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  • Attachment image

    Does anyone with this cd player know how tp put on the radio on after you have ejected a cd?

    I bought the car 2nd hand and since I played a cd that's all I can do, I have pressed every button and I cant get the radio on.

    Please help

    1 AnswerCar Audio6 years ago
  • Dream about funerals?

    I had a dream last night about 3 family members funeral. 2 I am not close to but one I am, She had been cremated and she was going to be buried last so I stole her ashes and took them to a different cemetery and cried and got angry at her leaving me. I dreamed my family tried to cheer me up but for some reason I just got up and walked away and I saw the person who was burried in my dream, I went to hug her and she said she couldn t stay she was late and had to go and then I woke up. What does this mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • Can anyone make itunes work on windows 8.1?

    Everytime I load i tunes on my laptop my laptop cant find my phone and it never shows up in i tunes like it's apparently supposed to. The advice on apple dosen't work I have tried it multiple times. PLease help Im getting sick of this

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • What is multi car insurance exactly?

    I m living with my parents and looking at getting my own car and need cheap insurance. I have been told that multi car insurance will bring down the price but im unsure as how it works. Will me and my dad keep out own insurance policies and no claims and will we get one bill for both cars or separate. Please help

    7 AnswersInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • Which class should I do?

    My local fitness centre are now doing affordable fitness classes but I don't know weather to do boxcersise or circuit training. I want to get fit quick and gain some confidence but I don't want something that pushes me too hard. I don't really do any exercise because I have never had the money for the gym and don't have time to do exercise at home. Need advice on what is best please

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Spray tanning tips please?

    I'm planning a night out but I want a spray tan because I'm extremely pale and haven't go enough time for gradual tanner. Just need tips on how to prepare and how long before the night out should I get it, what should I wear when I go for it to stop my clothes getting stained and how do i maintain it as long as possible?

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Is women not shaving their armpits a feminist move or just personal choice?

    Lately I have seen lots of women posting armpit hair selfies (and dyed armpit hair selfies), some people are saying it's feminists making a stand about women feeling pressured to wax and shave their body hairs but surely some people just prefer to leave their body hair anyway. I believe in alot of femensit issues and what they stand up for but I could never let my body hair grow. Are there any women who do this?

    11 AnswersGender Studies6 years ago
  • How to get a toddler to sleep easier?

    I need tips to help get my 1 year old niece off to sleep easier. She fights sleep when she feels tired by running around getting up to mischief and cry's when she gets tired. I've tried walking the floor with her singing nursery rhymes and cuddling her in but she just cry's to stop herself sleeping. Most of the time her parents have a tough time but she will occasionally sleep on her mother cuddling but in less than a week my sister is going to hospital for c-section for her next baby and im babysitting over night. I just need ideas so i'm not trying to shush a crying toddler off to sleep at 10pm

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • What does it mean to dream you are pregnant?

    The other night I had a dream that I was pregnant and I was at the same stage in pregnancy my sister is in reality (in my dream she wasn't pregnant) but no one could tell I was pregnant because I wore a big coat that hid my bump. What does this mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation6 years ago
  • I was told to stop being so selfish by a so called friend, was this fair?

    In school I was bullied alot by one girl in particular and her group of friends. I started self harming and lost all my self confidence and one day I decided to go to my head teacher about it. My friend said 'don't be so selfish you know her dad left her mam before she was even born, you only think of your own petty problems' I never went to see my head teacher and lived with the bullying for years. 8 years later I still have no self confidence. Was my friend right to stop me or should I have gone and maybe saved myself my confidence. I know it make no difference but that thought keeps bugging me as to if she was in the right.

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why is there so much focus on victim blaming?

    Surely people should be blaming rapists and not the victims. People say if a women wears skimpy clothes she is asking to be raped but surely the rapist knows that forcing yourself on someone and forcing them to have sex with you is wrong no matter what she is wearing? Does this not just show to men that rape is fine because as long as she is wearing skimpy clothes it is all her fault?

    7 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why do some men on here think they can dictate to women what they should do with their bodies?

    Like some men on here say if a woman gets pregnant and she wants to keep the baby but her partner doesn't she should abort it like it's nothing. They take no consideration the huge emotional and physical affect this has on a woman or her own personal choice.

    Also men saying if a woman is over 120lbs she is overweight and needs to loose weight (were as for most women heights 120lbs is a healthy BMI).

    Why do these men feel they should be able to have control over women and not let them be happy and make thier own choices?

    16 AnswersGender Studies7 years ago
  • Why does my voice do this without me thinking about it?

    In my job I work in a bakery and I have noticed when I serve them my voice goes a little higher without me noticing, I only noticed today but according to workmates I have done that since I started. Why does my voice go higher without me even noticing?

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Help with big grease stain?

    I work in a bakery and cook and work with alot of greasy pasties and now my uniform has a huge grease stain. I have tried using washing up liquid and white viniger, stain remover and ironing with kitchen roll on top to try get it out but nothing works. I don't have the time or money to get it professionally cleaned. Any tips please?

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • How do I make him see thing's from my point of view?

    A few weeks ago I signed up to the blood donor register to give blood after my sister needed a blood transfusion in October it is something I have wanted to do, but as soon as I told my fiancé I signed up he hit the roof. He says his friend caught HIV from giving blood and he says there's a chance the same thing might happen to me so if I give blood we are over. I have looked up the changes of catching something and there is basically none with a trained nurse who wears gloves and uses a sterile needle from a sterile pack. I have looked up everything to put his mind at rest about it and he won't give up. I made him agree to let me get the implant after alot of arguments because he was worried I would catch something from that too bus only because it was in doctors office with a nurse with over 30 years experience he agreed. But giving blood he is so against, he wants me to call back and take my name off the register and says "they can't make you give blood".

    Please no one insulting my fiancé or me in the comment's I just need advise to sort this out

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • If god is everywhere anyway why go to church?

    If Christians believe god is always with them so why go to church to pray to him, why not just pray at home if he is with you there anyway?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Does god really forgive everyone?

    I've heard so much about prisoners being reformed in prison and 'finding god' and god forgives them. Does that mean god forgives you for murdering someone or raping someone of you believe in him. Why would be accept these disgusting people who obviously weren't feeling so guilty when they committed the crime.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago