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Lv 43,906 points

Maraquis Shogo

Favorite Answers8%

I am opinionated, I love to write and eat. I read a lot and watch a ton of anime. I own over 200 manga and read double that. I like creativity and drawing. Coming to this site I think I like it because it's just giving opinion and gaining new experience towards subjects.

  • Period it stress?

    I have had what I guess what you would call a stressful month. I started college with 15 credit hours and have a job I work 15 hours a week at and had a boss who would yell at me. my dad was getting very frustrated cause the house was becoming a mess. And my period is two days late, its worrying me. Because about two weeks ago me and my bf did it but he came outside. Im a little paranoid though. Im going to the obgyn and I am scared to get the news of your a preggers chick..

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • my Iphone 6s fried and i have had it almost over a year?

    I was at the hospital and my pocket heated up and my phone was burning up then cooled and wouldnt turn on. I have to take it up to ATT will they replace it for me or what will happen? I was washing dishes and my hands were wet when i start getting sick and i was trying to call a doctor I think it could have gotten into he phone but im not sure..

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • A dc animated movie?

    When I was a kid I watched a a marvel movie it was animated and it was contained batman meeting the Marian man hunter for the first time. I remeber they went to a back alley diner and manhunt we and Wayne were talking about this race of alien that wiped out his people and he escaped along the lines of it. The aliens were invading earth and replacing important people and the justice league banded together to stop it. I remeber in the end that they found a nest and the they were saving the people but one of the heroes got trapped and almost dies. It was about 2004 or something cause I was younger and the animation wasn't that good quality.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation5 years ago
  • I like this dude and he's four years older than me I'm 17 close in a few months to turn 18 is this weird?

    I'm curious cause I like him but my dads overprotective but i will not lie to him about this guys it weird? This guy is pretty cool and we get along and stuff so?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Does he like me?

    Theres this guy I am interested in, I think he mag like me but im not sure. He does things like wanting me to hold his hand, sniffing me, whispering in my ear, and he gave me a back rub too.. in general I think he does but im not too sur...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • cactuc question?

    I have a little cactus its really cute and seems to be doing well, but it's about four years old. The problem is it has only gotten taller by a centimeter at the most, I was told by the nursery lady it was a golden barrel. It's only an inch in diameter and it's suppose to be double that at the age it is.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden6 years ago
  • For those whom live in the United States: Does living in the USA really suck as much as everyone says it does?

    I live in the USA too it's that I hear so many down it I just want others opinons upon the subject

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • What are these movie things?

    The other day I was cleaning out a relatives attic and found a few boxes with these little movie poster type things. They are about six by nine inches each and most of them are a hard paper material, but some are plastic. The movie poster things have movies on them like life as we know it, butterfly effect 3, Five-year engagement, and the office season four. I would be very appreciative if you tolf=d me what they are and what they are used for, thank you.

    3 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • is the cheshire cat and grim fairytales copyrighted?

    I would like to use the cheshire from the books alice and wonderland not the movies well just the name per that legal? would I get sued? also is the grim fairytales also same goes for the grim fairy tales..

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • is nick going to come out with a third series of avatar?

    For example if korra's older and it shows what's changed or the next generation from that cause that would be really cool to see! what your guys thoughts of that or how would you like the new series to consist of/

    2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Stomach problems...what r they?

    I'm anemic and get intestinal viruses more than normal as well but I have had this problem since I was little..I feel like its from starvation cause I do Starve myself well forget to eat or just don't feel like it then if I don't eat by the next day I get severe pain in my stomache like it's shiveling then I may vomit but I do have bad diaheria and can't move but have to force feed myself bread and it gets better then...what is it?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • Eating disorder or not?

    if I miss breakfast I get really sick and have stomach cramps so bad I have a hard time breathing and may start hyper ventilating then I may have diaheria and vomit and if I don't eat something like bread in time it keeps getting worse and I have a eating order of some sort?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • My rice pudding is soupy, help!?

    I made rice pudding and it was really soupy but i followed the recipe i just put it in the fridge to sit for a while but is it normal to be soupy before the fridge or did i do something wrong

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Expired milk?

    This morning I had about sixteen ounces of sweet chamamile milk tea but I can't remember the expiration date on the milk and now im feeling queasy what should I do? Also what could happen

    3 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago