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Are the Republicans going to run on their record in 2014/2016?

This is pretty funny. They don't have a record to brag about unless they are proud of useless attempts to undo. The ACA. 51 times and counting.

So the current crop of presidential wannabes are up in New Hampshire or some other bastion of political retardation and touting the party line to the choir of paid Nutbots.

Canadian Cruz, Pusillanimous Paul, Turnstile Trump and a few other unknowns are practicing their cute little punch line that get a chuckle but can't enlighten anyone with memory retention abilities.

The 3 Prime Targets. Are

ObamaCare AKA ACA . astounding that they picked this one. Haven't we hear about it a billion times before?

Katherine Sibelious Just in case you missed the ACA thing.

Harry Reid Good Old Harry never got much attention until he started picking on the Koch Broz. Now they are all piling on. It is hard to believe the Koch Broz can payoff so many Republicans. The must not be paying any taxes.

That's it, the Republican Winning Strategy for the next two years. We certainly hope they stick with it.

17 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A great example of the disconnect between democrat voters and reality is them thinking the democrats have the 2014 midterms in the bag. Democrat lawmakers and strategist are all saying the democrats will lose seats and are at risk of losing the senate, yet the sheep are already claiming a dem victory.

  • 7 years ago

    Actually, as unpopular as the ACA is, running on the fact that they tried to repeal it 51 times is a good thing. They can also run on all the fiscal bills that were passed in the house that are sitting on Harry Reid's desk that he won't allow a vote on. Or how about the national debt and how much the democrats want to raise it.

    There are many things they can run on in 2014. One issue that would be a sure fire winner is honesty and transparency. Even the media says that this administration is the least transparent in recent history.

  • 7 years ago

    Seems the Democrats are busily RUNNING from their records. Setting the stage to make the election about strawman issues. Equality of pay for women, raising wages by decree, amnesty, etc....

    When, if you peel off some of the Lib BS about it. the whole speel is about raising more tax revenue for government coffers.Off the backs of the workers and small businesses. Like the Bundy snafu in Nevada. What about? Not a turtle. But, tax fees.

    Libs are a bunch of Volcano God priests from old days. Obey the priests. Be grateful. Only they know the god's will and can speak to him. Appease his wrath! Send priests all wealth, virgins and luxuries! Give of your labor!! Mute huge statues still stand on a lonely barren island today. We call it Easter Island now. Testament to an earlier socialist/liberal society.

    Government so bloody broke it is trying to rake in revenue however it can,

  • Geo
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The republicans of New Hampshire have recently released a poll study saying that insurance premiums have sky rocked by over 90 percent in their state....what they failed to mention is that this study was only taken from one insurance broker in the Entire State.

    It seems that the lying never ends for these individuals and it is shameful that so many will believe them...

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    We don't have to run on anything! First we point out that every attempt that we have made to amend, repeal, stop Democrats have been blocked or ignored.

    Then we point out how Obamacare is a train wreck. How more people are on foodstamps, more people in poverty, more people out of work, more people lost Medicare benefits, and on and on.....

    They need a simple slogan...."You get what you vote for".

    Then we sit back and hope the libs wake up soon.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    So you won't have any problem with implementing a Voter ID law system, then. Cool.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    100+ Economic Bill sitting on Harry Reids Desk.

    Besides, we don't have a record as everything that has been passed in the last 5 years, Democrats own 100%.

    That should be enough. Why are Democrats being told NOT to run advocating the ACA? lol

    HA - Harry Reid didn't give a damn about the Koch Brothers until they stopped giving money to Democrats lol

    Then he sent his "marching orders" to his little pawns (that's you btw)

    Koch Brothers donations as "Top Contributor" to DEMOCRATS:


    Tim Roemer-Jim Turner-David Minge-Charles W Stenholm-Bob Kerrey


    John Breaux-Evan Bayh-Cal Dooley-Brad Carson-Bill Luther


    Ken Lucas-Joe Lieberman-Jim Davis-Chris John

    2006 - $78,000 to DEM PACS

    Sandord D Bishop-Ron Kind-Mike McIntyre-Gregory Meeks

    Gene Taylor-Ellen Tauscher-Dennis Cardoza-Bud Cramer

    Blanche Lincoln-Adam Smith

    2008 - $158,000 to DEM PAC's

    Tom Carper-Solomon Ortiz-Rick Larsen-Mary Landrieu

    Lincoln Davis-John Tanner-John Dingell-Jim Cooper

    Henry Cuellar-Gene Green-David Scott-Chet Edwards-Charlie Gonazalez-Charles Melancon-Allen Boyd-Marion Berry-Artur Davis-Allen Boyd


    Marion Berry


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think they just need to let the democrats run on their record of fiscal destruction

  • 7 years ago

    Try finding a Democrat boasting of their record? They will not even stand near Obama or ask for him to visit.

  • Viper
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You libs said it best " 4 more years ".At the end of 8 will seal your fate.

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