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I like singing and music..I like to travel and I have, but, for me the places I've been are not so important as the people I've encountered along the way. I got a high school diploma - which I never needed, even slightly, and never darkened the door of a university. I got my "education" from listening to the news, BBC, staying away from TV and trying to pay attention when something was interesting or timely! I don't like big words. I have been able to learn five languages to a conversational level and know snatches of four or five more -learned by exposure! If you ask a sincere question, I'll answer, I may be tough, jovial or I might explain. I specialize in extensive answers, not short for points. Bible knowledge, and application is a strong point. Especially "endtime prophecy"! General experience: construction, photography, geography, basic auto mechanics, driving safetey, world events, ecological trends, woodworking, kids, performing. I love nature, especially trees.

  • What tense (or other construction "label") is this?

    "Having already submitted our decision, we regretted not having waited longer."

    "He admitted to having broken the window on the previous day."

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Why doesn't (big mouth) Maher do his homework?

    Ok I like NEVER watch Fox, but anyway they had a link from Yahoo to Fox O'Reilly with an interview with this Know-it-all atheist (Maher), ("The old grey Maher, he ain't whut he used ta be") running down the Bible and saying "If it's from God why are there so many things wrong" (Ad infinitum).

    Then he proceeds to tell us the Bible says "..if you see your neighbor working on "Sunday"... he said "Sunday" and repeated himself 3 or 4 times. (How dumb and self-important can you GET, while calling other people "stupid"?)

    Bible doesn' t say "Sunday" (and never DID!) it says "the Sabbath" (which was ...and still IS, sundown Friday to sundown Saturday.. ask ANY Rabbai!)

    Poor soul is living in a dream world! Anything burns me UP, it's someone quoting the Bible, who obviously doesn't know that much about it, and doesn't want to read it either. Dont like religion, or God, stay AWAY from them! But want to go head to head with the truth.. hey, at LEAST do your homework, before ridiculing Christians when you can't even see where they're coming from OK?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Warum??? Hat der Deusche Bahn Mitfahrgelegenheiten aufgefressen?

    Jetzt wollte ich schauen Mitfahrgelegenheiten von Berlin nach Erfurt. Es entsteht aber NUR lauter Deutsche Bahn angeboten! Zwie ganzen Blätter Aber keinerlei Mitfahrgelegenheit mit irgend ein Auto, und auch kein Link dafur.

    Haben die DB das Site aufgekauft, oder sind sie so heimlich hinein cybergeschlicken daß keiner das weiss.

    Wenn ich die blöde deutsche Bahn möge, denn gehe ich auf ihren site, aber ich wollte mitfahren und ich kann das gar nicht sehen für lauter Zug Angebote daß ich gar nicht wunsche!

    Das werde die ganzen Mitfahrer UND Fahrer kaput machen. Kommt mir vor wie einer Amerikanische Monopol das jedlichen Konkurence vernichtet, oder die fünf Britische Fluglinien daß conspiriert haben, der Freddy Laker kaput zu machen im früh 80'er Jahren. Aber ins Gericht waren sie entdeckt, und sind sowieso alle bleite gegangen ausser British Airways.

    Haut AB ihr Fetten Bahnies von unsern Mitfahrgelegenheit Sevice. Ihr wollte nur sowieso es vernichten und jedlicher konkurenten auschalten... meine ich, oder so seht es aus.

    4 AnswersSonstiges - Reisen10 years ago
  • Why doesn't the "all new wonderful" Yahoo know that I'm already signed in to Yahoo?

    They say I've GOT to change! They say I CAN'T keep my old one anymore. (even though the design on the "new" one looks rather like a mausoleum with all that black everywhere, and I've already noticed that there are PLENTY of things that DON'T work as well and are more inconveniant. OK, great, it's free so I tried to change. (Personally, I think whoever designed it does not even USE Yahoo Mail).

    Now, when I try to comment on any article, I get a "sign in as": When I click Yahoo, and sign in (again).... yeah, right, STILL! NOTHING happenes, NOTHING! It still does not submit anything. Just stays there like a tombstone.

    Before, all the Yahoo sights KNEW if I were signed in or not.

    Do Yahoo people even USE Yahoo?

    Can I fix it?

    (Anybody wants to sell you a vacuum cleaner, ask him, point blank: "Do YOU own one? How does it work for YOU?" If he doesn't think it's good enough to use himself, then why should YOU buy one?!)


    1 AnswerNotices and Errors10 years ago
  • How can I explain to Yahoo?

    Yahoo will soon enact (Their latest version of ) the "all new" Yahoo.

    First, they tell me how commendable it is that I have been at Yahoo for such a long time. Then they follow up the "heavy" boo..M! Ultimatum that I HAVE to have either make Google, Internet Explorer, or Firefox my browser. What about my OWN wonderful browser. Last time I used Internet Explorer, it looked like a cross between Coney Island and Las Vegas, just plain FULL of Cheap Junk, in bad taste!!

    That's all very nice, but isn't there ANY way to talk to Yahoo, and ask them why (on earth) I can't keep my VERY nice, clean, Fast, user-friendly browser?

    How do I contact either Opera or Yahoo before the "sky falls"?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Aren't there any engineers with guts?

    These efforts to "cool" the reactors in Japan seem to be puny at the best. Sort of stop-gap (maybe face-saving) "well at least were doing something" efforts. (Like calling the fire department to Chernobyl.)

    Like trying to put out the fire in a pizza oven with a spray bottle , by spraying the bricks on the outside-- ain't gonna happen.

    I am not an engineer, however, it seems that letting off the steam, DECREASES the amount of water to cool the rods, eventually meaning NO water and a real meltdown.

    Doesn't anyone understand that getting that cool water circulating again is the ONLY real and viable solution and protection against a disaster, whether it be days or hours from now?

    Having said that, I have some questions for the engineers:

    Are these diesel aggregate back ups generators or pumps?

    1) If they are pumps, can't electricity be put to them?

    2) If they are generators, can they be used as motors by putting electricity to them?

    3) If all the electric parts are damaged by seawater and unusable, can't SOME kind of pumps be put in there? I realize you're dealing with radio active or exposed water, but if the thing blows completely or melts down, you're gonna have a MUCH bigger problem!.

    Maybe all this sounds naive, but pouring water from the outside, on the outer shell.. it's like trying to keep your car from overheating by taking off the radiator cap. Or stop a furnace from catching fire, when the thermostat's broken by spraying water on the roof!

    To me, it sounds like (up until now) nobody really knows what they're doing, OR what NEEDS to be done.

    This is not funny business! This is like a major life-or-death, sink or swim, last ditch effort, just like a war! You don't have time to discuss or philosophies about whether or not the enemy is shooting real bullets.. or you'll be a dead duck.

    Stopping this thing is not something that can be "played by the rules"!

    How can these questions be brought to those who can do something about it?

    2 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Patriot or Traitor: What do you think?

    Take a look at the kind of stuff he was running. Why shouldn't these guys (and gal) be afraid about the truth (about themselves) getting out and want to shut him up. But isn't he he possibly doing a service to mankind?

    They said to Jesus, "Say we not well (Haven't we go it figured out right? Admit it!) That thou art a Samaritan and hath a devil?" (John 8:47, 48)

    If the status quo were so bold as to discredit Jesus, don't you think they will make havoc for any OTHER broadcaster of the truth?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • "..whom I loved very much.." or "who I loved very much.."?

    Stumped! Thought I was pretty "clued in" about this kind of stuff, but I can't figure out if loved (in this case ) is transitive or intransitive. Can you Help? Thanks

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Could anyone in India please tell me what a "laddu" is?

    It says , "sweets made out of juggery and laddus" ..but I don't have "a-clue" what that might be.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do you think BP stockholders should have been allowed to dump their stocks after 20 April?

    Didn't they make bundles from all this drilling?

    As stockholders, weren't they (at least partially) responsible for this fiasco?

    Now, as they "jump ship" they are decreasing BP's ability to respond to their liability.

    I believe there should have been a moratorium on stock sales, from the point of the (possibly criminal) man-made drilling disaster, UNTIL such time as the leak is STOPPED for GOOD, and the chips have COMPLETELY fallen, as to what the damage REALLY is and how and if it can be fixed!

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why does the pitch vary?

    When I play MP 3 (or .ogg) files on my computer, not only are there "stutters" and drop outs, but the pitch seems also to drift slightly up and down. Why is this, and what can I do to to fix it.

    (My understanding of computers is limited but I can try.)

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Help!! How do I opt out of "Farmtown"?

    There doesn't seem to be any "unselect" or "cancel" button. Please, can you give me a step-by-step, to opt out...I mean REALLY out of this thing? ----Beleaguered


    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Muslim brothers: Is there anything similar to this in the Qur'an?:?

    I am not very familiar with the writings of the Qur'an. Maybe someone who is better read in it could answer this, and help me with this idea..

    In the gospels, Jesus (PBUH.) when speaking to his disciples, said that if we do NOT forgive other men their sins toward US, that God will also not forgive US for our sins to Him and to others. (Matthew 6:15)

    That would mean that --in essence-- OUR mercy, which we might expect from God (Allah) is related to the mercy and forgiveness we show to OTHERS. ("Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.") (Matthew 5:7)

    I realize that many who call themselves Christians do NOT practice this principle, but rather, operate on the principle of "pay back", vindication, and even "get you WORSE, FIRST", (Galatians 5:15) but that is not my POINT, just as it is certainly not to be found in the teachings of Jesus (PBUH.)

    My question is only this: Are there similar ideas or principles to be found in the Qur'an, and what would some of the specific verses be?

    Thank you! Peace be upon you, too!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Wolfram Alpha gonna do away with all of us dedicated answerers ?!?

    I just read about this thing they cooked up at Harvard,. It's like software that understands normal language and gives answers.

    Are we now redundant??? After all these diligent, heartfelt weeks and months and even YEARS of answers.

    Can we really be replaced by a .. a.. a DROID!? A program. Good grief!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Your opinion: What do these three Bible verses have to do with the dilemna in which America finds herself?

    "A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked." (Psalm 37:16)

    "The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth." (Psalm 37:21)

    "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

    (You can use these links to compare with other translations.)

    I mean, basically, what I'm asking is do you think it was right for the brokers to make tons of money by lying to people about their value? Was it wrong for people to lie about their ability to pay? Was it honorable for people who had promised to pay a certain amount to back out, only because they realized they had goofed.

    Is it fair to strap everyone else with the conscious premeditated sins and il-intent of these people? Isn't it a sin to lie? Can we classify these attatudes as "wicked"?.. because they surely seem to be messing it up for the rest of us ?

    Your thoughts...

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • They had their war; we saw the boom; is this the "BUST"?

    I wonder who could possibly believe that the most indebted nation on the earth, while involved in an exorbitant war, and already tripled their national debt in the last 8 years, and then gone into hock, almost as much deeper again, to prop up the Fanny's and the Freddies, (the spell checker offered me "Fred dies" as an option, Ha!) seriously has the teeniest - tiniest inclination of a chance to be able to stand behind any of these institutions. What imbecile could possibly believe them?

    Do they have any choice, though? If they don't back all these securities (sic) firms, and throw good (?) money after bad,.the next thing will be that dollar holders the world over, will want to cash them in asap before they're just worthless paper.

    3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • How mad do you think the devil is?

    Is there any length he wouldn't go to to discredit believers today? (Media "exclusives" etc.) Didn't Jesus actually mention some of the shenanigans he and his folks would dig up? Did the media and the religious establishment of the day have good things to say about Jesus? Got any good verses on it? Why should we expect things to, somehow, be different today?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Eternal life.. What're ya gonna DO?

    Ok so you you're a Christian believer and you're going to heaven, or a Muslim who is preparing to live forever in Paradise, or, heck, whoever you are, if you plan to live forever, in God's kingdom, what are you planning to actually spend your time DOING there?

    This is not a "scoff". I'm dead serious. So many spend so much time working toward or trying to figure out how to GET to heaven, but what can we expect it to be LIKE and what're we gonna DO there.

    What are YOUR ideas..your plans.. your thoughts.. your wishes?

    Thanks in advance!

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do YOU know about the anti-christ?

    I mean plenty of people are saying all sorts of things about him. You can go on the youtube and see probably ten videos where people are hailing all sorts of different world leaders as the anti-christ, including Bush (no joke) the pope and even poor Juan Carlos!

    But I'd like to pool all we can put together of what the Bible really says about him, his reign, his powers, his purpose and his eventual demise. Sort of like a learning siminar. If you can't give the actual verse, please give at least the chapter. Thanks! I'm looking forward to this! See what we come up with.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the big Gripe about $4??!!?

    In Europe they're payin' closer to $8 a gallon. Yesterday morning I paid 1.559 (EUROS!) per liter (do the math!) Now THAT'S high! Believe it or NOT you guys still have it comparatively GOOD! Thank God my motor's 1.1 liter

    OUCH! I did the math, It's $ 9.047 per gallon, HA!

    5 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago