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  • Attachment image

    White stuff on shrimp, safe to eat? ?

    I thawed some frozen shrimp and noticed they have some strange white spots. Looks almost like fat or something. I buy this kind all the time and have never seen it before. The best by date is a year from now but they have been frozen for a good several months so idk if that’s related. 

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 months ago
  • Do you think this photographer want me to pay him?

    Ok here's the situation. I have a small online clothing business and a photographer with about 2k followers reached out to me on instagram and said he will be in my city in a few weeks and asked if I wanted to shoot and he said he had some friends who would love to model our stuff. I said sure. He never said anything about me paying him or anything. We touched base a few weeks later (today) about the dates and he asked if I wanted to model or just supervise, etc. I'm starting to wonder if he wants to be paid or if he is willing to do this for the exposure of our business account tagging him in the pics.

    Should I ask if he wants to be paid? Or should I just keep my mouth shut? This is my first time doing anything like this and I don't even know the guy so I don't want to be unprepared and not know what is expected. Thoughts?

    4 AnswersPhotography4 years ago
  • Do you think this photographer will charge me?

    Ok here's the situation. I have a small online clothing business and a photographer with about 2k followers reached out to me on instagram and said he will be in my city in a few weeks and asked if I wanted to shoot and he said he had some friends who would love to model our stuff. I said sure. He never said anything about me paying him or anything. We touched base a few weeks later (today) about the dates and he asked if I wanted to model or just supervise, etc. I'm starting to wonder if he wants to be paid or if he is willing to do this for the exposure of our business account tagging him in the pics.

    Should I ask if he wants to be paid? Or should I just keep my mouth shut? This is my first time doing anything like this and I don't even know the guy so I don't want to be unprepared and not know what is expected. Thoughts?

    3 AnswersSmall Business4 years ago
  • Anatomy case study help - cardio?

    I have this case study to do and I've been trying to figure it out for days and its due tomorrow and so I'm out of options so I need some help if anyone is willing. Here is a basic summary:

    A patient (male,30-40) works in construction on the weekends and calls his doctor to make an appointment because he's been having frequent nosebleeds, dizziness, headaches, and heart palpitations. On his weekend construction jobs he has also been feeling more out of breath and has noticed this for the past 6 months.

    When the doctor sees him, he notes he is in good physical health besides the issue at hand. He also noted in records that the patient was diagnosed 7 years ago with high blood pressure.

    After the physical exam the doctor notes the following:

    -normal reflexes

    -obvious elevation of pressure in the brachial artery

    -Weak and delayed pulse in femoral arteries compared to radial pulse

    -Upon percussion the left ventricle seems enlarged

    -Upon auscultation there was a systolic heart murmur present over the interscapular area to the left of midline

    -Pulsations noted in blood vessels inferior to both scapulae. Also noted pulsations in theblood vessels medial to the clavicles

    -Tortuous blood vessels noted under the skin of the back and the sides of the thorax

    Concerned, the doctor orders an x ray and finds: "Lungs clear. Left ventricular hypertrophy with enlargement of left ventricle. Notching and erosion of bodies of the rib noted."

    Any help at all is appreciated, Im so stuck! Thanks

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases5 years ago
  • What to wear for "corporate wear" for college speech?

    I thought my final speech for speech class was Wednesday but I just realized it is tomorrow. Our last two speeches have been business casual but this one we are supposed to wear corporate wear like a business suit (im a girl so I would have to go rent a skirt suit or something and I don't have time for that now).

    My question is, what can I wear? I do not have a suit, the only thing I can think of so far is wearing what I wore for my business casual, which was black slacks, black heels and a fancy top. I have the top in a different color so I am thinking I can wear that to make it look a little different but still as close to corporate as I can get. I don't want to get counted off.

    Any other ideas would be much appreciated!!!!

    God bless

  • Cramps much worse after going vegan?

    I went vegan a couple months ago because I already didn't eat much meat and dairy was tearing up my stomach all the time and so I just decided to eliminate all of it. Im still new at this lifestyle and I am not completely sure if I am missing any key nutrients or something that is making my cramps worse but something is. Last time they were unbearable and its about to be my period again and I can already tell the cramps are coming back with a vengeance. Im going on vacation this week and don't want to deal with horrible cramps. Is there anything I can do? Why are they worse? I feel better in every other aspect.


    God bless

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • How to drink a lot of water during the day without having to pee constantly?

    One of the biggest health tips ive ever heard is to drink a lot of water throughout the day. I don't know how people do this with busy lives because (sorry for tmi) anytime I try to drink that much water I have to go to the bathroom like twice an hour. I don't have time for that and I usually end up hydrated but stuck at work having to pee super bad and cant take a break to use the restroom. what I want to know is for people who drink a lot of water, HOW do you manage??

    Thank you, tips appreciated!

    God bless

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Essay about dance help?

    I have to write an essay titled "what is dance". I don't know much about dance.It has to be a few pages long and ive typed about a page and I can't really think of anything else to write about. Can anyone give me any inspiration? Thank you!

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • My apple ID is disabled?

    I just recently got a new iphone because my old one had a hardware problem and before my old phone broke me and my mom were on the same icloud account and our stuff was going to each others phones so the person at apple helped me set up a new one. I made an icloud account using my college university email and it worked. On my way home i tried to download an app and i put the password in wrong and it disabled me. Now i am on my email and i have tried resetting my password two different times and it still keeps saying my apple id is disabled. Ive had the phone for 4 days and i have had no luck with this problem and i still havent been able to put anything on my phone. What do i do? I leave for a vacation in a day and i dont think i will have time to drive an hour back to the apple store for them to help...

    thank you!!!

    God bless

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Getting a stool sample test while on my period?

    I'm going to the doctor tomorrow because I traveled out of the country last week and had a bad case of travelers diarrhea that won't go away. I'm assuming they are going to do a stool test to check for bacteria/parasites but I read online that you can't have them done if you are on your menstrual cycle. Is this true and if so, what should I do? Thanks! God bless

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • I haven't worn my retainer in 2 years and my teeth have moved?

    I had braces a few years ago and when I got them off they put a permenant retainer on the bottom teeth and gave me a tray type retainer for my top teeth to wear at night. It's hard plastic and doesn't move. I wore it the first year or so after my braces were off but when my family moved houses I lost the container and never found it. I kinda forgot about it and now it's been like 2 years and I found it again. I tried to wear it for an hour yesterday and it wouldn't even fit all the way on because my teeth have moved and I kept it on for the hour and when I took it out I was already in so much pain. I know I should try to sleep with it on but I'm too scared of how much it's going to hurt the next morning. My teeth kind of have an overbite now because they have moved.

    Am I going to have to get braces again?

    How can I ease in to wearing my retainer again without making myself crazy with all the pain!?

    Please help!

    Thank you! God bless

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • I locked myself out of a house im housesitting...HELP!!!?

    A family friend went out of town and i am watching their house and dog. They have doors that seem unlocked from the inside even when they are locked. Well i went outside with the dog but the door was locked behind me. I really dont want to have to text them and tell them i cant get in... it looks bad and its embarassing. Is there a way i can pick the lock and get in? PLEASE HELP im freaking out!

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Find the finance charge?

    the average daily balance is $413.99 and the monthly interest rate is 1.91%

    can anyone help me with this? thanks!

    God bless :)

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance7 years ago
  • Help with this math question?

    the question is:

    compute the total interest and the monthly payments for an add-on interest loan of $1970, with an annual interest rate of 12% and a term of 5 years.

    the total interest is: _____

    the monthly payment is: ____

    can someone please answer this for me/explain how to do this problem? thank you so much!

    God bless xD

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Best ways to come up with photography photo concepts?

    I am slowly taking my photography more in the conceptual direction and I have had lots of good concepts that ive already thought of/done but now I have seemed to have hit a creativity block. For all the other people interested in this type of photography, how do you get inspired? Any tips?

    Thanks and God bless :)

    3 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Which is the most important reasons we punish criminals?

    I have to write a paper on what I believe is the most important reason we punish criminal offenders for my criminal justice class.

    The choices my teacher gave us to choose from are:

    1.) deterrence

    2.) incapacitation

    3.) retribution

    4.) rehabilitation

    I have to explain which I think is most important and why. I feel like they are all important and I am not sure what to pick.

    Which do you feel is most important? Thank you!

    God bless xD

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How to take self portraits like this with a tripod?

    taking self portraits like this with the camera looking directly down at you seems impossible unless someone takes it for you because they can stand over you. Is there any way to do this by yourself?

    How do I place my camera like this? I see photos like this all the time, What do they attach their cameras too? The ceiling lol?

    This may be a totally dumb question but can someone tell me?


    God bless

    4 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Scared to stay home alone all night?

    my family went out of town for the week and im stuck at home and I have the whole house empty to myself which is a good thing during the day I guess but its kind of freaky at night. I really need to get some sleep because I have to work tomorrow but I cant bring myself to go to bed because im scared of the house being quiet and something happening while im asleep. it sounds silly but I am really scared of being home alone because one time when I was home alone we got broken in to and now im terrified of being home alone and especially at night. is there anything I can do to make myself feel safe?

    thank you

    God bless

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Photoshop Elements not responding?

    It was working fine last night but tonight every time I get halfway through editing my picture, everything freezes for a second and then I get the "photoshop elements is not responding" message and then it says windows will close the program and notify me if there is a solution, and then It closes out the program and I lose all my work. Its very frustrating. It is similar to the common "windows explorer not responding" message I get on my laptop sometimes. I can get back on photoshop but it will just wait a while and the same thing will happen.

    I tried restarting my computer and that held the message off for a while but it still came back. What should I do? I really need to get some pictures edited by tonight and I cant seem to fix this problem.

    Thanks in advance!

    God bless xD

    2 AnswersPhotography8 years ago