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Can i get a car loan?
Im gonna be turning 18, and i want to buy a car for around $12,000. I have about $8,000 saved, but i dont know if i want to use the whole amount as a down payment. i have a student bank account on my own, and i have a steady job (been at the same place for a year now) and i make okay money. I dont have to worry about college, so i dont need people telling me to just buy a cheap car and be happy with it. i want to know if i can get financed and where. I dont have any credit built up that i know of, but if i had like a 50% down payment, and a steady job will that make up for it?
serious answers only please
(i will be waiting until my 18th bday to finance)
5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agocant pay my mortgage?
we are pretty much screwed. we are underwater more than 100,000 on our house in phoenix, az. no banks can help us, and we are pretty much going to just not pay mortgage and save up money until they kick us out. this was the first months we didnt pay. how long do you think it will be before they evict us? are they any other options? short sale is out of the question
2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade agoI cant pay my mortgage!?
recently my family has been having huge money problems. we bought our first house in 2006 for $210,000, and today it has declined to only be worth about $110,000. Well recently my wife was laid off from her job, and i work i construction and my company is slowing down almost cutting my pay in half and we can no longer afford our mortgage. we signed up for the bailout information months ago but we still have months to wait. what do we do??? would it be smart to go in a short sale?
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agosunburn blisters! help please?
so i got a bad sunburn the other day, and on the upper part of my arms blisters formed late yesterday and were very painful. i kept them open to the air all day today and all last night and applied aloe vera regularly and the pain is almost gone. But the nasty blisters are still there and slightly leaking... I have a family party to go to tonight, would it be a bad idea to put a light layer of gauze over it tonight so it is more comfortable with a shirt and so it doesnt leak?
3 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade agoArizona drivers license?!?
ok so i got my permit 4 days after the date that i was able too. i was elligable to get it on October 16th, 2008 but i got it on the 20th. is it possible for me to get it on April 16th? which is my 16th birthday. or do i have to wait until the 20th? I have met all of the requirements for the driving hours and stuff
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago15? economy? should i buy a car now?
i am 15 and i get my learners permt next month and my license in april. i am really worried that i will not be able to buy a car when i turn 16 with the way the economy is going... would it be smart to buy one now. i have a job and i can sustain a car payment and insurance right no w... is this smart?
9 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agodoes this dream mean anything?? ?
okay so this past march my grandmother(moms mom) past away. My mother and i were both told by a famous medium here in arizona (alison dubois) that when spirits come visit you, you have dreams with them of something that did not happen with them in the past... well the other night my mom had a dream about my grandmother... my mom specifically asked how her dad was doing in heaven and she replied that he was happy, and my mom said she pictured him being far away. and another thing was my grandmother asked for her lipstick. which my mom handed to her, and the third question my mom asked was how is it up in heaven, and she cant remember the exact word, somewhere in the are of comfortable or relaxed though.. does this mean anything??
2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoipod 2.0 woooont download?
i have been trying to download the iphone 2.0 software for my ipod touch forever, but it still not working... it gets like a quarter of the way through and it says that the network connection has timed out...what do i doo
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agotainted meat suing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok. so today i bought buddig brand corned beef. and tonight i opened one of the packages, and ate a piece without lookng at it. i thought it tasted funny so i looked at it, and it is green!! and has white and black fuzzy mold spots alll over it. the date even says september 10th, 08. should i sue, or can i sue buddig?, i can get sick from this!
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agosmart car?? Good idea!?
i am looking into getting a smart car, with gas prices soaring over 4 dollars a gallon, my 2008 hyundai sonata, just is wayyy too much of a gas guzzler. i have a 30 mile drive to work and i have a payment on my sonata of 300, i have 0% fiancing for 72 months, and owe $19,500 on it. But with smart cars retailing just under $12,000 im thinking it might be worth it. i know if i trade it in i will owe a few thousand, but i think i might be able to come close by seling my sonata myself. my sonata is only getting between 18 to 22 mpg to work, i drive about 16,000 miles a year, and simply cant afford to have a gas guzzler. so is it really worth it to buy a smart car??? is it a good investment???
13 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agohuge coincidences with number 4?
okay so my family has had soooo many coincidences with the number 4, mostly my grandparents... my grandfather had a heart condition and had 4 heart attacks, and on the fourth one he died from it after 4 days in the hosital on september 4th, 1984 at the age of 54 at 4:14 a.m. my grandmother was born july 14th, 1933, and passed away in hosital room 4 after 4 hours of surgery at the age of 74 at 11:14p.m on march 4th of this year. their annivarsary is november 14th, and this past year would have celebrated 54 years of marriage, they have 4 kids all in their 40's. and they had 14 grandchildren. i think there was a few more..... isnt this crazy, what does it mean?????
6 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agodr. segels cookie diet!!!?
this diet is amazing!!!! it is sooo easy to lose weight. I have only been on it for a week and have lost 11 pounds, Its almost too good to be true. my aunt just recently completed the diet and lost 32 pounds in a month. has anyone else had any success stories with the cookie diet??? if so how much did you lose??
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agohelp!!?? ring!?
my grandmother past away last week and she has been cremated. the night she passed away the doctor asked my family if we would like her ring, and of course we said yes, it is very special to us. now here we are a week later without the ring. we have called the hospital, and they dont have it, the cemetary and they said she came in without it. the hospital has caled everywhere it could be and no luck. where could it be. the doctor wrote on a slip that we wanted the ring. it is very old and means a lot to our family. what should we dooo!
4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoHelp!!!????
ok so heres the story, i have been best friends with this girl since kindergarten, we were always inceperable until 6th grade, when she met this little biotch, that tore her away from me, but just recentley, we have been talking again and hanging out at schol, and we have a blast. we are almost constantly texting eachother, and laughing with eachother. we have a ton in common, and have the same intrests. bout there are two problems, number one is that she has recentle broken up with her boyfriend of 2 months. and she is georgous, and i am i guess good looking, well thats what i am told, but kinda overweight. oh and by the way we ar 15. what should i do. should i ask her out, or ask if she wants to hang a the mall. give me advice....... Please no rude comments!!!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat should i do!?!?!?
ok so heres the story, i have been best friends with this girl since kindergarten, we were always inceperable until 6th grade, when she met this little biotch, that tore her away from me, but just recentley, we have been talking again and hanging out at schol, and we have a blast. we are almost constantly texting eachother, and laughing with eachother. we have a ton in common, and have the same intrests. bout there are two problems, number one is that she has recentle broken up with her boyfriend of 2 months. and she is georgous, and i am i guess good looking, well thats what i am told, but kinda overweight. oh and by the way we ar 15. what should i do. should i ask her out, or ask if she wants to hang a the mall. give me advice....... Please no rude comments!!!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs this a good idea?
i was recentley in an accident, and my car was totaled. the insurance company paid my car off, and now im stuck with trying to buy a new car. iwas aprooved with my bank with a car loan for $14,000, i have been shopping around, and have found some ok cars for 14000 out the door, but over time the loan ends up being like 18-19,000 dollars with interest. i have also been offered financing from hyundai dealers that i have been to, and they have a deal for a 2008 hyundai sonata, brand new, and i absolutley love the sonatas. but they are about 20,000 out the door, but have 0% financing for 72 months+ 500 bonus cash and a $1000 dollar gas card. should i go for this new sonata, or stick with buying the used car through my bank, for 63 months, whats the better deal?!?!?!
8 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agoany car dealer out there!!??
well heres my story, im in the market for a new car and i have 11,000 cash to spend. i have found this car on the internet that i really like, but it is listed at $13,900. Do you think a dealer would give it to me for 11,000 out the door if i write a check. i rally need help.
5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agocar accident?
i was in a car accident on saturday, which was not my fault. i was injured, and went to the emergencey room on sunday. i was told it was a strained neck and back. i dont know if this sounds kind of selfish or not. but can i get money other than the medical bills from the other drivers insurance company. he has government insurance(usaa). i dont want to be selfish, but im in need of money.
13 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agohelp! car accident!?
i was in an accident last night, and they towed my car away, i really need a rental car today. my insurance company told me to call the other drivers insurance company, and their closed today, i dont know if their is another way i can get a car today. please help!!!!!!
26 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoWhat should i do?
i was just wondering if i should get rid of my 2003 ford taurus! its kind of expensive, with all of the gas it uses, i owe $10,000 on it, and its only worth $6500. my finances are really tight, should i trade it in and get a newer car, and try to get a cheaper payment, like if i wanted to get a nissan versa, which gets really good gas mileage, and is priced really low, would i be able to keep my payment around $250, thats what i pay on the taurus. i really need to cut back, and i dont know if this is a good idea? i wouldnt want a car earlier than a 2004, what should i do! gas is just wayyyyyy to expensive, i do A LOT of driving, please help!!! by the way if it helps on determining the payment, i have very good credit
4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago