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VA Mamma
What is the plastic on the end of a shoelace called?
Just wondering...
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoHappily ever after...?
... Seems a bit vague to me...
Snow White and Prince Charming deserve a better ending than that :) Let's see what you can come up with! Using your favorite fairy tale as inspiration, how do you think it should have ended?
Be creative, and have fun!
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoSo.... What's YOUR excuse?
Just for fun... what's the most interesting excuse you can come up with? I want to see how creative you can be :)
3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoWhy can't I see any other characters in "For the Alliance" in Undercity?
I have a level 80 Death Knight (Dranei) and want to complete the "For the Alliance" to get my war bear, but when I get there, all the other players disappear. I can see thier "dots" on my minimap, however. I'm told I have to complete the Undercity quest line in order to get into Undercity and Scarlet Monastery. Where do these quests begin?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoSheldon's Headset on Big Bang Theory?
In season 2 of Big Bang Theory, in the episode titled "the Barbarian Sublimation" (the one where Penny gets addicted to online gaming) I see Sheldon wearing a wireless headset. Does anyone know what company makes those, and where I can find a set?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoRemote keyless entry for my car?
After being pounded on by the children, dropped in puddles, crushed at the bottom of my purse, and chewed on by the dog, my keyless remote fob for my car bit the big one. I plan to purchase a new one for my car (from someone reputable) to replace the old and decrepid ... however ... I'd like to know - if these key fobs are so easily replaced, what's keeping some schmo on the street from purchasing one and opening my car? Can anyone do this, or is there some "secret handshake" type programming that only I can do for my car? just curious...
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoShould I just back off?
Here's the skinny... my best friend just discovered that her husband was cheating on her. Of course, she was severely hurt by his actions, and immediately threw him out. In the past, he has been verbally abusive to her and their children, has spent rent money on pot, he's the main reason her family doesn't speak to her any more including her own daughter (from a previous marriage) etc... basically, this dude is bad news. I understand that she loves him - they've been together for twelve years - it's got to be hard for her to just shut of her feelings even after what he did.
My dilemma is that, over the last few days I've done what I can to be there for her; I am her shoulder to cry on, so to speak. However, he's gotten in contact with her - mainly to spend time with his kids to let them know it's not thier fault, etc. - but has convinced her to wait a couple months before filing for divorce so he can decide if he wants to be with his new woman, or back with his family. Now she's talking about "when he comes home" and "I guess I could have satisfied him in bed better". She's allowing him to shift the blame to her, and he's going to get his way!! I really want to just shake her and tell her not to do anything stupid, but on the other hand, she's an adult and is probably going to do what she wants, anyway. Do I back off, or should I be frank with her?
I'm pretty much the closest thing she has to family, and she's my closest friend.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoA question for the writers...?
When you come about a bit of writer's block, what do you find is the best strategy to get back on track, clear your mind and get back to writing?
14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat is Maggie worth?
In the opening credits of most "Simpsons" episodes, little Maggie Simpson finds her way to the conveyor belt where the cashier "rings her up". A number flashes on the digital register, a bit too fast for me to read. Anyone know what it reads?
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoWhere do I begin looking for a local farm to purchase milk and eggs?
I really don't like the idea of purchasing dairy products from mass market farms, and I'd like to start buying eggs, cheese and milk from local farms, but don't know where to begin. I searched the yellow pages in my area and surrounding areas, but the only farm listed was for fishing.
Also, I've been buying Eggland's Best cage free eggs... but I've been told that the chickens are still not treated humanely because US standards don't enforce rules on packaging eggs... how can I tell if they are truly free range or not?
5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade agoMonster headache after workout?
Ok... here's the routine for five days a week... I'm up at 6:30 am to get the kids ready and off to school, after which I eat cereal for breakfast and head to the gym. I do 2 miles on the treadmill, then 10 laps in the pool, then a 15 min rest in the whirlpool. For about an hour after I feel great, I grab a Kashi granola bar and a propel water. However, after a while I begin to get a bad headache and feel the need to take a nap.
Could it be that I'm overdoing the workout, or possibly not getting enough to eat? Over the last six months I cut out caffiene, and I don't get headaches like this on the days I don't work out. Any suggestions??
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoThe name of a children's movie?
In the early 80's (I think) there was a short movie made for children, and I'd love to find the name of it. It involved a grandmother and grandson in a donut shop, and while making the donuts one morning the grandmother's bracelet (or ring - I don't recall which) went missing. They told stories as they looked for the jewelry, and eventually found it in one of the donuts. The Scenes between grandmother and grandson were live action, and the story sequences were animated. Thanks :)
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoMyspace animated avatars...?
I've noticed several folks on Myspace who have animated profile pictures, and would like one, too. I was told to download an animated gif file to my computer, then upload it to my pictures on myspace. Well, I tried that, and nothing happens. I don't want to make my own, I'd like to get one already made, but the sites I go to only have a code to copy and paste into the profile.
What I'd like are
1) a website to get already made animated gif
2) simple instructions on how to use it
Thanks :)
3 AnswersMySpace1 decade agoHerbs for spells?
I purchased some herbs I used for a charm a while back, and they didn't come cheap. Since then, I've kept them dry and cool in ziploc baggies, but they've gone from green to a grey - green, and will soon be grey or brown from age. I'm curious to know if the freshness of dried herbs/roots will affect the outcome of spells. I hate to throw them out - the place I bought them from sent me so much. After all, waste not, want not - right?
- please, only serious answers .. I do not wish to be converted or preached to.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoName of a book?
I read a book in high school, and can't remember the name of it. It's a true story about a woman who loses her leg as a child in a car accident, and it goes into detail about her life as an amputee. Some of the details are fuzzy, but I can remember that she was riding her bicycle when she was hit by a car, and as she grew older she tried several kinds of prosthetic legs, but found her wooden leg was most comfortable. It's a great book, and would like to suggest it to a young friend of mine looking for a good true story.
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoAeon Flux scene?
What kind of fruit/vegetable is Una (Aeon's sister) preparing in the scene when she gets shot?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoRuby the Tiger?
This isn't necessarily a question...just a shoutout to Ruby the Tiger at Mill Mountain Zoo in Roanoke, Virginia. Ruby was euthenized this last weekend (she was ailing and elderly) and we are all going to miss her dearly. So, post your thoughts here about Ruby...a good friend to the Roanoke and Valley region.
5 AnswersZoology1 decade agoSporting equipment gift for 13 year old girl.?
I picked an angel from the tree this year for a 13 year old girl who wants sporting equipment. That's all I know about sizes or preferences. I was thinking of a skateboard, helmet and pads (I'd like to keep it somewhere between 30-40 dollars), but I am open to suggestions. I'd appreciate any!
5 AnswersToys1 decade agoMy mother in law doesn't
My mother in law has been dating her boyfriend for 15 and on...they are constantly breaking up and getting back together. My dilemma is, she insists that my children call him "Grampie"...I've asked her NOT to do this, because when they break up, my kids are confused and sad that "grampie" is gone. I don't mind that they call him by a nickname, but I don't want them to think that he is their grandfather. After 15 years, he hasn't married her or even divorced his first wife.. he's a jerk and a bad influence. My husband says to just "put up with it", but I'm not like that, and every time I ask her to stop (no matter how forward I am) she does what she wants, anyway. Should I just suck it up and let it go, or continue to stand my ground?
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago