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Lv 2387 points

danni s

Favorite Answers9%
  • How do you save on Desmume?

    Can someone explain the saving and loading states, and the importing/exporting backup memory stuff? Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What are your favorite tv shows?

    I'm looking for something new to try :) here are some of my past/current faves:

    himym (my all time favorite, hands down, but I tried the new season and I don't like it much :/)

    breaking bad (I just started this, it's pretty awesomee)

    rich man poor woman (sooo good, and really new; wayyy too short though :( it's really different from the rest, being it's a japanese miniseries, but I loved it!)

    america's next top model (I just watch this once in awhile, as a guilty pleasure sort of thing :P)

    gossip girl (mainly season 1, then it went downhill pretty fast)

    I watched a few episodes of prison break and liked that, but never really got around to continuing it. And as looked down upon as it may be, jersey shore was really quite entertaining and I kind of liked it too

    I might also try suits and dexter soon :) as you can probably see, I have a pretty wide range of tastes. I like anything romantic, funny, dramatic, actionpacked, dirty, or gory lool :P got any other recommendations? thanks!

    5 AnswersComedy9 years ago
  • Is redline merchandise clearance items?

    Soo abercrombie and hollister are having a sale where the entire store is 40% off, and on the abercrombie website it says the sale is 'not valid on redline merchandise' :

    does that mean only regular price items are 40% off, and not clearance items? (on the website there's only a regular section and a clearance section, soo not too sure what redline merchandise is if it's not clearance..)

    Also, it doesn't say this on the hollister website, so I assume at hollister everything is an additional 40% off, not just regular priced items? correct me if I'm wrong :P

    thanks!! :)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Which plaid skirt would you buy?

    heyy guyys, so I have a lot of skirts (around 7 or 8), but I don't have a plaid one and lately I've reallly wanted one. My mom's kinda pissed at me though, cause I have so many skirts, and about half I don't wear since I got them 2/3 years back and they're VERY childish and overly girly :$ so anyway, I was on the hollister and abercrombie sites today and I was looking at the different plaid skirts, and I'm thinking about getting one in a few days, preferably a cheaper one so she'll be cool with it

    I really like red or blue plaid skirts, not dark navy or green

    soo considering price, color, and appearance, which one would you guys get/like the most?

    thanks! :) <3

    and if you know any other places to get cheap and pretty skirts, please share! ;) or any other skirts you like :) they're all superrr cheap right now, which is awesomee




    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Question about the latin genitive case?

    In Latin, if we were to say, the girl's book, girl would be genitive; however, would book be accusative, since it is the subject, or would it be nominative?


    1 AnswerHomework Help10 years ago
  • What happens if you use an expired heat pack?

    You know those heat pack/ body warmers/ whatever they're called? The ones where you open them and they heat up, for sports injuries or the cold or something like that? Well, I have one that expired in may of this year... yeah, just wondering if anyone knows what happens when you use it:P Does it just not work as well/at all, or does it become dangerous in any way?

    thanks! ^.^ :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • My mom got bitten by my 4 month old puppy and she's bleeding?

    The puppy hasn't had her rabies shot yet and has been outside for walks around a few other dogs a few times, but has never been bitten by one; should my mom get a rabies shot?

    10 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Pomeranian or Papillon?

    Which one do you like better and why?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Know any places to get really cute dresses?

    Hey, I just loveee the summer dresses at Victoria's Secret, J Crew, Forever 21, and Bergners. I don't normally shop there, but I went on their webpages today and all the dresses are sooo cute!

    Know any other places with similar dresses?


    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Sparkly birthday present that starts with the letter P? =P?

    hey, so my friend bought me a bday present, and she said that it is sparkly, not clothing, and starts with the letter P. I'm pretty sure the price would be between $20-$50, and I'm reallllly curious.

    Any guesses as to what it might be?

    lol thanks guys=)

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • How much hair dye (the box kind, Garnier Nutrisse to be exact) would I need to use?

    I have pretty long dark brown/black hair, and I'm planning on dying it a dark red color.

    My mom and I always buy one box of hair dye and then we share it, and it never drastically changes our hair color, just lightens it a bit and gives it a tint of reddish brown. Usually, maybe every year or two, we go to a salon and dye it, but sometimes just for fun we use the box hair dyes.

    I was just wondering if it matters how much hair dye you use; would one box be enough for both of us, or would the color be stronger if we each used a box instead and applied more? She thinks it won't make much of a difference, but idk=P just wondering.


    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Nicknames for four best friends?

    k so our names are Rachel (my real name is Danni, so you can use that too), Raisa, Stephanie and Jessica=)

    any ideas for good nicknames for us?

    maybe something kinda matchy, or something just based on our actual names.

    if you don't have nicknames for all four of us, a nickname for just one of us would be good too!

    thanksss guys=)

    8 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is life like in toronto men's prisons?

    Please describe, or give any websites that talk about this!

    Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What time and channel does the Ellen Degeneres show air in Toronto, Canada?

    The time and channel in Toronto, ON Canada

    3 AnswersTalk Shows1 decade ago
  • Rabbit has tiny bumps on stomach!?

    My male rabbit is about six months old and has grown tiny bumps all over his stomach! At first he only grew one or two bumps, but now he has four or five bumps! He doesn't seem to be in pain or anything, and is still very active outside of his cage, but he has been acting very timid and inactive inside his cage, shying away when I try to get him out of the cage. He uses Pine/Cedar shavings, and I've heard that those can be bad for rabbits, so maybe that has something to do with the bumps? Also, he doesn't get fed any hay, Does that have something to do with the bumps, because if it does I'll starting feeding him hay. He is a Polish Rabbit. I have also read that little bumps can lead to cancer. Is that possible? He is still eating his food and water, and hasn't been acting differently, except for being more timid and inactive when in his cage. Another thing is that about a week ago he stopped eating his treats [carrot drops] when I hand fed them to him [he would eat them later if they were in his cage], but is acting normal again now. Please help!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Most interesting hair?

    you know, color, style, that sort of thing. What kind of hair would you say is most interesting? [tell me color, style, and place you would wear it] be imaginative plz!!!

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • what kind or dog looks most like a rabbit? [stupid question, i know]?

    i like pretending my rabbit is a dog [really strange] so does anyone know which dogs look most like rabbits? [my rabbit is white with black patches and isn't a lop rabbit]

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • A good name for a dog and a baby?

    can someone give me a good name for a little dog [girl Dachshund] and a baby [also a girl]?

    the girl has red hair [if that helps]

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What are your fave names for a small female dog?

    She's a five month old Dachshund

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago