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Favorite Answers28%
  • Byron or Siemens door chimes. Which would you recommend?

    Looking to purchase a door bell / chime. Have a choice of Byron or Siemens. What are your experiences with products from eiteher manufacturer? Which would you recommend?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • What do the letters in London Bus routes mean?

    Obviously, all bus routes have a number associated with them and the buses are labelled identifying which route they are on. However, within London, I notice some only consist of numbers; whilst others have letters as well. I figure those marked with an 'N' are there to identify night buses. I have seen other bus routes marked with 'H', 'U', 'C', 'R' and 'RV'. What do these refer to?

    6 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • Is Water Supply Pipe Cover worth the money?

    I have just purchased Water Supply Pipe Cover from Homeserve. I have a 28 day cooling off period. However, I am now wondering whether it is worth purchasing it. I understand that it is insurance and therefore only going to pay if something goes wrong with the water supply pipe. However, won't the water board come and fix the pipe? Any useful info that you feel I need to consider would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do I switch off User Account Control for a specific application?

    I am running Windows Home Vista Premium. I have User Account Control switched on deliberately - this is so that I get asked whether an application is allowed to start if the application is likely to make changes to my system.

    However, I have recently installed software that backs up my data to another disk and location. The application starts up when Windows starts up. However, UAC always asks whether I am happy to allow this application to start. I always want the application to start but am also get tired of UAC asking me.

    How do I switch off UAC for this one specific application such that this application always starts when I logon to my laptop?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How long after root canal before you can start eating and drinking?

    My wife is having a root canal on Friday. I know there should be no pain during the operation due to the local anasthetic. Once the anasthetic has worn, my wife will probably experience dull pain for a couple of days.

    However, my question relates to how long you have to wait after a root canal operation before you can start eating and drinking. My wife has the root canal just before lunch. Typically, when will she be able to start eating and drinking once the root canal has completed?

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • What is the name of Yasmina Siadatan's restaurant?

    Yasmina from The Apprentice owns a resturant. Does anyone know the name of the restaurant and where it is?

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Is the receptionist on The Apprentice a temp?

    Or is she full time employee of the BBC or Alan Sugar? The receptionist being the one who sends everyone into the boardroom.

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • What time did 24 Day 7 start?

    What time did the 24 hours start on Day 7 of 24? In other words, what time what is it at the beginning of Episode 1 of Season 7 of 24?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Best place to view the London New Year fireworks other than by the river?

    I want to view the New Year fireworks in London but do not want to get caught up in the crowds by the river. Can people recommend places to be in London to get good views of the fireworks except near the river? Are Primrose Hill and Hampstead Heath good places? Are there any other places? Where exactly do I need to be standing to get the best views and what time do you suggest I get there?

    Anybody who suggests heading to the river will get a thumbs down.

    2 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • Are there any venues that accomodate wedding receptions and firework display during the wedding reception?

    I'm looking for a good venue to hold a wedding reception. The reception will be a sit down dinner (possibly with a band playing during dinner) followed by a DJ and some dancing. However, at some point during the wedding reception, the plan is to hold a 10-15 minute firework display.

    Are there any good venues that will accommodate a wedding reception with a firework display? Ideally, the venue will be around Leicestershire or Northamptonshire.

    4 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Is there an Indian community in Utrecht, Netherlands?

    I'm basically visiting Utrecht in the next couple of days to see whether I want to move there for work. I would like to know if there are any Indian grocery shops in Utrecht. Is there a temple or community centre? Is there an Indian community in Utrecht? Any information would be appreciated so that I may visit the community centre or grocery shops as I'd like to speak to them about moving to Utrecht.

    In a similar vein, is there anything in Amsterdam?

    2 AnswersNetherlands1 decade ago
  • A man visits his local church wanting to speak to his vicar , "Father, what do I need to do to get into .....

    ..... heaven?". The vicar thinks for a moment and replies, "Son, to get into heaven, you must give up smoking, drink, and sex for a year.". The man thinks to himself that this will be difficult but agrees to do this "Father, if there is no way else, I shall give up smoking, drinking and sex for a year.".

    A year comes and goes. The man returns to the church and the vicar asks "Hello, my son, did you give up smoking?". The man replies "It was difficult but I have not smoked for a year.".

    The vicar answers "That was good. You are on the way to heaven. How about the drink?". Again, the man responds "That was also difficult but I have touched any alcohol for a year.".

    The vicar, now impressed, asks "That is good. If you have had no sex for the year, you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.". The man, looking depressed, answers "Well there is a problem. I was doing so well until last weekend. I had no sex all year and then last weekend, I saw my wife bending over in the fridge.".

    12 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Rude joke: A man with a speech impediment walks into a jeweller's....?

    and asks for a c*ck. The jeweller thinks for a moment and asks "You mean a clock?". The man replies "That's what I said", buys the clock, and leaves to continue shopping. He then enters a sweet shop and asks for some licket. The assistant is confused until the man points to what he wants. The assistant replies "Ah, you want some liquorice." The man buys the liquorice and continues on to do some more shopping. He's now getting a little hungry so he walks into a bakers. The man asks for a bum. The baker, a little confused, thinks for a moment and asks "Do you mean a bun?". The man replies "That's what I said.". The man gets his bun and leaves the bakers. On the way out, he bumps into a lady who is obviously in a rush. The woman asks "Do you have the time?". The man replies "Of course. Just hold my bum and licket while I get my c*ck out."

    20 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Would I be allowed to buy a residential property in Bahrain?

    I am British (living in the UK) and not a Muslim. I have been asked to consider a job in Bahrain, which I am considering. I am likely to be there for at least two years but I will have to pay for my own accomodation. I know that a few years ago when I was last there there, I would not have been able to purchase property. However, I am not sure what the situation is at the moment. Would I be allowed to buy a residential property in Bahrain for me to live in? Where would I be able to get this confirmed?

    2 AnswersBahrain1 decade ago
  • Can you recommend a travel insurer?

    I'm not asking to get quotes or to necessarily find the cheapest. What I am after in an insurer who has an easy, supportive and understanding claims procedure; particularly if needing medical treatment. My thinking being that should you need medical treatment when abroad, you'll need a supportive insurer.

    I use but I have a friend who wants several recommendations. Can you recommend a travel insurer based on your experiences of having made a claim?

    5 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • A woman goes to the doctor.....?

    .....complaining that she has three vaginas and wants two of the removed. The doctor, shocked that a woman has three vaginas, asks to see them for himself. True to her word, she has three vaginas; one on her left thigh, one on the right thigh, and one in the pelvic area.

    The doctor, now curious, asks "Why would you want two of them removed? I would have thought you'd enjoy three set of multiple orgasms.".

    The woman replies "Yes, like any woman, I love the multiple orgasms.But I hate getting screwed left, right, and centre."

    17 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How do I resolve a question without a Best Answer being assigned?

    I have asked a question a couple of days ago. However, there is only one answer (which I guess by definition means it is also the best answer). I do not want to give this answer as the Best Answer as it is blatantly obvious he was after the points rather than making any attempt to be helpful. The answer is not a satisfactory answer. I don't want the question to go to vote, simply because being the only answer, it will be voted as the Best Answer.

    So how do I resolve the question to stop Yahoo Answers looking for a Best Answer without actually assigning a Best Answer?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are there any courier companies currently looking for couriers for flights between London and Nairobi?

    I've spoken to the usual companies such as British Airways and Jupiter. However, the courier service companies I have spoken to either do not have London-Nairobi on their routes or are not looking for couriers at the moment.

    Does anyone know of any companies that require couriers for flights between London and Nairobi in the near future?

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • The site describes the electricity supply around the world. How accurate is it?

    I have stumbled across this site the other day. It seems to describe the electricity supply for a lot of countries around the world. It also describes the type of electric sockets used around the world.The site seems useful for travellers when trying to determine what adaptors and converters they need to take. I would also like to use it as a source of info if it contains reliable and accurate information.

    It seems accurate for the handful of countries I have visited but there are a lot of countries I haven't visited. Does this site contain accurate information for the countries you have been to?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago