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  • Good places to work as a minor in college?

    I am 16 and currently in community college. Next year, I will be attending a university. I currently work at QuikTrip (a gas station for those of you who dont know) but have grown sick of the management. I am looking for a new job, but nearly everywhere I go (other than fast food) requires that you be 18. Where is a good place I can work that isn't fast food at a young age?

    Another thing that I should mention is that I am in college classes through dual enrollment through my high school and community college partnership. I could have graduated last year, but instead wanted to take cheaper classes through the high school. This also puts me in a difficult position because the jobs that make exceptions age wise require a high school diploma. Would it be possible to show a possible employer my transcript that shows I have all the classes needed to graduate, but haven't quite done so? or how else can I work around this?

    Thanks for the help! I really need the money to pay for my classes!

  • If your a feminist, do you think sexualizing women on tv or in music videos is wrong or empowering?

    Ive noticed in the feminist world there is a split down the middle on this issue. Some women freak out and say that this is sexualizing women too much and making them look bad. Others are saying its empowering that women can make money half naked. What do you think? I think its empowering women can do so much just by showing a little skin because people go crazy for those kind of things.

    8 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • What is your opinion on sex ed in schools?

    Do you think it is important or not? Should all schools teach sex ed? What in sex ed should schools teach?

    I took sex ed and I am better off for it. I learned all the risks, but was never scared into abstinence. I understood how to protect myself, rather than avoid sex completely. I was really surprised when I moved and realized the Arizona school system (specifically gilbert) were taught nothing but abstinence. Many girls didn't even know about ovaries and eggs or why periods happen. (i personally think this basic education is really important? what do you think?

    8 AnswersTeaching5 years ago
  • Would you not go to a doctor with a tattoo?

    I am currently working towards a medical career and was wondering how many people would not go to a doctor just because of a tattoo? I do have one on my shoulder blade (hidden at all times) but still I was curious if this would have a huge impact on your decision. I didn't think it would, but I have heard others speak out strongly against tattooed doctors, surgeons, etc. So what is your opinion on the matter?

    6 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • Dove anti-sexism athletics campaign is sexist?

    I saw one of the dove campaigns on twitter today saying, "athletes arent competing for your compliments" followed by sexist comments aimed ONLY at the women such as "perfect asses" and "bombshell brunnette.

    Do you think this is as sexist as I do? because lets not pretend all the girls arent saying similar compliments to the men athletes..I mean have you seen them?! Is something only sexist if it happens to women? because thats what society apparently wants us to think.

    10 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Why do you judge people with tattoos?

    If you personally judge people based on tattoos, what is your reasoning for it? For example, do you look unfavorably upon a salesman who might have one and why? (interchange salesman with teacher, doctor, etc).

    Im just curious to see peoples responses. Unfortunately I wish I could say I have never judged a persons tattoo, but sometimes I just think "oh my god, what were they thinking", whereas when you can tell it clearly has a lot of thought and love put into it, I react very differently. I respect those people more...Do your views on tattoos differ like this, or are you strictly against them? Why?

    Sorry this is probably very poorly worded1 I wanted to gain insight as to why tattoos are seen as "unprofessional". Yes sometimes they can show someone as rash or a bad decision maker, or the can be thoughtful and affectionate? i dont know...

    16 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • Whats your opinion on transgender people using the bathroom of their preferred gender?

    If you are not okay with it please give a solid answer as to why. Personally, it would catch me off guard at first to see a man in the womens bathroom, but stalls are there for a reason so I dont really care! Besides, I have used the mens bathroom plenty of times as there is usually no line.

  • Whats your view on disciplining a child?

    Just out of curiosity, how much "punishment" is too much in your opinion? Would you ever spank your child?

    I was spanked as a child and honestly I think im better off for it. That being said though I would never spank my own child?

    13 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Back tattoo healing?

    I am going to get my first tattoo on my upper back between my shoulder blades. I was wondering how long it would take to heal? It will take up a large portion on my upper back. I wanted to know, approximately how long it would be until I could put on a normal shirt? I plan on letting it breathe for a few days with an open back shirt, but i must wear a required uniform to work. I do plan on asking my artist, but since if I couldnt I would need to call off work relatively soon, I thought perhaps I could get an answer here faster. Also my job consists of quite a bit of movement and lifting. I can deal with pain, but would this type of work injure my tattoo? Any other advice would be appreciated also! Thanks!

    1 AnswerTattoos5 years ago
  • First time tattoo questions?

    I know no one can give me an exact answer, but I am just trying to figure out best I can what to expect.

    I want to get a colored wave tattoo with 2 lines of tribal tattoo underneath. It will be about 4.5 inches in length and roughly the same height. I want to get it inbetween my shoulder blades.

    If you are a tattoo artist: What is your best guess as to how long it will take to do? If the tribal print I want is on my moms ankle, would it be easy to trace it before hand (she lost the original drawing of it) or should I make a separate appointment? Also, what do most people do during a tattoo(like if i could withstand the pain would it be possible for me to watch a movie, listen to music, etc)?

    For those who have gotten their own tattoos: If you got a tattoo on your back, how much did it hurt for you? What did you to to keep your mind occupied during the tattoo? What was your most painful tattoo?

    Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • Capstone project ideas?

    Hi! Im a high school student and for my biomedical class this year we are doing a capstone project that solves a medical problem. Its very broad and I am having a hard time coming up with problems. I am interested in going into pediatrics so if anyone has any ideas that would be great! It seems like everytime I have an idea it already has a solution. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Why do so many black people blame racism when something doesn't go their way?

    Im not trying to be racist. I myself am black and I was curious why so many of by black friends just ASSUME that everyone is being racist towards them. For example, one of my friends got pulled over and given a speeding ticket and he instantly blame the "racist pig" cop, but he was speeding and deserved to be pulled over? Also my old boyfriend constantly complained about not getting any jobs he interviewed for simple because he was black, when i reality he dressed in sagging jeans and a t-shirt and never speaks with proper grammar.

    Im not saying in these cases racism couldn't be involved, but I am also a black american and I have never experienced racism this way. I have a well paying job and a clean record. I always obey laws, dress appropriately, and respect those around me. I understand a lot of black people do indeed face racism on a daily basis, but is that a reason to blame everything that goes wrong on racism?

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Why do some people say that parts of the bible are outdated?

    Just curious (not trying to be rude in anyway), but how can some people say they don't follow a certain part of the bible because it is "outdated" when the whole thing is really old anyway? Do you think this is a result of society and the new generation?

    Also, if you're religious what parts of the bible do you not believe in and why?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Why does everyone care so much about what other people are doing?

    If it doesn't affect you, why do you feel the need to say something? What are you trying to accomplish?

    5 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Why do I have to pay taxes when I can't vote?

    I am not 18 so legally I can't vote, however like the rest of the working population I have to pay taxes to the government. What happened to "No taxation, without representation". Why do I have to ay the government, but have no say in who it elects or how the money is spent? and why was the voting age set specifically at 18 in the first place? thanks!

    5 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • Are there driving age exceptions?

    Okay so i am 14 years old. I am already in high school and unfortunately wont be able to get my permit until junior year. I have been a couple grades ahead my whole life and (not to sound conceded or rude or anything) i believe i am definitely capable of driving. I feel like some of my friends would be a greater risk than i would.

    My main question is: is there anyway i could get the age i can drive waivered based on my personal experiences? (mostly the fact i am way ahead and just as capable as any other person in my grade already getting there permits)

    Im sorry this was so long and realize i will probably have to wait another 1 1/2 years but thank you anyways

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How to convince my mom to let me get a piercing and/or do it myself?

    I really want a lower lip piercing, but my mom says no. She said maybe when im older, but i dont wanna do it after i have gotten a job, or during a job.(im 14 and she said maybe when im 16!). I want to get it now so if need be i can get a small stud that wont be noticable for when im ready to get a job. This isnt a phase, i have done some research and have wanted this for quite sometime.

    If i cant convince my mom to ket me get one i plan on doing it myself. Any one on here done that befor and can offer good advice?

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • Why so many stupid laws? Anyone else think like me?

    Why are we so controlled to the point we can barely make some decisions ourselves. One example is how in some states you cannot buy a 16oz drink or whatever. In my opinion we are becoming incapable because our government is always there as a "backbone". I think its horrible that the government has to do this to control our weight and such. Honestly i dont think they should, people who can make the wrong and unhealthy choices should suffer the consequences. To me its kinda natural selection. But instead were over populating our world with unhealthy, problematic people.( dont wanna be rude but its happening)...anywho, anybody else think like this?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago