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Why are so many people having.....?
trouble in their marriages? Do you think it has alot to do with people not respecting the vows that said on there wedding day? I hear & have been through so many cases of everyone out for theirself in relationships. I just don't understand what is going on in our soceity.
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI sell cars but.....?
I hate it with a passion. I worked in a factory for years & when it closed down I've floated from job to job. I recently worked in a finance company & loved it. Things didn't work due to staff issues & now I'm selling cars. How can I find a job that will be a career & not just a pay check.? So confused & really feeling worthless.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoFriends....?
What would you think about a girl that claims she is your friend but she only comes over when your husband is home . She is having a baby but acts as she doesn't want it . She even claimed she was going to give it away to a family member. She has a husband of her own but she loves to be around yours. You've found out that she had been calling him & you confronted her infront of her husband & she blames your spouse that he is a liar. Even though alot of this strange behavior has stopped since the announcement of her being pregnant.This all actually started in May. Do you keep your enemies close to you?Your spouse swears that nothing ever has attracted him to her & he can't understand why she would call him cause she knows that I was not around. She used the fact that she thought me & my spouse were together. She always called from her job. My spouse thinks she is nasty looking & just ugly as sin. What do I do ? I beleive my spouse & think she is nothing but trouble!!
28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAre you......?
happy in your marriage? If so , what makes you feel like you are? If not,why?
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoTell the truth...?
do you treat your spouse as you would like to be treated? When you complain about what they don't do ," do you think of what you should be doing instead from time to time?"
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat do you do.....?
when you love your husband so much & you know deep in your heart he could never love you as much you love him. You are his biggest fan & support him in all he does but his main focus is him ,him ,him?Sure you know he loves you but it feels like it might just be out of comfort.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow did you bring in the New Year for 2007?
Were you with friends or family counting down the seconds until12 or what??
8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoHow do make it work?
Been married for 14 years & went through good & bad times. We hardly ever talk when we are alone & I feel as if I go along with what ever he wants he see's us as doing just fine in our marriage.I feel lonely & empty alot cause I'm really by myself even though he is here. I love him & just really confused cause we have had a talk about a thousand times about this. Now I just don't never say anything & it is tearing me up on the inside.
20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago12 year old says I hate his girlfriend..?
I met his so called girlfriend on his birthday party. I was talking to the little girl & she was rolling her eyes at me & popping her mouth cause she didn't like me asking her why she bruises up my son at school by pinching him. I called her sassy momma as a joke to break the ice & she said she didn't like me. I took her home after the party & she told my son who is 12 that if I wasn't in the car she would of laid down in his lap. What in the world am I missing here? She called my house & hung up in my face & I called her back & asked her why she did that & she acted like she was someone else. Then she called right back & asked for my son.I think I should keep the 2 of them away from each other cause she shows me signs of trouble & he is too young for a girl friend anyway. Advice please.
6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoChristmas??
THis is the time of year we spend with family . I hate that I have to be around my in laws cause for 1 my mother in law loves to make me the butt of her racial comments just as she did for Thanksgiving.I love my husband & want to make him happy but I'm dreading going to the house of hell for the holidays.He knows how I feel & I try to remain calm around them when they are so nasty but this year I don't think I can be calm cause enough is enough.Help!
5 AnswersFamily1 decade agoMisunderstood!?
I have been called names by my mother in law & my kids have been treated like out cast by my mother in law & I would rather not see her at all for any holiday but I sit there & smile & take it. This year I'm going on my own with my kids that she has nothing to do & I will see her when my husband is off work. Now why would you think I'm being selfish. I have been there for the last 15 years can I have a break?
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat's wrong with this...?
I want to go to my friends house for Thanksgiving & my husband is at work until 7 pm. My in laws think I'm being an a@# but I just want to do something different & be around someone I enjoy being around. They have tried to talk my kids in staying with them that day instead of going with me.I'm going to their house but it will be after I get back from my freinds house. I'm not even going to my mom's house cause I just wanted something different this holiday. What is the big deal?
8 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat do you do when you feel as if...?
you are getting boring to your spouse cause you are dealing with so many day to day issues with kids ,work,& insecurities in your marriage? The thing is I'm not a drinker & I'm not close with his family & I'm always staying busy running my household. I grew up fast & have no clue how to have fun. I want to be able to be care free & enjoy my life but feel as if I'm loosing my grip on what might be reality in my marriage ,etc.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAm I right to feel this way....?
My husband went on site for local area to see naked women& then I went looking through his things& found more of the same. What bothers me is that he likes looking for oriental women & latino's.I'm white & he is an islander. I feel as if he is searching for something & I'm not it. I talked to him & told him how I felt & he said that he was just looking so why look for women in our area that are available for you to actually meet.If he wanted to be with a female close to his own race why di he marry me & call me the best wife ever if he's searching for the oppsite of me on more than one site?I'm so confused & hurt. I feel like he has no respect for me at all. Am I wrong?
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhy does he go on those sites?
My hubby just told on hisself by showing me a funny site that promotes single women on the side of it & in the area we live which means he set up an account. He said I looked at it but I couldn't get an account & you can check up on me . The old me would of jumped on that but that mess is not worth my energy. I just can't understand why it is important for him to lie like that?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhy are teenagers 13-15...?
so quick in trying to grow up? I was listening to this 13 year old girl talking on the phone when I switched over to give my 14 year old son the phone saying Mother F--ker & so on & was shocked. I asked her did she know what she sounded like talking like that? I caught my 10 year old cussing too. What is going on?
9 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhy is it so hard to trust?
Been together 16 years.He has lied alot & have caught young girls around him in calls ,etc. We said okay we both have done are dirt now it's time to get it together.He went away for trianing & found out about a18 year old he was so called friends with. I'm doing my part taking care of kids & he's spending the night at her house & her hubby was in Iraq. This happened a year ago & both say it was innocent but I can't let it go cause it hurt so bad. Now when he is at work I think he will find someone there but he seems like he is into the marriage now but I'm really scared of letting my guard down. I pray for God to let this go in my heart but it's really hard for me to let go.HELP!
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do some people think he is cheating because he works alot?
I asked the ? of how to keep being supportive & keep my cool cause my husband got a new job & works alot & I miss him like crazy & some people answered with he's cheating. This is for those that say that...Why do you think he is cheating?He has a history of being friendly to women but I think this time he is really working. Should I pay close attention to this or just be supportive?
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI miss him but...?
he is happy as he could ever be. The new job takes up all of his time & I'm 110% behind him cause he is providing for his family.He just got home from Iraq 6 months ago & it's hard for me to see him less & less each week. How do I handle these feelings cause he is doing it all for our family?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoJust found out..?
My Step-Dad just was telling a story about a outing he & my husband went on last week where my husband was making comments about these 2 women being fine & sexy & all that stuff. Should I take it personally or just get over it? One was at our local bank & another was a local sales lady. I thought of saying something because we have always had problems of him & other women but he swears that he is a changed man. Answers Please!
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago