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Republicanism is the answer

  • Would I fit in at Wake Forest?

    So I just got my acceptance letter from Wake Forest University, and while I'm definitely pumped, I don't know much about how I'd fit in with the student body. Socially, I like to party and have fun but I'm not hanging out with all the "cool" kids or whatever in high school. My friends are a little on the nerdier side, but we definitely aren't spending are weekend nights hitting the books. I heard that Wake was dominated by Greek life, but I don't know if I fit the whole frat bro persona. I like drinking and all that, but I can't imagine myself being a total d-bag with a popped collar and everything. Basically, if I'm kinda quirky but still fun at the same time, is Wake a good place for me?


  • Will Survivor ever take place in a different environment?

    Every season of Survivor, at least the U.S. version, takes place on some tropical island, with the exception of the Australian Outback. Will there ever be a season set somewhere else, like a snowy mountain or anywhere not tropical? I think Survivor: Alps would be pretty cool.

    5 AnswersReality Television7 years ago
  • Does being Republican hurt college apps?

    So I'm applying to some pretty liberal schools (ie. University of Michigan, UNC, Boston College). However, my common app essay is about an experience I had while volunteering for a political candidate, a Republican. Political ideology isn't the focus of the essay by any means, but it's still clear which way I lean just because of some small details. Will this hurt my application?

  • How many total songs does a "The Voice" contestant sing?

    If someone on "The Voice" makes it all the way to the finale, how many songs total will they have sung (not counting the group songs). Does anyone know the format for the show? I know it goes audition, battles, knockouts, then I think the LIVE shows start, but there are some episodes where they sing two… Does anyone know?

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Best psychic Pokemon in Diamond?

    I really like psychic pokemon and I was wondering what the best one is in Diamond and how to get it (I already have bronzor)

    5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • Do you support this selfless bill?

    President Obama has signed an executive order raising the pay of members of Congress. Recently, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) wrote a bill that would rescind the Congressional pay raise, declaring that increased spending, especially when it's just for their salaries, is not what we need. Do you agree?

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are the President's priorities straight?

    We heard a lot this election about protecting seniors and their Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security. President Obama and the Democrats claimed that candidate Romney and the Republicans wanted so badly to "protect the rich," that they were willing to cut seniors' entitlement programs. I happen to believe that spending cuts (and a lot of them) are imperative to balancing the budget, but the President refuses to cut these programs. So…

    Why does he spend 1 trillion dollars on a failed stimulus, research why pigs smell, give foreign aide to dictators and countries that hate us, bail out Solyndra, and then act all shocked when we don't have any money left? Conservatives want to stop all the spending that gets us to the bad situation in the first place so that we don't have to cut seniors' entitlements. If the President wants to protect these programs so much, why not secure funding for Social Security BEFORE bailing out Solyndra...

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If Steve Jobs ran for President?

    Would Obama also paint him as an evil, selfish businessman?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are these accurate 2016 candidates?

    Might as well start speculating…

    I have these guys from the Democratic side:

    VP Joe Biden

    Sec.Hilary Clinton

    Gov.Andrew Cuomo (NY)

    Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)

    Sen. (she will be) Elizabeth Warren (MA)

    Gov. Deval Patric (MA)

    And from the Republicans:

    Gov. Chris Christie (NJ)

    Sen. Marco Rubio (FL)

    Gov. Nikki Haley (SC)

    Gov. Susana Martinez (NM)

    Gov. Bob McDonnell (VA)

    Rep. Paul Ryan (WI)


    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is this site the new Conservapedia?

    So there's a Conservative wikipedia called "Conservapedia" that drives Liberals crazy, but I think that may be old news now. I came across this new site, Conservative Wiki, that's way better organized and has way funnier attacks on Liberals. Are we looking at the new right-wing blog?


    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Can a Liberal explain how destroying part of one's own business helps said business?

    Bain Capital. Do attacks on it even make sense?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why doesn't Romney try fundraising with Conservative celebs?

    Obama's out partying with Cee Lo, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Jessie Tyler Ferguson, and he's raising millions of dollars in the process. Would it kill Governor Romney to go to one event with someone like Adam Sandler, Sofia Vergara, or Adele? What about Patricia Heaton, Vince Vaughn, or even Chuck Norris? We have star power too, and apparently even 50 Cent is Republican. I want to know why Romney isn't utilizing them. (More egs include Toby Keith, Chuck Woolrey, and Clint Eastwood)

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is it possible that Democrats misunderstand Republicans?

    I think one of the problems we see today is that the GOP is completely misunderstood:

    I'm not some crazy guy who believes in no taxes. I'd be happy to pay my last dollar to ensure that our soldiers overseas are safe. I just believe that we should stop wasting money before demanding more from the American people

    I'm not anti-woman, I believe that everyone deserves a chance to live

    I'm not anti-gay, I simply understand the tradition, and dictionary definition, of marriage.

    I'm not "pro-war". Nobody "wants" war, but I believe a strong military is the best way to find peace.

    I don't hate educating our kids, I just want the local governments to do it.

    I'm not against the environment, just against the EPA's regulations.

    I don't hate old people. In fact, I want to reform Social Security and Medicare before they go bankrupt.

    Does that clear ANYTHING up?

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why did Obama leak top secret information?

    The Obama Administration recently leaked details of drones in Yemen, cyber attacks in Iran, and Obama's "kill list" to the New York Times… Did he not realize that this puts us all in danger? Maybe he just wants to keep up his reputation as the terrorist killer and he did it for politics.

    Putting us in harms way for politics… is that impeach-worthy?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Want to play some political trivia?

    I thought that after all this arguing, we could at least have some fun! Since the Primary is wrapping up, I thought we could recap with some trivia questions. The first person to get a 100% wins!

    1) Which candidate announced their bid by the Statue of Liberty?

    2)Which candidate said "You said the era of small government was over. That sounds a whole lot like Barack Obama if you ask me!" and to whom?

    3)What network sponsored the first Republican Primary debate.

    4)Which major candidate dropped out right after the Ames straw poll?

    5)Who is expected to win the majority of Minnesota delegates?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why does standing up for life automatically make you anti-women?

    I believe that life begins at conception and that every person deserves to take a breath outside the womb. I don't desire to deny women health care or treat them like lesser beings… so how am I fighting a war on women?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How does Obamacare make health care "free?"?

    I've seen a whole lot from Liberals about how President Obama has made health care "free". I don't see how this is physically possible, as somebody has to pay for it.

    The Government can't afford it, and even if it could, the government gets all of its money from us. Therefore, we still pay for it.

    If the government passes the burden down to insurance companies, they pass it down to private insurers, and we all end up paying for it.

    If your neighbor pays for yours, you must pay for your neighbor's.

    So really, how is it free?

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do Democrats throw a fit when we mention cutting the DOE?

    The Department of Education (DOE) was created by President Carter as a political payback. Since its establishment, our kids' test scores (especially in math and science) have dropped severely. We have fallen behind countries England and South Korea, which do not have a centralized education departments. If we got rid of it, we would return power to the local officials who know what's best for their kids.

    Not to mention, we'd save billions of taxpayer dollars… so why won't Democrats hear of it? The Department has failed and it wastes money. Why can't we at least discuss it? If someone brings it up, the media says they want to "cut education" as if they want to cut the generic term, "education", automatically making our kids dumber. What is going on?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which female is most likely Romney's VP?

    I'd be willing to bet that Romney's running mate will be a woman. I'm thinking the following are possible:

    Michele Bachmann

    Marsha Blackburn

    Susana Martinez

    Kelly Ayotte

    Kristi Noem

    Nikki Haley

    Which of the above are ya thinking is most likely. Please don't be rude.

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do liberals loathe success?

    They want Romney to apologize for being wealthy. Why? He worked hard and earned his money.

    1 AnswerPolitics9 years ago