since the kick off/ground breaking. i was wondering if anyone knows of some organizations that offer grants out to help with these types of ventures. they help communities and provide dogs with a safe place to run full steam ahead. any help appreciated

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • why don't we use re-usable grocery bags like people in Europe do? It's so much better for the environment

    People in Europe use fabric bags to bag their groceries. They bring the bags with them to the store, put in their items when they are done shopping and leave the store so that they can do the same thing the next time they shop with the same bags! They are so INCREDIBLY SMART. Why has America not caught on to this. Here we are wasting precious money AND plastic(not good for the environment) while they save in more ways than one.

    13 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • The address on my W-2 form is different than my current address.?

    What should I do. Has this happened to anyone else here? If I send it in like that will I not get my refund sent to me? Is there a penalty through the IRS for this? please help

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • I need instructions on replacing a ( GUITAR) pickup switch on an epiphone les paul?

    If you know, please give me detailed instructions.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Birth control abnormality?

    I am married and have been using ortho tricycline(?) low for about 2 and a half years. I have always started my period on monday or tuesday morning and it is now midnight on wednesday and I still have not started (I am not waiting up to start, I just get to bed late).

    I will take a test, but what do you think is the problem? Would you guess pregnancy or am I just worrying over nothing. Has anyone else here gotten pregnant on the pill? My husband and I don't use condoms because I am allergic to them. Just wondering.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • rescued boxer: behavior question?

    I just recently rescued a very sweet boxer girl. She is very shy and very gentle. I brought her home and she seemed to love everybody, but hates my brother. The wierd thing is, when we took her on a walk today with my other dog, she was super friendly to a couple and their kids (who were total strangers). Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is. I think that it may be because she can sense that he does not like animals (He has said this before). She lets him pet her when I'm right there, and sort of wags her tail(nub) when he feeds her treats, but when he gets up or when he is standing, she growls and sometimes barks at him. It scares me a bit. She seems so gentle, I just don't get it. What do you suggest I do. She even was growling at a friend he brought over to the house today. I had a friend over today, and she was fine with my friend. Wierd.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago