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If evolution isn't true, how is it that scientists predicted that they could reactivate ancient genes in?

chickens, and make them grow teeth? And now they've also actually found chickens that have naturally grown teeth. It's called an atavism. Occasionally whales are born with legs, and humans are born with tails. These are atavism's - old genes reactivated and resulting in old body parts appearing in modern animals.

Update 2:

@ Spread the Love: Since the only people who deny evolution are religious people, I'd certainly say it's relevant to the religious section. There is no rational reason to deny it with all the evidence there is for it.

Update 3:

@ Wayne: Science is based on experimentation. This was an experiment. If the genes weren't already there, they couldn't have been turned on. But yes, it happens naturally in both whales and chickens - as well as many other animals.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Evolution is true. No more questions about that, OK? Enough is enough even for atheists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Regarding Chickens with teeth.

    Regarding Whale Legs.

    Regarding Human tails.

    "These are atavism's - old genes reactivated and resulting in old body parts appearing in modern animals."

    This is a massive assumption that is read into the evidence based on the axiom that evolution is true.

    "There is no rational reason to deny it [evolution] with all the evidence there is for it."

    This is deceptive. Creationists use the very same evidence as evolutionists use. Both evolutionists and creationists start with their axiom, interpret their axiom into the evidence, then claim that the evidence supports their axiom. There is no evidence that objectively, exclusively supports either evolution or creation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's also interesting that God felt it necessary to include the entire process for natural production of vitamin C in humans (so that we wouldn't have to get it from citrus) identical to that found in other primates, but with a mistake in one of the genes that renders the entire thing nonfunctional.

    I mean, either this means that God designed chimps first, and humans are just kind of a bad knock-off of them, or maybe, just maybe, it means that we had a common ancestor, and we lost our vitamin C metabolism because of a preponderance of natural citrus where we evolved, whereas our evolutionary cousins didn't.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wayne: Rebuttal fail, try again.

    I saw one of those chicken embryos once. It was interesting. Looked like a lil bitty raptor. It was pretty cool, I geeked out about it for days.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so they found chickens w/ teeth and that means they've evolved from sharks and the sharks from space dust huh

    "old genes reactivated and resulting in old body parts appearing in modern animals"-

    that's what we're told b/c that's what scientists believe. how do you know it's not just a deformity? b/c fish have tails and cats have tails and monkeys have tails we must have come from them right. you all are soooo smart

  • Lilith
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well at least this is something new to think about tonight, instead of the same old if God is real where is your proof stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Sin Entered the world, those evil, evil atavisms occur. Them's freaks, they is, demons abroad in the land. It's Eve and Satan's fault. They's evil, I tells ya, eeeeeeeeevil.

    Source(s): Poe
  • 1 decade ago

    The silence is awkward. Notice how the creationists are all avoiding this question.

    You might as well get started typing your appeal for the violation notice email you'll be getting when they report you.

  • 1 decade ago

    this really has nothing to do with religion.

    repost this in the biology section.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow you're really REALLY reaching for anything now

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