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  • Just licensed and wanting to go a different direction. Help!?

    I just got my cosmetology license and have been working in a salon as a receptionist for the past week or so. Just in this one week I hate it here. I hate the environment, I hate how phony everybody is to each other. I hate how superficial everything is and how everybody only cares about looks. I thought I'd be good at this but honestly I'm having serious doubts about this career. I've lost my luster for this industry and I want to do something more freeing.

    Should I just quit and pursue a different artistic dream?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • What to do when pregnant with ex s baby?

    My ex and I have a very complicated relationship. He s mentally unstable and very manipulative. We recently hooked up a couple weeks ago and had unprotected sex multiple times. I just missed my period and I m fairly positive I m pregnant.

    This is really bad because our relationship ended so badly we are legally restrained from each other, and cannot contact one another. What do I do if I am pregnant?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • He s smothering me already. What do I do?

    I just met this guy two weeks ago, and the minute i saw him I was super attracted to him. We click really well, and have a bunch of things in common. I m starting to think we moved a bit too fast because now whenever we hang out he has to LITERALLY hang all over me. I find it demeaning and annoying. And he acts like its the end of the world if we don t get a chance to hang out. Maybe I m not that into him? I don t know. I love being that way with him when we re alone but I hate when he has to be possessive with me around his friends. We re not even officially dating yet, and we ve only known each other for two weeks. Help!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Met this guy on tumblr. Help?

    I met this great guy on tumblr. We talk and Skype and text literally all the time. Before we met he was planning on visiting the state I live in, and maybe even moving here and now he's planning a trip down here. He and I really want to meet.

    I'm not under the impression that there's any catfish-ing going on, but what is your opinion on it?

    I haven't liked a guy like this in years.

    Is this a weird thing?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why can't I seem to get attached to anybody?

    Ever since my ex and I broke up about 2 years ago I haven't been able to get attached to anybody. I don't think I'm hung up on him anymore because I don't think about him that much. And I know I can never be with him because we're toxic for eachother and we had a clean break.

    Recently I've been talking to guys here and there and I'll feel really good about it until the 2nd or 3rd time hanging out, and then I just automatically feel nothing or find something about them I absolutely hate.

    What's going on?! Am I too picky? Are my walls still up somehow? I feel ready for a relationship, mentally.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Tattoo placement suggestions?

    I want to get 'think for yourself, and question everything' tattooed on me somewhere. It's super meaningful, so I want it somewhere really cool. I already have one at the base of my neck, so that spot's taken.

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersTattoos8 years ago
  • Help with texting a boy. Please?

    I really like this boy, and I'm pretty sure he likes me back. When we hang out we just don't shut up. We talk and talk and talk. However, when we're not together (most of the time) we text, but he usually doesn't respond until much later. He doesn't like texting, or phone communication in general. He thinks it's fake, and I agree with him. But sometimes it's days before I hear back from him. For example, he last texted me on Friday, and I replied within maybe 5 hours, seeing as I was with family for the day.

    The thing is, I want to hang out with him before he leaves for 4 days. He still hasn't texted me back, and that only gives us half the week to hang out. I'm afraid he won't text me in time, and we won't hang out.

    should I text him and ask what day would be good to hang out, or should I let him come to me? Help me out please, guys. I haven't felt this way about a guy in soooooooo long. I just don't wanna screw it up.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Help me with some boy advice?

    I met this boy a couple weeks ago, and we hit it off instantly. Everything (at least on my side) seems so natural and perfect. Including him. We've hung out a couple times, and he's been super duper sweet to me. He had no problem driving to see me even though he lives an hour away, and he even let me borrow his DS and Zelda games because I never had the money for it myself. We've kissed/made out and he's been nothing but amazing towards me. However when we text, although we always have a long conversation going on, he takes a loooooong time to text me back. Sometimes days.

    Does this mean he's not as into me as I am into him? :/

    I'm super worried because i'm absolutely head over heels for this guy... help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Ex boyfriend texted me. Should I reply?

    He's hurt me so many times, and it seems like about after the same time of each breakup we've had he texts me. Every other time I've given in and texted back, but it always ended in hurt for me.

    However, the text he sent me consisted of him telling me he was wrong to treat me the way he did, hoping all was well in my life, and expressing how terrible he feels about it.

    What should I say, if anything at all?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What exactly should I do? Please help!?

    My ex that I had been with for 3 years started talking to me again a couple weeks ago. He still had the girlfriend that he had when we broke up. (He cheated) but he seemed unhappy. We started hanging out as friends, and one night he decided to take me out, and get me a bit faded. I stayed at his place and before I knew it we had done the deed. (Keep in mind he was sober) He told me he had stopped talking to her, and I believed him until I saw that it wasn't true.

    He still texted her every day.

    Stay with me, I really need some advice here.

    She started to get the idea after a while, and called him out on it many times. He continued to lie to her until one day she decided to text ME, and ask if I had been seeing him again. I simply told her that it was not my place and that if she wanted answers to talk directly to him. Eventually, he caved. And told her. She immediately cut all communication with him, and told him to have a nice life.

    My ex called me and told me that he was in love with her, and that talking to me in the first place was the worst thing he could have ever done. He told me he never loved me in the first place and he only had love for her. I'm sure you can imagine my hurt when I heard this... I just kept the tears in and apologized.

    I'm just not sure what to say to him. I don't know if I should try to make it better or just... Never talk to him again. I just don't see how I'm in the wrong here... Advice? Please? Anything? Everybody I talk to doesn't seem to care...

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Having strange, violent dreams?

    Periodically, I will have violent dreams. Most of which are directed towards my ex boyfriend. I find myself so angry with him that I jump on his back, and beat the Mickey out of him. Scratch his eyes out, break his expensive belongings, punch him over and over again.

    The thing is, there's no blood involved. In fact, when I hurt him, he seems barely phased by it. It just gets me angrier, so I hit harder. The next thing I know I'm waking up with tears streaming down my face.

    It's kind of exhausting, and emotionally damaging sometimes. We had a messy messy break up, and haven't spoken since.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • So, my middle school crush now thinks I'm attractive?

    Weird thing happened today.

    My old middle school crush messaged me on facebook, and asked if I wanted to get lunch with him. I did, by the way. We ended up getting along great. We're both into the same sort of things now, and he told me about when he had seen me with one of my previous boyfriends. He said and I quote

    "I kind of kicked myself because I realized what I missed out on."

    But is he really into me for ME or is it just because i'm pretty now?

    Should I continue to hang out with him, and get to know him?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why does he get to be happy?

    We were together for 3 years on and off. We lived together for a year. Maybe 3 weeks after we broke up, he's with another girl. He probably cheated, he verbally and mentally abused me. I don't want him back, but why does he get to be happy, and apparently 'head over heels' for this girl?

    I'm so sick of thinking about him when he probably couldn't care less...

    Why does he get to be happy in the end?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Help? Social problems...?

    Lately I've been very lonely. I've started to miss my ex more, and my 'best friends' have been excluding me from anything that doesn't involve giving them a ride somewhere.

    I know my ex and I won't get back together because that relationship was toxic... But that still doesn't keep me from wanting to talk to him, unfortunately. I haven't because he's probably happy, and I don't want to screw that up. Maybe it's JUST because my friends have been avoiding me that I think like this.

    Am I being boring? Is there something about me that my best friends don't like anymore?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Starting to miss the stupid ex. Help?

    My ex and I were together for 3 years, and lived together for 1.

    When we broke up, it wasn't pretty. A lot of sh*t talking and spite was involved. There was a point where we were living together, and we would still never see eachother because we were so angry with eachother.

    Anyway, lately I've been having numerous dreams about him and thinking about him a lot. Kind of missing him. I know we won't get back together, because it was a toxic relationship, but I guess i'm still a little shaken because he was all of the sudden crazy about this other girl maybe 3 weeks after we broke up.

    I've already blocked/deleted him from my facebook and haven't contacted him at all.

    I just need to get him out of my head.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why do exes downgrade after a serious relationship?

    So, just as a general question (since i've heard plenty of stories about how this has happened)

    Why is it that when a couple of a few years break up, the guy automatically goes to a floozy and/or ugly girl?

    For instance, maybe about a month after my ex and I of 3 years broke up, he ended up with a girl that is a serious downgrade.

    Is it rebound? Is it habit? Is it the male brain? Tell me your opinions.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should I be feeling this way?

    My boyfriend and I just broke up. It's almost surreal that we even lived together for a whole year. All communications between us has been broken off. Now I'm starting to feel alone, and worried that the whole 3 years that we have been together meant...nothing.

    I know it's for the best that we're broken up, but I feel empty. It almost feels like I woke up from a dream.

    Is this normal?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I'm starting to get nervous. Help please?

    My ex and I recently broke up, and are moving out of the one year lease apartment. I have already gotten all of my things out, and I'm staying elsewhere. I have barely had contact with my ex about this. It's nearing the end of the month, and if I don't sign the lease paper, the lease will continue. My ex told me he was going to be able to bring the paper to me, and it's now the 26th. I'm starting to get nervous about this. He also has a very important and expensive computer charger of mine that he told me HE would return to ME. He hasn't contacted me yet about it, but I don't wanna be pushy. Help?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Are my friends avoiding me?

    I just went through a pretty tough breakup, and as all girls know we need our girlfriends to get us through it. Well, mine have been curiously reluctant to talk to me. For example, My best friend since birth blew me off for her boyfriend, and my best neighborhood chick seems to be avoiding me. (not answering texts etc).

    Am I just paranoid or what? Could I be acting desperate? I just need a friend to hug and cry on, and I feel alone in this.

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Introducing a new kitten advice?

    This week, my boyfriend decided to help one of his friends out by taking one of their 9 week old kittens that their cat had. However, I already have a cat, who's about 7 years old. She's definitely the runt of her litter, so she's small for her age, and the queen of this household...

    Any advice on how to introduce them?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago