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Lv 615,333 points

Johnny Relentless

Favorite Answers15%

I love to write short stories, read long books, and wonder about pointless things. I like to draw, but I don't really paint. I'm a soldier and an atheist, not necessarily in that order. Creationists boggle my mind. Not their beliefs, just the fact that grown-ups can believe them. I like to scuba dive and snow ski, but never at the same time. When I'm around other people I usually come across as extremely cool or extremely dorky, and I'm rarely right about which one it is. I'm 42 and I think I may have started to grow up a little recently, but the jury is still out. I lost my mom, my sister and my 16-year-old niece in a car accident a few months ago, and I've taken custody of the 2 survivors, my nephews. They are such good kids. They deserve better.

  • How to sell stuff in WOW?

    In World of Warcraft my bags are full of blue items that I have no idea how to sell. Auctioneer is not giving me information on these items, so how do I know what to ask for them? I really need the money so I can get trained on a faster mount (4,000 g). Also, they're soul bound. Does that mean I can't sell them at all? Do I have to pay someone to disenchant them?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Does Great Britain Have Any Privately Owned TV News Agencies?

    I was wondering, because I think that any country would benefit from a combination of government and privately owned TV news agencies. They may serve to counter each others' biases.

    Although the BBC does a great job and is semi-autonomous, it is ultimately quite dangerous to have only government run news. I know they have other forms of privately owned news media, such as newspapers, magazines and internet, but TV is probably the most prominent source, and (potentially) the most easily used to skew people's views.

    I think it would do the US a lot of good to have a government run news agency alongside the private ones as well. Besides the BBC News clips on PBS once in a while, I mean.

    It might be harder for CNN to only report fluff or sensationalism if there were prominent news channels run by the government for whom profit is not a motive. How could CNN continue to pretend all the atrocities don't exist when we are seeing it all one channel over?

    Any possible government bias might also be countered by the current privately owned news agencies. And, of course, there would need to be safeguards in place to prevent such bias in the first place. Any government news agency would have to be protected from having its strings pulled by government.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Is Aquaman a fish or a mammal?

    He breathes water, but he also has hair. He needs to pick a class and stay there.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • Is the United Nations really so corrupt and ineffectual?

    I hear all the time in American media that the UN is corrupt and ineffectual. But I am wondering if the news media of other countries also portray them that way. I am also wondering if it is true. I know there have been scandals and corruption. But is it an ongoing thing or a few isolated incidents? And even if true, does the United Nations also do some good? Their own web site lists 60 things they do. But it is hard to find information from unbiased sources. Sources are usually either trying to bash the UN or promote them. What is the truth?

    1 AnswerInternational Organizations9 years ago
  • Fallout: New Vegas, Do you have to play the addons in a specific order?

    If I buy the DLC addons one at a time, is there a specific order I have to do it in? I know each one brings with it another 5 levels to the cap, so I was wondering if I can just pick the most interesting sounding one first, or if each one is a requirement to install the next one.

    Also, what does DLC stand for?

    I play it on Steam, btw.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Will my military ID be valid on the date of expiration?

    The DEERS office at US Southern Command closes at 12:00 on Fridays, so I wasn't able to make it there on time to get a new CAC. My ID expires this Sunday, which is the same day I have a PHA (Periodic Health Assessment). My CAC needs to be valid for that, I believe. I've extended, so I have the paperwork, but will my CAC still be valid in the system on the actual date of expiration? The DEERS office won't be open again until Monday.

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • What are some good free Autodesk Maya 3D animation learning tools?

    I was learning Blender, which has a lot of great free tutorials and forums for learning. But when I search for something similar to learn Maya, I mostly keep finding pay sites with a few sample tutorials. Does anyone know any good sites that have video tutorials and forums for asking questions?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • If the moon had an atmosphere, would that make it easier or harder to send people there?

    Assuming the atmosphere wasn't corrosive, like Venus. Would the 30 day rotation still cause extreme temperatures, but also bad storms?

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • How Do I Buy Land Without Getting Ripped Off?

    I want to buy about 40 acres of land in a low cost, low populated area. Thinking about Sierra Vista, AZ general area, but wouldn't rule out a more forested or mountainous area such as Montana or Wyoming.

    I want to put a (nice) trailer on the land to live in while I have my house built.

    But I am concerned about how to educate myself on the process. I don't want to buy land, and then find out there is no water hook-up, or the price of getting water out there is astronomical. Same with electricity. How does the area react to heavy rains? Is there flooding? Is it zoned for a trailer and house? What is a reasonable price for the property?

    Is there a person or agency that I can ask these questions of?

    What questions have I not thought to ask?

    What resources are out there that I can use to educate myself? Book recommendations? Web sites?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Why are some background images blurred out in the Daredevil movie being shown on CBS?

    In southern Arizona on CBS I just saw the movie Daredevil was on with Ben Affleck, and in the background of a restaurant were some products on shelves that were blurred out. I'm sure they weren't blurred out in the original movie, so why would CBS do it? They weren't in a porn store or anything, so I don't think the items were obscene or anything. Could they be products that are in competition with products sold by their sponsors or something? I hope that's not the reason, it seems kind of a cheap and petty reason to censor a movie. Although I can't really think of a good reason to do it.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Will I be reduced in rank for not attending WLC within a year (I'll be deployed during that time)?

    I was promoted to E5 last week, and I have a date for WLC in April, but I was just informed that I can deploy in a month (I volunteered), which means I will probably not be able to attend WLC for at least a year.

    My promotion orders specifically say "The soldier must enroll in the appropriate NCOES course within 12 months of the effective date of promotion. Failure to enroll, attend, or complete any portion within the allowable time frames will result in a referral to a reduction board per AR 600-8-19, dtd 21 JUL 06."

    I guess I can read this to mean that I can enroll again while deployed (within 12 months), and get a date for after I'm back stateside. Does anyone know if this is correct? And if my deploying unit will be able to enroll me while I'm deployed (they're not the unit I will be returning to)?

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • If evolution isn't true, how is it that scientists predicted that they could reactivate ancient genes in?

    chickens, and make them grow teeth? And now they've also actually found chickens that have naturally grown teeth. It's called an atavism. Occasionally whales are born with legs, and humans are born with tails. These are atavism's - old genes reactivated and resulting in old body parts appearing in modern animals.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How were the Romans able to kill god?

    Did they use kryptonite nails?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My action bars are in WOW are very tiny and toward the center of screen.?

    I just updated Curse Client and installed Cartographer, Questhelper, Bartender 4, Auctioneer, Ratingbuster, and Curseprofiler 2.0. Since doing that (I know, I shouldn't have done it all at once) my action bars are very small and in the center of the screen. I don't know how to drag and move them, if that's possible. Even if I do, they will still be tiny. How can i fix it?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • When Marine and POW flag is lowered before the US flag, is there an obligation among soldiers to salute?

    I am on an army post where some marines also work, and every evening they take down the marine flag, the POW, and the U.S. flag. The soldiers all stop and stand at attention while the first two flags are taken down, and then salute when the U.S. flag comes down. But a few soldiers I work with who are ex marines tell me that it is not customary to stop until the U.S. flag comes down. Does anyone know the military custom and courtesy on this? Can someone link to the reg? Thanks.

    1 AnswerMilitary1 decade ago
  • How can they terraform Mars when there is no magnetosphere?

    Scientists sometimes speak of terraforming Mars. They say that by creating machines to pump out greenhouse gasses they can warm it up, which would melt the ice and bring back rivers, lakes and oceans. This wil then create a thicker atmosphere. They say that by adding algae and other plants they can create oxygen, Then they can add animals and humans could live there.

    But scientists have also said that Mars has a thin atmosphere today because its iron core cooled off and solidified. Without the movement of liquid iron to generate a magnetic field its magnetosphere disappeared. Then solar winds blasted the atmosphere off of Mars.

    Since remelting its iron core is probably way out of the realm of possibilty, what will prevent Mars from getting bombarded with radiation and its atmosphere blasted away again? Or at least its inhabitants getting radiation sickness?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Web site where black and white faces flash along with positive and negative words and you have to click which?

    Does anyone know what web site has the photos of people of different races and they are flashed and you have to quickly click on a positive or negative word each time? It's a timed test that demonstrates that people usually have a hard time picking the positive word when looking at a photo of someone from a different race unless they take more time to correct their initial instinct. My college psychology professor showed it to us once, but I don't remember it and can't find it. Some scientists believe there is a natural instinct in us to avoid the 'other' and this test measures the extra time it takes to correct your instinct to go to the negative word when seeing a face from another race. Other scientists had a different explanation for it, but I can't remember what it was.

    1 AnswerSociology1 decade ago