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Can you evict someone from your property if there is no lease agreement?
My husband and I own a duplex and rent one of the apartments to my brother in law..We never had a lease with him. The apartment is a total mess, and we recently discovered that he has roaches! We've asked him on MANY occations to clean it up so we can get the apartment exterminated but he has yet to do it. Right now we are so fed up with him, we just want him out but since we don't have a lease agreement we aren't sure what we can legally do now.
13 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoShould I send a thank you note for a scholarship that was given to me?
I work in a nursing home, and the family of two of our residents who passed away set up a scholarship for the employees who are attending college. I got one of the scholarships and I am not certain if I should send a "Thank You" or not.
18 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWhat can help a very shy child open up a little more?
My daughters teacher brought it to my attention that she is extremely quiet when interacting with her and other adults. She doesn't seem to have a problem at home or with other children but I am afraid her shyness at school is prohibiting her teacher from seeing what she is capable of doing.
5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoWhat is a good kid friendly vacation spot in the US?
Looking for something other than Disney.
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhat's wrong with rejecting your spouses sexual attempts?
I don't get it! My husband was all over me and I just wasn't in the mood so I ask him to kindly "back off" and you would have thought I handed him his divorce papers. He threw a huge temper tantrum and went straight to bed without saying another word. He made me feel like I'm supposed to give it up whenever he wants just because I'm his wife!? What the hell?
21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat do you consider cheating?
Is only physically being with someone cheating or would you consider having emotional feelings for someone else cheating as well?
This does not relate to a personal issue..I'm just curious what other people think.
28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat love song reminds you of your lover or ex-lover?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoLife Insurance?
My husband and I are a young couple with three children and we are looking into getting life insurance for ourselves other than the ones provided by our employers. What companies would you suggest we look at and what kind of policy do you think is more suitable for young adults and children?
6 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoWhat are the best solid foods to begin baby on?
My son is four months old and his pediatrician said I could begin to introduce solid foods to his diet if I'd like...I started him on rice cereal, bananas, and apples, all at different times but they all seem to aggitate him..They either make him gassy or constipated. I am wondering if maybe it's too early to start solids or if there are other foods that I should try. Any suggestions?
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoPoverty in the US?
I watched an episode of 20/20 tonight and it was very shocking and sad to see how these children of Camden, NJ lived. I can't believe that people in our country actually live like this...How can we spend sooo much money trying to better other countries when we have people in our own country living this way?!? After watching this it has motivated me to want to do something, if anything, to help someone's life, but what could I do or where should I start??
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoIs it wrong to not want to be a stay at home mom??
When I went on maternity leave my husband and I agreed that I would quit my job and school so I could be with the kids...At first I thought it was a great idea but it's been about 8 months and my son is now 3 mo. old and I want to go back to work.
My hubby seems to think that I should be greatful to have the opportunity to stay home and that I am not thinking about what's best for our kids. His mother never worked until they were all in high school, so I am assuming he wants the same for our children. I love being there for them but I am ALWAYS with children and I very rarely get a break to do things for myself or by myself. I have no friends or family of my own, so I always saw going to work as my time to interact with adults and get a break from home, even though I was working . Anyway I guess I am wondering if what I am feeling is selfish of me to want to go back to work??
24 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoWhy do my children treat my husband differently?
My husband works long hours and is an obsessive clean freak! When he comes home from work he complains the moment he steps in the door about petty things...(toys, crumbs on the floor, etc...) Anytime he asks our two daughters, ages 6 and 4, to do something or disipline them, they scream and cry,run or totally ignore him. They tell him they hate him or wishes he would go back to work quite often. I know their behavior has hurt my husbands feelings and I've told them their behavior is unacceptable but it still continues...My husband rarely takes the time to spend time with the girls but does make it a point to spend time with our 3mo. son. I wonder if this has made the girls jealous and if this is the reason for it, but it was this way before my son was born it's just gotten worse. I want my kids to have a good relationship with their father but I'm not exactly sure what I can do to help make the relationship better. I would appreciate any suggestions.
13 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhat are some good meal suggestions for someone who has high cholesterol?
I am making dinner for my father in law tommorrow and I want to make sure I make something that is beneficial to his diet.
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhat's a good brand of work boots to buy for an electrician?
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat are some ideas of toys/games I can get my children that would help with reading, writing and math?
I am looking for educational toys/games that are appropriate for a 6 year old and a 4 year old.
18 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoDo you think it's the governments responsibility to make changes to help fight obesity in America?
I'm not sure how I feel about the issue and although obesity is a major problem, I don't understand why resturants should be forced to change their menus and ways of cooking because of it. People have a choice to eat what they want..If they choose to eat unhealthy than they pay the consequences for it.
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDoes warming bottles in the microwave harm the nutrients in formula?
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago