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Horse lover all my life! Rode fence and checked and hered cattle in northern Alberta, Canada on my Uncles Farm for 5 years when I was younger Would ride 10-12 hours a day! Then on to teach riding in New York. Got away from it after I married and had a daughter! Now I'm back and learning all over! So bought Sugar a 20 year old mare and she is teaching me all over again. also have a goat,Hershey and 2 cats Minue and Gizmo

  • My mare is 18 years old, HOWEVER! she gets untied and goes for a walk! she is systematic about getting undone?

    My mare is 18 years old leads beautifully, dead broke, loving, has never spooked and is just perfect in every way and will tie great if I'm right there, never offers to do anything, HOWEVER as soon as there is NO ONE around she will slip her halter and go for a walk, I now have a Tie line, neck belt and she has managed to slip that as well! she doesn't panic or run but works at it until she is loose I have watched her from a window in the house where she doesn't see me! if I tie her with a quick release she will untie the lead line and take off! any suggestions? she is a Houdini!

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • horse (mare) has reoccurring problem?

    my mare has experienced a swollen teat (left side) now twice in the last six months, that's how long I have had her! it comes as fast as it goes away! it lasts several days and is gone! the teat gets really swollen and hard! It does not seem to bother her, she has no fever, not off her feed, I can touch it and she doesn't flinch and she moves normal! any ideas what might be causing this! she is not pregnant, and is 16 years old! I thought the first time it was a bug bite but twice now? just wondering if anyone else has a mare that this happens to? and what might be the cause! Oh yeah she had been breed before but the last foal was four years ago!

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • I have a 16 yr old gelding that seems lame! Ok SEEMS?

    well he supports weight on the leg, he bucks putting full force on the leg when he wants to but he gimps around otherwise! I have put him on a lunge line and it seems to work it's way out after 5-10 minutes at a walk I tried a trot last night and his head was bobbing!

    I had the farrier in a few weeks ago and he seemed to think it was because he had been standing for the past 2 years doing Nothing. the right front hoof is way off and he was standing on the leg wrong! we are hoping to bring him back around on the leg, even after one trim it is looking much better, I've only had this old guy for a little over a month!

    I think his teeth need floating since when he chews carrots and half of the carrot ends up on the ground! OK this is not from my neglect! someone gave this old guy to me hoping I can get him past this!

    UGH! I hate to put the old guy down if he is eating well (and he is) and he can kick up his heels when he is feeling good, So My question is, do I put this old guy down or give him a chance! I really don't have room for a hay burner but I really like the old man! any suggestions out there that might bring him around?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever used For Sale By Owner to sell their house?

    If you have, when someone makes and offer and you want to except, where do you go for Escrow? we live in Arizona so no Lawyers here! just wondering how this works , There is no one

    answering the phones or on- line at For Sale on a Sundays!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • is there a way of estimating the age of a goat?

    I just asked this question but it went in the wrong catagory! OPPS! but I have adopted this little goat and I have no idea how old he is and I just wanted to know if there is a way of estimating his age?

    4 AnswersAgriculture1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to estimate the age of a goat? ?

    I have adopted, this lovely goat, he is the sweetest little guy but I was wondering if there was a way of telling how old he is? anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Transistioning tile to tile Help?

    We want to put tile in the dinning / living room no problem done floor tile before, our problem is getting a nice transition from the tile that is in the entrance and kitchen to the tile we would be putting down! I love the exsisting tile! but it no longer is anywhere to be found! I went to the builder but they said it's to old the house was bult 12 years ago! and as far as they know the tile not being made any more!

    they couldn't even tell me the manufacturer, SO! any suggestions on how to transition from one tile to another, that willl be different! I have no extra tiles to take with me to the store! so have to go on memory! I even tried taking a picture along. the tile that we have has a high gloss shine to it and a bit of a pattern in it!

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • our shower doors need to be cleaned on the edges?

    the rubber / plastic that holds the doors in place has turned yellowy brown and I was wondering if anyone knew of a product that I can use to clean them, they are clean it's just the discoloration that bothers me! short of throwing them out and buying new doors! just bought the house


    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • I knowI've beeen here before with this BUT!!!!My Old Mare (22) has been diagnosed with arthritis, right front

    I do keep her moving as much as possible! she walks fine and can run like the wind! but her trot is very gimpy! I have tried riding several times but 10-15 minutes into it she lames up! so I don't push it, I get off! I have heard several sides to this! I should keep going to loosen her up more but she is sore & I'm not a feather weight kid! so I get off , I do work her in the round pen! I have her on Devils Claw, MSM, Glucosamine and Chondrotin, started mid March when 2 vets suggested I put her down! she would be fine as a pasture mate since she is for the most part OK as long as she can walk about! I have cut the bute back to one every other day at this point! I would love to find a home as a pasture mate, but who wants a horse you can't ride! I board and that gets expensive! I do love her enjoy brushing & just being with her,so I keep her. I've only had her 2 yrs she is the sweetest horse ! So should I ride her more, push her or give up? Summer are to hot to ride here in AZ.

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Living here in the Desert South West, what plants are easy keepers in this hard dirt?

    OK I have some cactus and spoons and even trying Grapes right now I have a 40' by 2 flower bed and wondering what I might use for color in there? something that won't fry in the summer sun out here (:-) there is a drip system in the bed we water three times a week for about and hour in the middle of the night! so what ever I put in there will have to be able to survive on that!

    Any ideas for color?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Not Sure where to Post this question BUT I'm going to try here!?

    I have an OLD CAST IRON KETTLE, I want to clean it up but don't want to "SEASON IT" as one would for a CAST IRON skillet or a dutch oven, my Tea would end up being greasy!

    ANY ONE have any ideas on how to clean it? or should I use the Four letter word "SOAP" on it and just bite the bullet?

    It is dusty and there is some RUST, but otherwise in good shape

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I'm sure this has been asked before! so sorry but! adopted a new kitty the other day HELP!?

    OK the new little female is about 7-8 months old! a tiger with quite a bit of white we're looking for a one syllable name! the old man (nueterd) that we have is not reall receptive yet! still hissing at her! but it's only two days now! so not to concerned he will come around I'm sure he is aggressive other than the hissing and low growling at her! I thnk he's just telling her this is my house you live by my rules sort of thing! the little one spend s alot of time under our bed Minue the old guy doesn't fit under there (:-) so she feels safe I'm sure!

    anyway any ideas on how to get them aquainted faster or should we just let nature take it's course? Oh yeah we're still looking for a name for this little gal! any suggestions????


    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • lameness issues?

    OK long story short I've been told to put her down by two vets cause she has arthritis , but that was over a month ago when the old gal was really hobbleing BAD! she is eating fine and maintinainfg her weight she is happy and attentive all the time! her mind is willing but the the leg just reminds her she is OLD!

    I started giving her Glucosamine and Chondritin and that is helping so much! the vet gave her bute and said 4 a day a month ago I took her back to 1 a day and I'm thinking of taking it away completely! she runs like the wind on all four legs now and walks for the most part fine but the trot she is still gimpy!

    I dont ride her, I'm hoping to get her to a point where she can be a pasture mate! so my question is what sort of exercises should I be doing with the old gal to keep her loosened up I walk her for half hour or better every day an turn her out with two other Old horses that are lame! (:-) and she is doing so much better than a month ago, she walks and runs fine

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • HORSE can't get this in the horse catagory! HELP I need Opinions, or options!?

    Ok old mare has Arthritis in right front leg (BAD) Vet said she wouldn't even make a good pasture mate!

    I have her on bute at this point and I just can't wrap my head around putting her down! I have looked at Glucosamine and condrotine (?? spelling) anyone have any suggestions on how to give her a few more years of just EASY walking rides???? or would it be best to just look at reality and put her down? I love this old sweetie and don't want to go there!

    anyone have any suggestions to help her out! before I do something drastic that I don't want to!

    I need to get her past this! is there anything that will ease the pain besides bute! I can't keep her on this for very long before it eats away at her stomach lining!

    thanking you all in advace for any ideas that I can try!

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • HELP!! Got a Lame horse, with a Capital "L" been lame since November?

    Vet has taken x-rays found nothing, she (the vet) did 2 nerve blocks the other evening nothing, she is coming back to do a few more we ran out of day light! we have ruled out laminitis! farrier had corrective shoes on her we pulled those no dice! I tried massage nothing, everything seems to be in place she is just Dead Lame on the right front leg I mean can hardly walk! she does support weight so that I can clean her feet now! which a few weeks ago she wouldn't even give me her left hoof to clean it! she wouldn't put weight on the right leg she at least does that now! but she is still extrememly sore!

    anyone out there have any ideas on what next to try? I'm stumped!

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • HELP!! Got a Lame horse, with a Capital "L" been lame since November?

    Vet has taken x-rays found nothing, she (the vet) did 2 nerve blocks the other evening nothing, she is coming back to do a few more we ran out of day light! we have ruled out laminitis! farrier had corrective shoes on her we pulled those no dice! I tried massage nothing, everything seems to be in place she is just Dead Lame on the right front leg I mean can hardly walk! she does support weight so that I can clean her feet now! which a few weeks ago she wouldn't even give me her left hoof to clean it! she wouldn't put weight on the right leg she at least does that now! but she is still extrememly sore!

    anyone out there have any ideas on what next to try? I'm stumped!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Laminitis, OK not good I know but is there anything I can do to help the old girl?vet said a good possibility!

    she is 21 yrs old and was sound up until a farrier took her back to far! then she went lame, then I got another farrier and he put pads and gel on her front feet! seemed to work for a few weeks now this! she is hobbeling pretty bad!

    Is it time to get rid of her I only pleasure ride! occasionally but I do board and that gets pretty expensive!

    Any suggestions? is there anything that can be done if it is laminitis?

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • My Mare is Lame! any suggestions? I had the Vet Xray her! nothing found!?

    The farrier put corrective shoes in the front with pads and gel filled so she's gell-in! this because another farrier took her back to far!OUCH!! she was doing so well and really felt good! then with the new shoes and gel I think she may have felt to good and hurt herself! she is favoring the right front leg She is OK at a walk (I'm not riding her!) for the most part! but still sore, I wrapped her leg for support but still sore! I don't want to keep her on Bute the rest of her life, she's not on it now! she's 21 so thought is might be arthirtis didn't find any! I'm stumped does any one have any suggestions maybe a liniment?

    I'm at witts end! any suggestions will be welcomed, My heart goes out to her I hate to see her like this, I don't need to ride she is strickly pleasure and I'm happy just being with her but I would like to ride! (:-) is bute a bad thing to keep her on? or is there something else I can use to help her? thishas been going on for over a month now!

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Should I blanket my Mare?

    Phoenix Arizona Area , nighttime temps are ususlaly 30-40'F this time of year, she is in a mare barn 12X16 stall, just want to keep her comfortable! should I put a blanket on her at night? or is she Ok with just her winter coat? SHe's 22 yrs old and I'm thinking maybe I should blanket her. anyone got opinions???

    Just looking for opinions?

    21 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Should I blanket the Old Mare?

    I live in the Phoenix Arizona area, and nights are not freezing temps, sometimes the temp gets into the 30'sF, usually in the 40's F

    Am I wrong not to blanket an old mare (22 years) when it gets that chilly! she is standing in an open barn (mare barn) stall 16 X12.

    I don't show so a heavy coat is not an issue! I just want to keep her comfortable!

    I think she has been in Arizona most of her life so maybe she is use to the weather and may get cold here at 40'F I know after a few years here I'm getting cold at that temp! (:-)

    just lookinig for input! need some opinions!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago