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I live in Central Arkansas, have three kids and love them very much. I like to have fun!
Married women, why would you tell your troubles?
to a "Friend" instead of discussing with you husband? Our relationship was going good until I discoverd that she has 3 male "friends" that she talks to on the way to work, at work and on the way home (she works with 2 of them and the other is at anothe loc, same company). She even stays after work 3-4 hours "just talking with friends". When we finall had it out and I told her I don't care anymore do what you want, she is home at regular time, and then she has the nerve to ask me if I have found someone else!!!!! I asked her when would I have the time since I am the one taking all three kids to practise 2 twice a week and each a game once a week, cleaning house, bathing them, cooking, and making sure they get their homework done. W.T.F. Am I crazy? What would be going on in your mind if your were the one doing this to your husband? Oh by the way she also told me that I don't listen to her cause I asked her to stop talking about her works for 3 hours a night.
23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhen I look at someone's 360 the pictures are not coming through.?
What can I do to get them to show up?
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoWhy do peolpe think that the "NORM" is what they believe?
I mean I have asked questions that go against what people have called normal. Like two people staying together for the kids. There were a lot of answers saying take care of your self, you need to be happy, the kids will not be happy. I mean if 2 people make a commitment to have kids then they should do all they can to stay together and raise the kids. If that means we have to learn to live in the same house and change the rules and we both agree to those rules then who is to say that it is bad for the kids? I mean it all depends on the kids and yes their environment does shape some of their views, but the surrounding environment is constantly changing so are their views not changing as well? Kids need a stable environment and to know when they get home from school MOM and DAD are going to come home from work and take care of their needs. Then as they are old enough we explain that we stayed together for them, we changed the "Normal" rules to fit our situation because we loved them
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs it good to stay together for the kids?
Me and my wife have grown apart and live as roommates. We don't fight, we sleep in the same bed. We share responsibility for the chores, well I do most of them, but she helps out. We love each other but not as a husband and wife should. We are both ok with our situation but I want to start getting sexually satisfied else where and I am sure she is getting her freak on else where. Do you think this could last? Should we stay together for the kids or until one of us finds ur other soul mate and need to move on?
33 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDetective work..Should I do this to catch my wife in a lie?
I have strong suspicions that my wife is cheating and I have a pretty good idea who it is. Should I confront him alone and play like she told me everything? This would be a good way to confirm my suspicions.
28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI want to hire someone to have an affair with my wife...Is this OK?
I am not sexually attracted to my wife anymore. I am here for the kids and the kids only. I am their primary care giver but she is not a bad mom, just there to pick up the slack when I cannot attend to the kids. I have to get drunk to have sex with her. She kissed a guy at work when he knew we were having trouble a couple of years ago, so I know she has it in her to cheat. Should I hire someone to seduce her and sleep with her? That way I can get pictures for court and get custody of my kids.
68 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy wife loves the song, "lip's of an Angel". Should I be concerned?
Any herd the song by Hinder? She loves this song and truns up the radio everytime it comes on. The song talks about cheating, and how he wishes he could be her instead of the woman he is with. Messed up.
23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhy can't I get off?
My wife and I have been married for 19 years. Our sex life has had it's ups and downs (like most I assume). The last four times we have had sex (in the past 2 weeks) I have faked my orgasm. I get hard as a rock and bring my wife to peak sometimes even twice, but I can't get off why? Is that normal for my age, 39? Also is it possible for a woman to get streatched out? It seems like she is more loose than normal.
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow do you market yourself for a new position in your company?
I have heard talk that my company is creating a new position for Sub-contracting. I have ideas that I want to present to the Sr. VP but I have a director above me and a VP above him. This position is in another area. Should I run my ideas by my boss and his boss even though they will not be responsible for this new position or do I by-pass them? Any thought on this?
6 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agoWhen is enough, enough? Am I looking for a way out?
I had an affair about 2 years ago, my wife almost had one. Meaning she was kissed by another man at work (after hours) but didn't go through with it, or she says. We went to counseling, I told everything, she held back. Things have been going good except for the last couple of months. I scanned our cell bill and found that she is still in contact with this guy she almost had an affair with. I am the primary care giver to our kids. I cook, baths, get homework done, sign report cards, permission slips. I clean half of the house, do half of the laundry, and maintain the yard work, and pool. The kids come to me when they have bad dreams, cuts or need sympathy. I have asked my wife to take one of the kids to their practice, it started at 5:30 she arrived at the wrong field at 5:45 and it took her 20 min to decide she was at the wrong field. All the while my daughter was teling her she was at the wrong field. We both work outside the home, and we can not seem to connect latley.
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShould I confront her? I found calls from my wife to a "friend"!?
I was looking at our cell bill the other day because our daughter ran the bill up to over $300. Well in my research I found where my wife had made call to a guy that she had feeling for over a year ago. (We were having problems and it was a guy she worked with, he knew of her situation and he gave her a nice long kiss one day in the hallway at work. I am sure it was one of those nights when she was working until we hours.) Anyway when I saw the number it made me suspecious so I checked past bill and it seems that she is calling him about every month. Don't know how many times they talk at work. He still works for the same company but is at a different location. I want to know if I should confront her or wait until I get more evidence?
17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI want to add a man to our sex life, how do I ask my wife?
I would like to have another man join us in our sex. How do I approach my wife with this?
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIf you have suspicions how do you validate them?
My wife has a "friend" that she stays in contact with. He now lives about 400 miles away but she stay's in contact with him. He has family here so I know he must come back for visits, and she works very late some nights. Her phone records show a call to his number the nights she is working late, but I need more proof, how do I get it?????
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoShould I act on it or reserve myself?
I am married ('happily' is up for debate) but I have had this attraction on a new friend of my wife and I. He is about 9 years younger and going through a divorce so we have been trying to help out. I guess I am bi for even getting these feelings but everytime we are together I get excited. Should I act on it or not?
34 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs there something going on (infidelity)?
My wife had this "friend" at work, he stopped her in the hall one day and gave her a passionate kiss. We were having trouble at the time and since have gone to counseling. But during the counseling she never brought up this kiss. I should have but didn't. The guy has move to another town miles away but she still stays in contact with him. Am I being over suspecioous or do you think there is something going on?
22 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago