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  • My girlfriend of ten years kissed another guy?

    I am going to make this really short because I really do not feel like talking about it. My girlfriend and I have been living with each other for the last 10 years. She has three kids that live with us. She says she loves me and I believe her. The problem is that she goes out sometimes (twice a month or so) and goes for happy hour or to local bars with her girlfriends. Anyways, over the years we have had a couple of incidences of her getting drunk and touching other guys arms and chest while talking to them. Also I have had to pick her up many times because she has become drunk and wanted a ride home. I always just assumed that everything was okay and that she would never do anything. Long story short she went with her friends to a local bar and one of the friends said that they were ready to come home but wait a few min. So I wait a few minutes and when I pull up I park the car and she is face to face, holding hands and touching each others hair and arms and then.....the kissing starts. I call the friend and I say that I am there. My girlfriend said she was drunk and pretty much does not remember anything and that she blacked out. I am having a hard time believing her because she talked and sent me a text 20 min before the incident and it was clean with not misspellings. She was also standing very still and staring at his face when I saw them. She was not swaying or anything. I feel depressed and I am having a hard time dealing with this. I keep thinking about all of the other times and did she do those things before and her friends not tell me. Need to move on but can't stop thinking about what I saw.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it reasonable for me to not want sleepover on weekdays?

    I am the stepfather to a 10 year old boy, a 16 year old girl, and an 18 year boy. We all live together in a small three bedroom 1 1/4 bath house. My 18 year old would like to have his friend sleep over on a weekday. We all work and go to school. I just do not see the point cuz his friend sometimes sleeps over on the weekend. this is the same guy that i have talked about before. he is a good guy but it we have a lot of people in our house already. we do not let the other kids have sleepovers on the weekday so why should the 18 year old be any different. Anyways, my wife thinks it is okay. I say not and am pretty stuck on that. He comes on the weekend to sleepover so it does not make any sense at all to me. It just makes it more crowded and sometimes the shower thing gets to be an issue. Again, he sleeps, eats, showers, and i wash his clothes on the weekend...i think that is enough. what do you think.

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do you allow you kids to put their feet on the arm rest of the couch?

    Always wondered about this. I am not a clean freak.....well sorta. That is another story. Anyways, I sometimes tell the kids not to lay on the couch and put their feet on the sofa arm rest. I put my arms there. Am I being picky? I think of it like this. If I were go running and sweat a lot and smell of body odor can I got sit and put my feet on your pillow? I might feel a little better if there feet were past the arm rest and it was their legs on the arm rest but rubbing their feet on the arm rest to get cozy is a little to much for me. I do have better things to do and I don't watch for it always but i do notice this practice sometimes. How do you feel about it?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Should an 18 year old have to ask permission for friend(s) to come over to the house?

    Please don't get me wrong when I ask these questions about the kids. I love them very much. I just want to know how others deal with it and what do they do in certain situations.

    We have an 18 year old son who just started jr. college. He is living at home and not working yet. We has two other children a girl who is 16 and another boy who is 10. We live in a three bedroom 1 1/2 bath house. We are lower middle class. I am telling you this so that you can get a little picture of how we live. Anways, my question is......should my 18 year old have to ask before he brings friend(s) over to the house? Came home today from work and him and his two friends were playing video games in the livingroom. I got some water and went to the room. Playing video games in the livingroom is not really permitted in our house cuz it is not necessary cuz we all have a television set in the room and also the plugs get messed up when you keep putting plugs in and out of the input and outputs. Anyways, it was okay this time cuz there were more than one friend over and his room is kinda small. He did not ask me or his mom if it was okay. Should he have asked?

    44 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How many sleepovers is too many?

    We are a family of 5. We live in a little three bedroom 1 1/2 bath house. Our children are 18 (boy), 16(girl), and a ten year old boy. We both work and work hard to make ends meet. We are probably lower middle class, meaning that we make ends meet and live pretty decent lifestyle for a family of five. Our water and power bill is about $350 every two months. Anyways, that was just a little background on our lifestyle so you can get an idea of where we are coming from.

    Here is the question: How many sleepover should we allow each child. Don't get me wrong. I love for the kids to come a visit but sleepovers get to be a little too much if it is every weekend.

    16 year old girl has someone sleepover about two to three days a month. Never on the weekday and only on weekend. The bad thing is that sometimes the next day they stay till three or four in the afternoon.

    10 year old boy has someone sleepover about once every six months.

    18 year old just kinds started. In August his friend slept over on the 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 17th.....we had party on the 22nd, and his friend is still here and it is the 26th. He also has been taking a bath here and actually he is doing that right now getting ready to go to work. Is this right? He also throws his clothes in the laundry basket. I guess we are suppose to wash his clothes. Is this too much? Should I be worried? What is going on here?

    I would like to make it a rule that nobody sleeps over on the weekday. We both works and we need the quiet. Does anybody else feel this way. Remember our water bill is already at $350 every two months. What about our comfort and privacy?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Should my 18 year old do chores?

    My son just turned 18 years old a couple of months ago. He just graduated from high school and will be attending a local jr college this week. He is not working and is supported by his mom and I. We usually has about 15 minutes of chores each day. Example of chores might be put dishes away, wipe microwave, vac, clean the toilet......

    We have three children in all which makes 5 people in our house. There is a lot to do. What do you think?

    26 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How long do you use a bath towel before washing it?

    After you take a bath what do you do with your towel. How long do you use the same towel before putting it in the wash?

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Credit Cards and Finance?

    My wife and I share finances. we both work but she give up some of her check for household things and savings. i will pay the bills save for things that come up like car maintenance and other necessary things. our credit card used to be as much as $22,000. over the last three years we have worked hard to bring it down to 4,000. i don't want to spend what we don't have and i would like to save for things that we want or we know will come up. i don't want to put anything else on credit. my wife is pretty spiritual and is at a place where i am not yet. she believes that everything will work out so not to worry about things. i on the other hand feel like i am always worrying about thing. is this a man thing or is it just me. I feel so responsible to make sure things are taken care of and feel like i always need to plan to make sure we are okay. i think about things way in advance and worry about saving for those things. i always talk about how if i did not worry i would just buy things that i like. i would not worry if i need it or if it were necessary i would just buy it. sure i would like a new phone but mine works so i just keep it. i would rather save the money for the kids braces or something like that. if i don't worry about it who will? don't get me wrong my wife is the best and i love her to death but sometimes we just don't see the same things.

    one last example. i would like to buy a house soon. we are just waiting and at this time we can actually afford one with a little bit of planning. our combined income is okay and we are good to go. i asked my wife about if her father were to get sick and she needed to stay with him (another state) how would she do it if she or i did not save for her time off? she said that she does not worry about that stuff and she would just quit her job because life is more important. That kinda scared me and reminded me that a house together would not be too good right now. i would probably land up losing house because payments. i know her father is important but that is not what i was looking for . i was looking for some type of plan or savings where we would be able to account for such a situation. I am rambling so i better stop. What should i do?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Should my 18 year old son who is in college be able to have his friend sleep over on weekdays?

    my son who is 18 and going to college would like his friend to sleep over on weekdays. we already have three kids and our house is not that big. we both get up early to go to work and he and his friend do not go to bed early. they watch tv and play video games. i am a light sleeper and earplugs are not always the answer. it is not for one day sometimes it is two or three nights, taking a bath each day, and even washing his clothes. there is also the food part. I am not stingy but we are already a family of 5 so you can imagine. i am okay with one day on the weekend sometimes but it seems a bit much to me especially on the weekday. What do you think?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How would you feel about this situation?

    My wife works at a company and they were getting a couple of new desks. They needed them to be put together so my wife volunteer me to come and put them together. I went to her work to put one together with the help of another guy from her work and it took about 3 1/2. There were so many screws and dowels and things and we had to do it by regular screwdriver. My girlfriend said they wanted to pay me but I did not want it. I wanted to do it just to do it for her and her work. Later they got two more desks. This time I went to buy two battery operated screwdrivers and extra batteries ($35 all together). My wife and I put them together after her regular work was finished (5:30) We put both desks together, pulled out the old desks and took them apart, and clean up. We did not get out till 11:30 at night. I still did not want pay and just wanted to do it for her and her boss. The next day the boss made a comment to the office manager and said " how long does it take to put two desks together?" he said this in a way that made it seem like we had played around and that it took to long. My wife was on the clock but did not count as overtime and I was not getting paid cuz I did not want the pay.

    If any of you have ever put computer desks for offices together please answer this question. It was amazing the screw and dowels and lock joint there were. We were using glue for the dowels, screw caps. the desk had two filing drawers with rails that needed to put on and a cabinet.

    I am not mad or anything but?????? I just don't know. I am a good person and I try to do the right things. I do a lot of things for others and try not to complain but?????? I just can't explain it. My wife did not even get a thanks or a wow...nice job.

    My wife is a terrific worker and she is well liked at the company. She is always going out of her way to help and never takes advantage. This is why I love her so much but???????????? She said that she felt sorry for him and that he was just one of those people that just can't accept that people do nice things just to be nice. He always feels that people are taking advantage of him.

    My wife and I sacrificed the whole night and we did not even get to see the kids much because they were asleep when we got home. I did not go there for my health or fun but just for her and her work. I did have other things I could be doing. I am rambling......I know I should not feel anything but...I just don't know.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do you let your kids eat in the livingroom?

    We have three kids. We try to keep the house pretty clean. When guests come and sit on the couch I would like them to feel comfortable sitting in a clean couch. I would hate for them to get up and see a brown stain on their nice clean white pants because one of the kids ate a brownie on the couch in the livingroom. We have a rule about eating at the table. Does anyone else?

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My feet ache really bad when I wake up in the morning. Could this be arthritis?

    For the past two months my feet are really aching in the morning. It gets better as the day goes on. The pain almost makes me limp to get around. I have not done anything different and it started all of a sudden. I woke up and there it was.... the pain. It started in one foot and now it is both. it kinda feels like how you might think it would feel if you had went hiking on rocks for a couple of hours.

    10 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How long should I let my 10 year old play video games per day?

    My son loves to play video games. He is a good kid and does pretty well in school. I just wanted to get an idea of how other families handle the video game situation.

    22 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What is okay to ask a house guest to help around the house?

    My wife has a brother (17) years old that came for a visit. He was going to visit for about a month. I cooked, cleaned, did laundry, etc. I only asked him twice if he could take out the trash for me. Was that okay? In the house we have me, my wife, and three kids already so there is a lot to do. My wife and I did not argue about this and actually did not even speak of it. I was just wondering if it was kinda ....well wrong for me to ask? He comes to visit almost every summer. This time it was just him. Sometimes it is him and his dad (which is my wife's dad too). So what do you think?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How can I find an old Ralph Lauren Polo Jean Pullover that my wife use to have

    My wife really loves this dark blue pullover (long sleeve) that she got at Macy's about 5 years ago. It is kind of thin and hooded with no zipper. It is falling apart and I would like to get her another one just like it. On the front is says Polo Jeans No 67 Ralph Lauren. It looks kind of vintage. Where would I be able to find it again?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • does anyone else eat cheerios for lowering cholesterol?

    i had a cholesterol reading of 254 a month ago it went down in a month to 169. i snack on Cheerios. has anyone else had that happen to them/

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What should my wife do about her job and boss?

    Jen is my wife

    John is the boss

    Cara is the coworker

    ****mind you my wife Jen gave her notice to leave the company a couple of days before the incident but was persuaded to stay.

    My wife Jem was at work working quietly in her cubicle and it was only her, her boss John, and another women coworker named Cara. Jhon yelled out to Cara and said, "Hey Cara did you hear about Jen and and the goat?" Cara replied,"no but Jen is here John." Jen was so quiet in the office that she felt that Jhon did not know she was in the office. Jhon tried to play it off and say that he knew Jen was there and that it was just a joke. Jen is very pissed about this and not sure what the joke would be about. She is still considering leaving the company.

    She likes the company sorta

    she likes the people

    she likes the pay

    the boss is good but is a push over and things sometimes do not get run right and unfair things sometimes go on. he has favorites

    very flexible schedule. you can take off if needed but need to make up the hours. some people can even do work at home to make up hours.

    What should my wife do and does anybody know what that joke might have been about. We are thinking it has something to do about her giving her notice.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Drinking Girlfriend and Other Guys

    My girlfriend told me that she was going to go out with her friend. I trust her and I let her go all over the place. I only get worried when she drinks cuz we had a couple of incidents were she was so drunk she could not drive. anyways, she was going out with her friend for dinner. next thing i know she texts me and says that they landed up going to karoke. three hours later she still has not called. mind you it is 12:30 am on a weekday and we both work at 7:30 in the morning. I try to call her not answer, i text her no answer, i call her friend that she was suppose to go out with and find out that she is at home already. so now i find out that started out at one place with her friend and her boyfriend and a couple of his cousins and brothers and one other girl. so now when they are at the first place her good friend goes home with her boyfriend and my girlfriend goes with the other girl, the brother and the guy cousins to karoke. I find out my girlfriend is too drunk to drive home and I have to go pick her up. as I get up to the house four guys are standing by a car and tell me she is now in her friends house. I get worried and pissed. two weeks later she goes out again with the girlfriend of one of the cousins and has to text him cuz the girlfriend is coming home late and she text him " hey your girlfriend is okay she is with me remember me were were suppose to do karoake together. Am I suppose to be okay with this? by the way when i tell her I did not like her drinking with other guys around she tell me that they are not like that. stop being jealous. Oh and one of the guy had to drive her to her friends house. I felt like a total idiot going over there. Then she told me that she was so embarassed that i came to pick her up even though she still could not drive home. And she was the bad embarassed. the kind where I made her embarassed because I was so quick to come and get her. Mind you she gets to go all over the place and I take care of the kids and the house. I am okay with it, i just hate the drinking part.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think about a guy who gets together with a women that has three kids?

    I got together with my girlfriend about 9 years ago. She had children that were 1, 6, 9. We having been living together for the past 8.5 years and have had our ups and downs. We live as a family and I treat the children as my own. There as still so many questions so I might just break it down and have futher questios about it later. But for now I just want to get an idea of what people think? Do these things usually work out well? Would you do it? I am also a pretty bad influence and enable the children. I don't mean but it hurts my wife when I do it. For instance, I gave my stepson a discount ticket that I bought for the movies cuz he was going. I forgot he was grounded and that I was not suppose to give him any money. I hate to be the bad guy and always seem to say yes. As a stepfather you never want to be the bad guy. It might be difficult for others to understand. There is little if any contact with real father. This yes attitude is not good for the children and my wife is getting pretty tired of it. It is hard for her cuz she is at work till 6 or 7 and i get home at 4 so I am home with the kids a lot more and have to do the cooking and the cleaning. What should I do so that I can be a better stepfather?

    15 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago