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Alright guys. A lot of you are probably wondering why I've become so judgmental. Guess what, I was inspired by another contributor, who shall remain nameless, to play a little game called "Messing With Mermaid" or MWM, for short.

  • Has anyone played this game before?

    So I used to play this game with my uncle but I can't remember the name of it. But it went like this.

    He would choose a place on my body and try to fit as many fingers as he could in that place, and then I would do the same to him (I always won because my fingers were smaller).

    I'm trying to explain it to my work friend, but then she called the police, so I'm just trying to show her that it's a normal game, but I can't find the name of it anywhere! Help please.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Little worm like things in my basil plant. Good or bad?

    Im growing a basil plant in my room and there are lots of tiny white worm like creatures in the soil. Do i need to worry? What should i do?

  • Can i use a hair relaxer to make my hair wavy and not straight?

    I bought one of those $6 hair relaxing kits from CVS (the one w all the pictures of the black girls on it, because i wanted to relax my hair. My hair is about 6-7 inches long. Its naturally frizzy and bushy, but i want to straighten it, but not too straight!

    Can i just leave the relaxer in for less time? I normally use a coconut creme, but i have to apply that every day, and i dont rly want to do that. What should i do differently with the instructions in order to just wave my hair, not straighten.

    I appreciate it if u only speak from personal experience

    2 AnswersHair4 years ago
  • How can I let my family know that I'm not interested in talking about my sexuality?

    I'm 19 and gay (if this is relevant). I guess I don't really care about my family finding out I'm gay, but I've definitely been around and I don't really want my family finding out about that. Is this normal?

    My dad once asked me about my sex life, and which sex I felt more attracted to as some father-son bonding thing. I danced around that question, and tried telling him I wasn't really comfortable talking about it, but he persisted for a while but eventually stopped.

    Then my sister asked if I ever get horny. Then she told me she gets horny all the time. I told her I didn't want to talk about this, and she acted all surprised and claimed that I "don't trust her" and that I'm hiding something.

    I don't know why, but my family is just acting like I should be so comfortable talking about my sexual business with them and I'm not. It's not just because I'm gay either, if I were straight I'd still feel awkward. But they act like I'm hiding something and I need help.

    4 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Is "slut shaming" an outdated form of birth control?

    If you don't know what "slut shaming" is, it's basically saying that someone is bad if they have sex with a lot of people.

    Having sex with a lot of people could be a bad thing in the past when birth control wasn't widely available, because we would have women with more children than they knew what to do with, no knowledge of who the father is, and of course, an easier time spreading disease.

    However, nowadays, with birth control and protection, the spread of STDS and pregnancy can be drastically reduced. So people can have sex a lot without many negative consequences. But society still slut shames a lot. Is it just an old habit?

    4 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Why do foreign people laugh in English?

    Okay, I go to a college with a lot of international students. Lots of people from China and other Asian countries, some Latinos, some Hatians, and then a few people from Europe too. And they all speak different languages, but, I can't help but notice that they all laugh in English.

    And it's not just that, they also smile in English and sneeze in English too. Don't get me wrong, I respect foreign cultures and languages, but I also wonder.

    4 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Why are so many math teachers and professors foreign?

    IDK if this is true or not, but it seems that in every town with more last names than KKK branches, there's always a math teacher/professor who's not American.

    Like even in my town. We had a Russian, Panamanian, and Togoan in the math department.

    And at my univ, a lot of teachers are from Asian countries.

    I don't consider myself xenophobic, but it just seems weird.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • If we took 50 3-year-old boys and 50 3-year-old girls in a room with lots of toys, what do you think would happen?

    It's kind of a gender experiment.

    Let's say these toys are very diverse, they have trucks, guns, dolls, pots and pans, blocks, balls, strollers, animals, all that.

    And lets say they come in all different colors, blue, pink, purple, red, green, black, etc.

    What do you think would happen?

    a) boys would choose the "boy toys" and girls would choose the "girl toys"

    b) boys would gravitate towards blue toys and girls would gravitate towards pink toys

    c) a and b

    d) other

    and why???

    5 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Why are people "immature" if they think periods are gross.?

    I swear every time someone (especially a man) cringes at the mention of a period or something related, like a tampon, people get offended and act like he's some sort of baby, and how periods are "natural" and "not gross".

    Like I saw this meme on Facebook about a woman who had accidentally menstruated in her bed, and people were all like "oh my god, that's not gross, it's natural, and you're an asssshole for thinking so"

    Poop is natural. Pee is natural. That doesn't stop us from being grossed out when people talk about poop or pee. Why is period on a pedestal?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • What percentage of people make a stereotype true?

    So I can say shyt like "latinos are violent" what percentage of latinos must be violent?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Why is Trump so ratchet?

    And why is Hillary such a tightass?

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Okay, how do we go about reducing sexual assault now?!?

    "Teach men not to rape."

    -Riiiight because only men rape, women NEVER rape.

    "Okay, teach rapists not to rape."

    -Riiiiight, because a rapist thinks "What, rape is wrong! Geez, I didn't know, now I'll stop."

    "Lectures about what consent is?"

    -That's stupid. Now you want people to sign contracts just to have sex.

    How do we go about teaching people about sexual assault without people always b*tching about it.

    3 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Why have I seldon seen a company that uses affirmative action?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't support it, but it definitely doesn't seem as common or prevalent as people thing. Like, only about 1 out of 10 companies in my experience uses it. The rest are equal opportunity.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • When did it suddenly become okay to judge a book by it's cover?

    I swear, nowadays it seems perfectly okay to say "If he didn't want to get shot, he shouldn't have dressed like a thug." "If you don't want people to think you're a slut, cover up your body." "Muslim people commit a lot of terror attacks so of course I'm going to be scared when I see one on a plane."

    Like geez. I thought making assumptions about people based on stereotypes was supposed to be a BAD thing!

    10 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Americans kill more Americans than ISIS kills Americans. Why are we so focused on ISIS?

    Americans have a much bigger chance of being killed by another American, yet they go on about how they need to target ISIS.

    18 AnswersPoetry5 years ago
  • Why do some people say "If you don't like America than get out?"?

    Shouldn't these people be saying "If you don't like America, than work to change it for the better."

    11 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • What might this animal be (small, wiggly, pale)?

    They were these very small worm like creatures (about 7-10 mm)

    They flagellated constantly

    The were segmented

    They were kind of very light brown colored, like sand

    They were living in a puddle of water in a tree.

    There were also some black animals that were slightly wider, but also segmented, flagellating, etc.

    What might they be?

    3 AnswersZoology5 years ago