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Hi, I'm Lulu...
Men - do you really percieve women as your emotional equals? And women - do you feel that they do?
Just wondering about your personal feelings about sexism in our society in general. Not trying to 'emasculate' or 'vilify' anyone here, just genuinely curious.
11 AnswersGender Studies1 decade agoAre amphetamines prescribed in the UK, or illegal?
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoHow to get calcium as a vegan?
9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWould you rather hold a gun to someone else's head, or have one held to yours?
Assuming that the gun-holder has to shoot. This isn't completely sick-minded, just I saw the question on a picture and wondered about people in general.
8 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWould you rather hold a gun to someone's head, or have it held to yours?
Like in that picture of the same that was in the Tate some years back.
8 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoYour favourite three poems ever?
and the authors... just out of general interest and hoping to learn some more myself!
13 AnswersPoetry1 decade agoWebsites selling gothic/corseted full-length ballgowns?
For a gothic ball... thanks!
3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoI need a good vampire name for my novel?
He's a 'bad guy,' v handsome, all that. I have no idea what to call him.
Please don't write telling me a vampire novel is a terrible idea; I write for my own enjoyment.
Also, 'Salem's Lot is brilliant, and that's about vampires.
7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoWhy do onions make your eyes water and sting?
5 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade agoI cannot do work, I have panic attacks every time I try. Help?
I appreciate that this is going to sound completely pathetic, but I hope it is worth the try.
I am 15, was diagnosed with depression about eight months ago, but they think it was going on for at least a year before that. It's always affected my work, but I still worked so hard and got really good grades - top of my house last year.
But now the depression feels as bad - and I don't want to go into that - but now even the thought of picking up some homework or anything just scares the hell out of me, I cannot do it, I seriously just can't, and I'll panic and cry and I'm even shaking really badly writing this.
I have but two pieces of holiday homework with me, it is NOTHING and I know that somewhere, but I just can't do it, I can't, I get so freaked out and think of all that I have to do and how I have no time and how I'm going to have to do even more when I get back to school and if I even do manage to do it it'll be shoddy.
I'm so afraid because it's gcse year and they are important for me but now I'm not sure I'll be able to do anything, whereas good grades was something I could always count on before.
I already have a psychiatrist, but even though I talk and stuff, I don't feel as though I am getting better, insomnia is terrible, and my mother flat-out refuses to allow them to give me any medication whatsoever even though it has been suggested.
12 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoWhat is the introductory song on 'Charmed'?
6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoWhat are some really good scary movies out there? ?
You know, the kind that might just give you nightmares... not just streams of plotless gore but maybe a bit psychological too.
10 AnswersMovies1 decade agoI'm not being a good friend and they're worried about me and I don't know what to do?
I have depression and I'm in counseling and all that (I have another q about antidepressants, please answer!), but I'm worried about what it's doing to my friends.
Because I would do anything for them and know some of them would do the same for me. But I know that I can hurt them sometimes, by accident, and I think that's not right so I was thinking about splitting from them, and sometimes I think that's the stupidest thing I've ever thought of, and other times I think I have to because I'm dragging them down. Should I?
For example (we go to full boarding school, btw), for the whole of today I felt really shite so I went out of house and sat down in the library and curled up in a ball in a corner for a long time. Because I was doing that, I missed the 2 o'clock sign in.
Just adding more details, bear with me!
8 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoHelp with depression and my parent, please? Don't think I can cope?
I have been in counseling a couple of times in my life
I just went back into it without telling my mum, because she wants nothing more than to believe I'm okay
I suffer from clinical depression and insomnia (hence username)
So I'm not okay
My counselor wants to put me on antidepressants and sedatives because I'm going to have a breakdown. But the law has changed, so to get those I have to see a psychiatrist. To see a psychiatrist I have to ask my mum and tell her about the whole situation.
If I don't get the pills, I will have a breakdown and/or run away
If I tell my mum, she may get depressed again and think it's because she's a bad parent or whatever and keep on asking me exactly what's wrong like I'm a maths equation, and probably not let me have the pills anyway because of addiction. Then she might have a breakdown.
I don't know what to do.
I'm seeing her in exactly a week (I go to boarding school).
Should I tell her or not?
And how?
15 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoShould we stop giving crisps and chips to young children?
In april 2002, scientists in sweden discoverd unexpectedly large amounts of the chemical ACRYLAMIDE in foods. These foods contain a lot of starch. Examples are chips, crisps and bread. Acrylamide is known to be a carcinogenic to some animals. So should we stop giving crisps and chips to young children?
15 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago