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What major political events have happened over the past few weeks?
International and Domestic issues
3 AnswersPolitics3 years agoWIFI question??? Lost all codes?
So the sheet that my parents used to write down our WIFI password, WPN code, etc. has disappeared. "Apparently" I was the last to use the sheet, so I have to fine and fix the computer while my parents scream at me. We have a rotor through XFINITY. If you need any more info I would be glad to provide it if I can find it. I thought I could do a factory reset on the rotor and it would work, but my parents wont let me touch the rotor to even try. Please help
3 AnswersComputer Networking6 years agoCalling all poets?
I need help writing a quick poem about two contrasting nouns (Our example was flowers and weeds) If anyone has any examples, or could write a quick one for me, that would be great!! :)
4 AnswersPoetry6 years agoGot water up my nose?
So long story short, while taking a bubble bath I got some water up my nose and in my sinus. When it first happened it was extremely painful, than the pain went away. Now I have a mild headache on the center of my forehead. Can I get a sinus infection? Also, I am flying on March 1st and again on March 6th and going to Disney world. Will this affect that. Also, how do I get the water out of my nose? I am reposting because I want more answers. :) thank you!
Other - General Health Care6 years agoI got a bunch of water up my nose?
As stupid as this sounds, I was taking a bubble bath and put my head underwater, where my nose was under but my mouth wasn't. As I pulled my head up and breathed, I got a bunch of bubbled filled water in my nose. My head hurt extremely bad for a minute, but now only hurts when I bend down. Could I get a sinus infection from this, and how to I get the water out of my sinuses
1 AnswerInjuries6 years agoSuper afraid that my teacher will find out that i let a girl cheat off of me?
So we had this dumb fake vegetable garden project for my science class. Well I did all the work and the girl next to me didn't get it. I tried explaining, but she still didn't get it, so I just let her copy me.When we went to go turn them in, she looked at mine first, told me it was in the wrong order, and told me to go staple it. So after me and the girl stapled it, we turned it in and she looked at the girl who copied mine and said "Did you copy someones? I have seen these numbers before?" And she said no, but now i'm extremely paranoid. Our teacher will be grading it over winter break, and I'm sooo scared she knows she copied me. I'm a super good student, and I am so afraid i could get suspended or get an after school detention for what I did. If she figures it out, what should I say??
1 AnswerHomework Help6 years agoGalaxy s5 or iPhone 5s?
So i have never had an apple or an andriod product. I was going to get a iPhone 5s, but Virgin Mobile has been out of stock for the longest time, and I have been looking at the Galaxy s5. However, I have only heard bad things about the Galaxy. Which one is better?
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years agoIs a 3.6 GPA good or bad?
I just got my report card (Its just a progress report to show how we are doing.) And I saw that my GPA is a 3.6. Is that good or bad? I'm a freshman if that matters. But I heard you need like a 3.75 to get into a good college (I am in Honors Language and got an A in that if it means anything.)
3 AnswersOther - Education7 years agoHospital Gift Bag Ideas?
For my girl scout gold award, I wanted to make a blanket and jar/bag or goodies for kid at my local children s hospital. Thankfully, I have never been in the hospital, and I don't know what kids would like/need. Any ideas?
1 AnswerOther - Health7 years agoBrain Tumor Question?
I'm going to sound like an idiot, so feel free to laugh. But I remember hearing somewhere that your brain cells never multiply, and your born with a set amount. If that is true, how do you get a brain tumor? Are you born with cells that have the gene mutation? I hope I didn't offend anyone
2 AnswersCancer7 years agoRandom Bruising?
So about a little over a week ago, I woke up with this BIG bruise on my leg, and its now just starting to get smaller. But I'm also noticing little, about the size of penny's and dime's, on the same leg, only two so far. And I have these little red dots under the skin on that same leg on my upper thigh. I don't have anemia, or anything blood related, so I'm sort of confused as to why I'm getting all of these bruises. Also the little red dots, I had some on my lower thigh a few weeks ago, but they went away after a couple of days.
Update : I'm 14 and female
Update 2: Just thought about adding, I have also been having weird pains all over my body, but mostly my ribs and back. Its in my bones and muscles, and they come and go, and are really fast, and sometimes super sharp feeling, if that makes sense.
Earlier today I fell off a home depot bucket (Don't ask) and I got burisies all up and down my arms. I also bleed a lot from only a few little cuts. IDK what it is or if it is just a coincidence.
2 AnswersInjuries7 years agoRandom bruising?
So about a little over a week ago, I woke up with this BIG bruise on my leg, and its now just starting to get smaller. But I'm also noticing little, about the size of penny's and dime's, on the same leg, only two so far. And I have these little red dots under the skin on that same leg on my upper thigh. I don't have anemia, or anything blood related, so I'm sort of confused as to why I'm getting all of these bruises. Also the little red dots, I had some on my lower thigh a few weeks ago, but they went away after a couple of days.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions7 years agoIs 100 lbs. to little for being 5'4?
I'm around 110 lbs. ATM, and I want to lose about 10 pounds, because being 100 lbs. sounds about a good weight. I don't have a lot of muscle so I look flabby, which is why I want to lose 10 lbs.
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoCan you tell me if my wattpad story is good?
Or just any opinions on it. I was super board when I wrote this, not sure if I will continue the story
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore7 years agoWhy are people so rude on the internet now?
I'm not saying everyone is rude, there are LOTS of nice people, but if you look at questions on here from 6 or 7 years ago, they all have nice answers. Now all questions get these sarcastic answers like "do it yourself" or something. Just something I noticed
6 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agoHow are environmental conflicts resolved?
This is for my AP Environmental Science class and the book does a horrible job at explaining it.
1 AnswerCivic Participation7 years agoWhat does it feel like to die?
Today I found out my Aunt passed away from cancer, and I'm so afraid she was in pain. Does dying... Hurt?
4 AnswersCancer7 years agoShops that high school girls shop at?
That are semi-affordable. Also, is this a good backpack for high school, and is the price worth it?
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years agoNo guys like me?
I'm 14, and everyone is always saying I'm pretty (Girl wise, a guy has never called me pretty), but every guy I have EVER liked, has ALWAYS liked my friend. I mean, I feel like the most ugly girl in the whole school! I'm so fricken pale, have ugly red hair with side swpeted bangs, am 5 foot 3, 107 lbs, and just ugly! I just want to know if this is a stage or if this will be my life forever.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago