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IM me if you like but don't expect an answer if i'm not in the mood

  • WIKILEAKS 'insurance.aes256' any idea what it contains ?

    Along with Wikileaks struggle with US-officials based on the current issue of releasing thousands of classified files from a military information system and the Pentagon being not that much amused about that, they now released a 1.4 GB encrypted file, which might look like a sort of Insurance.

    What's inside ?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Can one measure 'c' accurate enough to ...?

    figure the following ...

    Standard-Theory denies the presence of 'ether' as a medium where light 'travels through' whereas earlier science was likewise addicted to this point of view.

    Now i found the following:

    Sound (as a propagating wave) travels 5000 times faster in steel as in air (applause) .. now i heard light would need a VERY rigid media in order to reach such a high speed, IF there is a media at all. Could this be Dark matter ?

    Now how to proof that ?

    Can one build an experiment accurate enough to measure the speed of light far far away from a gravitational influenced area (in my opinion containing a higher amount of 'unknown media') like the sun to proof or disproof whether there IS such a 'media' .. just for getting to know whether we can finally put the 'ether' stuff down into the grave ?

    Can we ?

    Whats your opinion on this ?

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • HDMI problem, no more analog signal from the soundcard?

    well this is different.

    where a million users have trouble getting their HD Audio interface working that way that it may offer sound at their display device in extraordinary great quality, i face a totally different problem, since my HDMI (only) equipped TFT does not have sound capabilities at all.

    So i want to use my legendary old Speakers or my headphones in the analog output at the soundcards rear end.

    But for some reason Windows XP concluded that HDMI is the one and only device, and shuts down everything else the very moment the windows welcome sound is played for a short moment on the analog jacks... nice

    I checked everything, got newest drivers, even installed Windows multiple times and put an extraordinary old crappysoundcard™ into my PC just to figure that XP kind of hijacked my Audio in order to put it to an incapable device.

    I would love to have an answer from someone with some insight what's going on here, since i run out of ideas

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • How can i create a Video using a specific idea ? (read details)?

    I would like to create a music-video with an editing software...

    Its fast music, and i need need to do many fast and dramatic cuts which match the music pattern.

    Now i thought i create an additional videotrack where i can actually see ..'changes' .. helping me to 'see' where to put in sequences i preselected somewhere....

    trouble is ... how ?

    From filming a VU-meter on the mixer to paying for a dancer jumping around to the rhythm......any idea is highly appreciated....

    Or is there any software on the market doing some sort of thing ?

    (The thing is.. i did hat without such a 'helping track' and it needs DAYS for just 5 minutes music)

    who did that before and how, using which software ?

    yeah and sure this is the wrong category .. any idea in which it would fit ?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Problem calculating the current with a 3 phase motor?

    <sigh> i know its trivial but i'm no more used calculating it, but now i need to and i'm unsure how it works.

    i know P=U*I

    but i know there was a factor for 3 phase engines like SQR(3)

    now i'm confused how to proper calculate the current for a motor.

    The plate on it reads 1.7 kw / 5.9 kw as i assume this is the wattage in star/delta config.

    how much current do i have to expect in Delta or Star configuration at a voltage of 400 Volts phase to phase 230 Volts phase to neutral. how much current do i have to expect for startup ?

    and how do i get there (thats even more important to know)

    can someone help me ?

    2 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • what else on earth can produce a massive electromagnetic pulse ... ?

    if its NOT (!!!) a nuclear bomb...

    ok, this is not a homework question and nothing to be tested in dad's old garage. I'm just asking for curiosity reasons, remembering that military aircraft are tested how they survive an EMP.

    sooo how can one produce a massive EMP without polluting earth....

    any idea ?

    6 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Drilling for Oil in international Waters .. how's the law ?

    Lets say i decide to drill for oil in international waters.. what rules do i have to obey ?

    are there any ?

    Is there any oil rig being operated like this ?

    just curious ;)

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • has this being tested along with singularities ?

    ok, if it comes to singularities the laws of classic physics break apart. its a single point in space with infinite mass.

    some say its believed they might exist inside a black hole.

    Others say its the origin of our universe when it initially came to an unexplainable expansion of such a singularity.

    Now i'm curious

    What if.. the universe did not have a big bang, but a some sort of 'inner expansion' of such a single point.

    Lets assume this single point (maybe in a black hole) is in fact the outer shell of a space which is shrinking inside such a thing

    couldn't it create a 'universe' inside with its own physical laws ?

    where we sit in right now having the impression that the continuous shrinking is still going on for 13 billion years and appears as an expansion for us sitting inside ?

    what do you think ?

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • vacuum energy - does its ammount vary under gravitational influence ?

    ok, vacuum energy thought of to be the direct result of dark energy being present in our universe has been veryfied (as far as i remember) by putting to metal plates at a small distance to each other, measuring the diference of such fluctuations between both plates and the outside, as a force.

    (was it called casimir-effect ?)

    Now i think .. does this ammount vary under gravitational influence of some sort, and if so can you give any numbers to it ?

    anyone tried the experiment on the ISS for example ?

    any numbers at all to get an imagination about how strong the effect is ?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • The solar system as a former binary-star system ?

    how could we find out (or rule out) that the solar system is a former binary-star system ?

    just found that interesting to ask, cause of a new NASA release about multiple star systems detected with the spitzer-telescope

    16 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain deSitter-space ?

    yep .. has to do with schwartzschild geometry/black holes

    i could dig for it, but i'm afraid i need an inititial direction about where to dig ?


    i'm just lazy , forgive me

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Can reality exist without time ?

    Lets say you just take away time from something, whats happening then ? is there still a reality ? what do you think ?

    Or imagine you take away space instead ?

    Will there be reality with no space ?

    I just tried to imagine that for a single particle in the universe with nothing else in, but i can't really figure.

    any idea ?

    27 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Can temperature rise endlessly ?

    Lets say you put some matter in an ideal contraption of some sort.

    This contraption can hold it regardless what the matter does, expansion etc.

    and you start inducing energy to it, making it heat up.

    and do that nearly endlessly.

    what would happen ?

    is there any upper limit given till you cannot heat it up anymore ?

    of course this is fictional cause at some point you may loose your contraption or you run out of energy, but assume its an ideal place ... what will happen ?

    11 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • what about a black holes surface temperature (read details)?

    for having an idea....

    a black hole has a surface which must not necessarily be the same as the diameter of its event horizon.

    This is (as far as i know) depending on the BH size and should make it possible for certain types of BH to have some Space between EH and surface.

    So ok we can't observe the surface...

    what will happen if this surface get heated up, lets say by infalling matter in hughe ammounts (neutron star or bigger).

    Is it heating up ? will it do so ?

    or not ?

    and if so CAN it heat up endlessly ?

    15 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • How can one proof that there is a singularity inside a black hole ?

    ..without jumping in, of course...

    this is one of the questions where i'm not that sure..

    is there any mathematical proof ?

    I know there are some alternative ideas, but i heard it was shown that there must be a singularity

    So can someone please be so kind and shed some light onto this ? ;)

    10 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • If you have an infinite ammount of something and you take something from it, is it still infitinite ?

    ok ok, i possibly get the prize for the most stupid question today, but not being genius i think i give it a try ;)

    18 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Hawkings bet about 'naked singularities' .. solved ?

    As far as i remember Hawking had a bet running with Penrose that naked singularities couldn't exist ..

    Has this been solved yet ?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Is there anything known which could destabilize a black hole ?

    yes, ok i know what a black hole is

    i think i know alot about them, but i can't get rid of the idea that there must be some kind of scenario which could lead to the destruction of such a thingy.

    -scenario's of (exotic) matter falling into

    -highspeed merging with other holes

    -vibration caused by infalling matter (maybe exotic matter)

    is there anything like that imaginable ? what do you think ?

    i hope to get a few very weird ideas here ;)

    16 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Is this a used planet ?

    Well some people can't really get off this strange thought that we have been created just 6000 years ago.

    ok let this settle, in my opinion this is ... uhm...

    Now since there's strong evidence that this planet is 4.5 billion years old... then how comes that we GOT A USED ONE... and not a brandnew ?

    now let us guess who owned it before ...

    5 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Why are so many people freaking out on simple astronomic findings?

    like the presence of asteroids

    like the existence of black holes

    etc. etc.

    Are people really THAT stupid ?

    Why is every minor finding out there forming into an end of the world scenario of some sort ?

    i have alot of understanding into peoples fears, but if something like that would threaten me, i would check for details first, before i start postulating horror-scenarios, don't you think ?

    So whats up with the broad public ?

    is it just me seeing this annoying trend ?

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago