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Mongo Khan

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  • Has Mitt Romney changed his strategy from running for president to trying to be president?

    He has appeared on TV and other places criticizing Obama. That is the normal MO for job seekers.

    He says he won't run for president which is technically true but there are other ways to be nominated.

    If he doesn't enter the fray, he doesn't have to embarrass himself by answering questions in front of the nation. He isn't required to give explanations for anything he would do different. He doesn't have to say anything.

    However, he has the backing and support of East Coast Old Line Republican money folks. They know that there is no other candidate with a chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Radicalism doesn't sell outside of the extremists circles. He won't try that again.

    All Romney has to do is use his influence and money to assure there is no other candidate with enough delegates to win the nomination in the first few rounds of the convention. If he can steer state party leaders in key states to prevent lopsided votes favoring anyone else, he can go to the convention as the astute, impartial dignified, and popular replacement for a hog tied convention.

    One has to keep in mind that the RNC only rents the building for a few days so it must be over in the allotted time.

    In the meantime, a thousand of more paid fans inside and outside the building are chanting, "We Want Mitt" We Want Mitt" That is usually enough to swing both the delegates and the viewing faithful watching the TV. It won't cost as much as a primary campaign. Done Deal. Just watch.

    10 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Was Dennis Hoppers words, prophetic for Cheney and McCain?

    It the Waterworld movie, Dennis Hopper playing the Deacon character said, "Don't Just Stand There.Kill Something". That seems to be the mantra of Cheney and McCain. That is their solution for everything.

    In Cheney's case, he wants to use the lives of young Americans for the same reason as invading Iraq. That is to protect his own and other corporation's oil interests. For him, it is all about the money which he stands to lose, if the ISIS attackers win.

    4 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Should Barrack Obama run for prez in 2020?

    While a president cannot serve more than 2 consecutive terms, they can be elected after sitting out a term. Hillary should she win in 2016 will be 73 years old in 2020 while President Obama will only be 59.

    If Hillary loses to Mitt Romney in 2016, we will need Obama to come back and fix the country as it will have been driven into another Republican ditch.

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why does the "Liberal" press give so much time and space repeating the words of a draft dodging, 5 deferment?

    coward like Dick Cheney?

    This guy is guilty of the deaths of over 4000 Americans in Iraq for money. It's like the devil picked his own personal advocate for suffering and harm to inflict upon this country.

    A truly Liberal media source wouldn't give him 5 seconds of publicity a year.

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Would knowing that an open carry advocate with an assault rifle inside a business, deter a robber?

    If the robber has a small caliber revolver or pistol. The guy with the assault rifle is just an opportunity.

    All the robber has to do is hide his weapon, act like any other customer, get close to the Rambo guy, put a bullet in his brain, take his assault rifle and have some other customer pick up all the money and put it in a bag for him, then leave after giving his helper a 20 dollar tip.

    Poof there goes the safety of another well armed citizen. The bad guys always have the advantage of surprise.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do Republicans put their idiots on point?

    Do they want them to be first to die? Darrel Issa, Is this guy the best case for Political Darwinism?

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • How could James Baker guarentee a George W. Bush victory?

    James Baker, who was a former Secretary of State for George H.W. Bush was asked to lead George Juniors campaign against Al Gore because it was in disarray. On a plane returning from Florida to Washington, Baker was interviewed by a reporter. He guaranteed a bush victory.

    This was at a moment shortly after the polls closed in Florida and no one in the country knew the results. No news agency could predict it.

    What did Baker know that no one else did? Did he know the election in Florida was rigged? Jeb, the smarter brother was governor.

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Did Dick Cheney rig 911 to invade Iraq?

    After Cheney circumvented the laws preventing the NSA from tapping anyone's phone and reading their emails. A couple NSA employees complained that they should closely watch communications from Arabic speaking people in this country and the Middle East. Cheney told them not to bother.

    He wanted the NSA to spy on other things unrelated to terrorist activities. The people in the NSA were humiliated and sidelined.

    As Cheney spent a good part of his time during the Clinton administration plotting to invade Iraq, he needed a plausible reason to do so.

    The bush family and former secretary of state, James Baker were very close to Saudi royalty. Osama bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia and his family still lived there. They could have told Cheney an attack was planned. They had the means to find out. All the terrorists that struck on 911 were Saudi. How could the Saudi government not know?

    Even Richard Clark was clamoring for a meeting with g.w.bush to warn him of an imminent attack. He never got an appointment until the day after 911. Then it was too late. Condoleezza Rice bush's National Security Advisor, never paid any attention to him.

    Other warnings from FBI agents were also ignored.

    All this fits nicely into Cheney's attack plan. Do you think an investigation can find out?

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Should Congress appoint a Select Committee to investigate Dick Cheney?

    Dick Cheney basically selected himself to be Vice President. Once bush jr took office, Cheney became for all practical purposes President. He made the decisions.

    One of the things he did was to get Congress to pass a law limiting the EPA to pollution oversight only above the ground. They could do nothing below the surface. Cheney was the former Chairman of Halliburton which is the major company involved in Fracking. The EPA lost all control over that aspect of oil drilling.

    One thing, no company involved in fracking will tell anyone is what fluids they use inside the well housing in the process of extracting natural gas imbedded in rock. Several different fluids are known in a general way such as case liners, and drill lubrication. The actual fluid pumped into the well that transmits the high pressure to fracture the rock is unknown. Above ground, used and contaminated fluids used and pumped out of both oil and gas wells are held in ponds. These fluids in these ponds are required to be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. Halliburton could be doing a little double dipping by charging other oil drilling rigs to carry away the sludge, then along with their own waste pumping it all down, to do the fracking. There is no way to predict which way a rock will crack so some of that fluid could go up and contaminate the ground water aquifer. That has happened in many areas.

    So Dick was still working for Halliburton's interests while VP.

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • If Republicans proceed with their impeachment proceedings against Obama, Should Obama charge bush with war crimes?

    Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfwicz conjured up a plan to invade Iraq when Clinton was president.

    Republican powers manipulated the election to get bush seated as president.

    As president, bush and his National Security advisor ignored the warnings of an Al Qaeda attack on this country which resulted in the attacks on 911.

    That was a windfall for the cabal who used it and known false information to justify an attack on a country that had no part in the 911 attacks. Their primary reasoning was to capture Iranian oil and to get even with Saddam Husain for his attempted assassination on G.H.W. Bush.

    According to the U.N. rules of war, the only legal reasons to attack another country is an attack on your own by them or the imminent threat they will attack.

    The Cabal lied about the evidence to Congress and to the Secretary of State, Colin Powell who in turn tried to sell it to members of the U.N. That didn't work so they attacked Iraq anyway making the U.S. guilty of waging aggressive war and the perpetrators guilty of war crimes.

    g.w.bush was probably duped into this like Congress and a lot of other people so he may be innocent of the charges but he is the leader who's name is on the order so he goes with the rest of them.

    All four of these criminals should be arrested and turned over to the World Court for trial.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why didn't Harry Truman blame Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression?

    Harry said, "The Depression wasn't caused by Hoover but made for him"

    That is true because the Depession started in Germany after WW1 when the country was devastate economically by the war. The British blockade of German ports during the war prevented food from getting into the country. The German government sent farm workers to the front to fight the war while neglecting to organize women to produce food. At the end, the people including the troops were starving.

    When the war ended, Germany got no help from anyone. The French and British imposed penalties that further weakened the country. The depression started there with people scraping the bottom of sewer covers with a spoon to eat the scum for nutrition.

    That cascaded around the world and eventually reached the markets in this country.

    However, Hoover did too little, too late to stop the bleeding. The single shining example of his attempt to create jobs is the Hoover Dam. He could have done more. FDR did.

    Massive government spending by the FDR administration along with regulations stopped the bleeding. Money started circulating and jobs became available. Laws restricting banks from risky adventures were passed. With the preparation for WW2 our depression ended.

    It is government spending that stops economic depressions and recessions. The worse the problem the more money it takes.

    The banking laws were eliminated under Clinton. We didn't have to wait long for the disaster, we now call the Great Recession.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Will there be a Donald Sterling backlash?

    Everyone has their own opinions which we don't make public. Donald Sterling was expressing his in what he thought was private conversation.

    He said nothing derogatory about blacks. He did not utter any insults. His conversation concerned his girlfriends conduct in public. What he has paid to the *****, he has a right to do so.

    He might be a racist but he is also a businessman who has made some of his employees very rich. His selections for who plays on his team have no racial bias. He gets the best he can that is affordable.

    From my own observations of NBA ballgames both in person and on TV I don't see a significant number of black faces among the paying audience. So the overwhelming majority of NBA fans are white.

    If the NBA manages to drive Sterling from his ownership position, they may find a large part of their fans refusing to buy tickets to games and more to stop viewing. The reason being, it is just unfair.

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is it possible to delete Apps on Windows 8.1?

    There are apps like Games that I will never use on my new Toshiba Satellite. Those include the various games. I tried right clicking them then delete. That just took me to "Programs" in the Control Panel.

    Apparently Apps are not programs so there is no way I can see to erase them.

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Does anyone think theCIA didn't kill anyone with Waterboarding?

    US troops in the Phillipines under TR invented the method of. Interrogation. Of the 160 they gave the Water Treatment to,130 died.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • McCain wants the US to give Ukraine light weapons.?

    Does he think the Russians won't use tanks? Does he think war is a fair fight? Is he senile?

    If John is the voice of military expertise for the Republicans, we are doomed if they win.

    6 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are the Republicans going to run on their record in 2014/2016?

    This is pretty funny. They don't have a record to brag about unless they are proud of useless attempts to undo. The ACA. 51 times and counting.

    So the current crop of presidential wannabes are up in New Hampshire or some other bastion of political retardation and touting the party line to the choir of paid Nutbots.

    Canadian Cruz, Pusillanimous Paul, Turnstile Trump and a few other unknowns are practicing their cute little punch line that get a chuckle but can't enlighten anyone with memory retention abilities.

    The 3 Prime Targets. Are

    ObamaCare AKA ACA . astounding that they picked this one. Haven't we hear about it a billion times before?

    Katherine Sibelious Just in case you missed the ACA thing.

    Harry Reid Good Old Harry never got much attention until he started picking on the Koch Broz. Now they are all piling on. It is hard to believe the Koch Broz can payoff so many Republicans. The must not be paying any taxes.

    That's it, the Republican Winning Strategy for the next two years. We certainly hope they stick with it.

    17 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • What are Traditional Family Values?

    Tradition changes every generation, even within a family. Men and women of different cultures marry. Then the children become a blend of both.

    Any tradition that anyone can mention has exceptions. so it becomes a circular argument without a conclusion.

    The only common denominator that crosses time and space is that we eat, sleep and make babies.

    1 AnswerPolitics7 years ago
  • Why doesn't Obama send a Stryker Brigade to Nevada to destroy the Traitor Militias?

    A rancher violates Federal law by grazing his cattle on Federal land.

    Two hundred lawmen go to confiscate the cattle.

    Armed vigilante militias gather to form a military unit to fight the officials.

    That is a rebellion, treason or criminal.

    Consequently, the government has the right to use force to end it.

    Just like George Washington did for The Whiskey Rebellion.

    I think, a mortar barrage, and armored assault is appropriate.

    If the Radical Rebels think their assault rifles will help them, they will learn better.

    1 AnswerPolitics7 years ago
  • Why won't Chenetybush tell the truth about their Heroin trading business in Afghanistan ?

    Just like U.S. Troops guarding the Iraq Oil Ministry in the Iraq war and letting the country's ancient art treasures to be looted, so too, American troops were prevented from destroying the Poppy Crop in Afghanistan.

    Did Cheneybush discover more money in drugs than oil?

    Is Halliburton doing the processing, packaging and bringing it into this country by tons a day? Halliburton has the ability to smuggle anything in. Is that why the US is having a heroin epidemic?

    2 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are Republicans the Masters of Preemptory Slander Attacks?

    Preemptory Slander Attacks are a standard method to deflect accusations of ones own sins by accusing the opponent of the same thing first.

    Any Republican with a brain knows what they hear from Rush Limbaugh or Fox Talking heads is mostly imagination by the deranged. They have no verifiable facts yet they herald any rumor as the word of God. One Joseph Goebbels Wannabee publishes some yellow rag accusation of Obama and the rest accept it as gospel truth because it was in printed form.

    So the best way to muddy the water is to accuse Democrats of lying.

    They do the same thing for their other sins.

    So anyone can get a pretty good idea of what Republicans are doing for Sin du Jour by what they are accusing others of doing.

    As we are on to their methods, they won't work. That puts them in the category of Master Baiters which is what they do when dreaming up the next Obama scheme.

    1 AnswerPolitics7 years ago