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Jonas V
Best fighting games.......Ever!!!!!?
I love fighting games. 2D, 3D, superhuman, and martal arts based fighting games. There are some true gems in the video game world.
I will put answers that include a top 10 list, a short informative answer. above posters that just say tekken rox!!!
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWork out music!!!! good stuff to motivate!!!!?
2 things in this world i love, love, love!! working out and music!!
I want you to pick me some music that gets you motivated!
Im a big fan of metal, classic rock, RnB/rap. please give me 5 songs that are intence, really get you pumped to do running, lift weights and kick the heavybag too!!
Then give me 3 songs that are good for relaxing and clearing my mind. Im a big fan of movie soundtracks enniono morricone, and Yoyo Ma are a couple of my favorites!! help me out please!!!!
4 AnswersMusic1 decade agoAudio slave? they are all right, but 25% of what r.a.t.m and soundgarden.?
I love love love!! Rage against the machine! great angry music, makes you want to run out there and change the world!! Soundgarden and Chris Cornell were excellent, Cris by his self was great, but i could not pick any worst of a singer to complement the funk/hip,hop metal awsome stuff that rage made!
The softer songs are all Chris and i like them Im not arguing about Audioslave, but seriously Zack del la Rocca needs to get back and make more music with rage... ???what do you guys thing??
2 AnswersMusic1 decade agoWhats is up with Music today??? i cant listen to most of these bands.?
blue october?? hate me today?? When i was a teenager we had smashing pumpkins and Nirvana. yeah, I they might of been dark and moody at times, but the music got me thought hard times. This crap today has nothing musically appealing and the writing is terrible bah..... american rejects and the other emo suck vocal band dont appeal at all, even if they do have a decent musical approch, I can stomach MCR and fall out boy, but when are we going to see better material??? i know these guys can rock out,
15 AnswersMusic1 decade agoSnakes on a plane??? I dont understand???
Ok I first noticed this movie coming out like 2 weeks ago, and then all about how its ben some kind of legand here on the internet and so forth. I guess the press feels that the movie did not live up to the hype, The hype??? I love stupid pointless movies as much as the next person, but in my opinion taking #1 in the box office with a science fiction/comedy/action movie is pretty good. I dont have any motivation to see this movie, at that snakes are lazy!!
Please tell me why i should want to see this movie??
16 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat movie role best describes you??
Iv watched alot of movies, with alot of great charitors.
I watched grandmas boy and felt that dude reminded me alot of my self its scary!!
15 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat are the greatest/most lamest EMO bands?
i hate Emo, I just want to know whitch ones are the most emo??
10 AnswersMusic1 decade agoAre Freckles Skin damage??
I have a couple friends with the porelin snow white skin, they dont freckle up, but i do?? what the hell are freckles????
6 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade agoIf you could time travel using your cell phone?
who would you call? you only get one 5 minute phone call. would you call your self and give your self and mess your life up. or would you call a loved one about something at some time. think about it. im 25 yrs old i think i would call my self at age 13 tell me to lay of the art classes and quit playing guitar. i mean im happy i had the experiance, and its really shaped me to be a great person. Funny how your heros start to chance when you age. I still jam out thought. Id give myself specific dating advice"ow the women i could of had lol" all that great stuff.
7 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago3 songs to describe your self.?
Yeah we all have our personal anthems, or songs that just really ring true in the things we are going thought. Im looking for intellegent awsers and i want you to discribe how each song says something about you.
1. song that discribes your love for someone ect
2. a song that sounds like your life.
3. a song that picks you up when you are down/ or really motivates you to do what needs to be done!!
9 AnswersMusic1 decade agoAre animals aware of the world around them??
I belive that Animals are more aware then us humans, you can read distress on a dog. as far as world politics i dont think the squirrels sit in the trees and discuss the stock market!!
7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoSome fun!! what Animal would you like to be???
If a old shaman come up to you today and geve you a magic neclace that could transform you into any animal you wish, but you could only be one. what would you be??
Example, Id want to be a Golden Eagle, Id save a ton in gas money, id be top of the food chain so i would not have to worry about hawks and falcons killing me! i could save peoples lives! If some people messed with me id swoop down and grab there ears with my talons!! and keep the mice out of my house!! what would you be!! please fun silly awsers here people!!
23 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade agoThe facts of life. why do we sugercoat everything?
Im a little bitter with growing up in a world where, nothings as it seems. I did not quit comprehend that people could die intill i lost a good friend back when i was 7 yrs old. I know that its a bit wierd to tell your children that we are all going to die someday, I just remeber being very lonley and bitter after that fact sunk in. I wished i had a parent or a teacher to talk too. but now that We all have kids, i understand why you want to protect them. you just want to make there world bright lights and rainbows. how do you teach the facts of life without making it a big depresing speech??
7 AnswersTeaching1 decade agokids Tv lacks violence, this is bad?
When i was a kid i used to watch tom and Jerry and get alot of entertainment out of it. Now im an adult and i guess shoes like that are unfit for chidren. Now they wach watered down dance competion animai where the violence is kinda metiphorical
And i see alot of the children today watching more adult programing. just seems like they need to find a little reality some where. Kids are smart
10 AnswersFamily1 decade agotalking during sex. where do you draw the line?
ok ill paint a small sceanario. you and your lover are kissing and things start heating up, You just keep working going further as long as shes still enjoying it? Sometimes as a guy, you wait for a sight" she unbuttons her shirt, or she moves her hands down .
Iv heard women say that saying" lets have sex, or any vocal demand is a turn off. But at the same time it sucks to get your hand in the cookie jar, just to get the lid slammed down--then the long silence. Girls, explan this to me!!!!!!
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do you break the ice, on an awkward first date with a girl?
I dont want to sound like an amature, but what kinda things do I say on a date to get a girl to open up, and feel a little more comfortable??? Im usally pretty confedent intill the conversation turns silent. whats good conversation to girls that are nervious too, what do you like to talk about??
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoBad knee, and kickboxing. how do i make my knee stronger?
Iv been doing ju jitsu and karate for about a year now. Id love to do more kickboxing but i have alot of fear in my knee subluxating. and poping out of the socket. i wear a knee brace, but id love to find a way to make the ligemints stronger and possibaly avoid a knee injury. any one that has ever had this problem let me know. wearing a knee brace is an obviouse sigh of weakness and a target so id love to lose it if i ever could.
8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agoWhat do you do when a woman ask to be treated like a good girl before a date. and turns into a wildcat?go4it?
nice girl phone conversation. turns into a one night stand. first she fills your head full of wanting the perfect man, and respect is everything. but halfway thought the date shes tearing your shirt off, do you go along with it cause you are attracted to her. or do you say this is highly unusal and calm her down, and talk?? What do you women think??
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago