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I am getting my master's in Public Health and I have my Bachelor's Degree in Sociology with a Concentration in Human Services and a Minor in Philosophy. I am studying to become a Sex Education teacher as I believe that the United States does not know enough about their bodies and their sexual health.

  • How to get a cat to stop begging?

    My cat will not stop begging for food. I tried for weeks to ignore her and it didn't work. I tried for weeks to squirt her with a water bottle when she begged and it still doesn't work. I bought her an automatic feeder to keep her from associating me with food. She gets fed one wet food in the morning and one at night, and there is always dry food down. She won't touch the food half the time, she instead just begs for whatever I have and finds ways into bags of food, into the garbage can, or swiping things off my plate when I turn away for a second. We even lock her in a separate room during meal time. She used to live with my parents where my brother fed her people food all the time and after months she still won't break the habit. What do I do? I've tried everything!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What do I do with leftover collision money?

    I was in a car accident a couple months ago and received money for collision. I have a friend who happens to be a mechanic fix it for far less than the amount I was given for collision. I sent my insurance company pictures of the fixed car and a note explaining how much I actually spent to fix it. Now I have a bunch of leftover money sitting in my bank account and I haven't heard anything from my insurance company giving any hint as to what I should do with the money. Are they going to want the money back or is it now mine to keep?

    I live in New York state if laws very by state.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • How to get a cat to stop meowing?

    My cat has suddenly, after being relatively quiet all her life, begun to meow constantly. I know she is not sick because she stops meowing after she gets what she wants (food petting etc). I tried using a water bottle to get her to stop which made her stop during the night but not during the day. Now I am trying the "ignore" technique but it is hard to not give in eventually because I can't simply not feed her, she will die before she stops meowing. And people warm not to not give her attention, but she won't stop meowing long enough for me to show her that when she is quiet she gets attention. What do I do?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Affect of penicillin on birth control?

    I am taking Loestrin 24Fe and I just had my wisdom teeth pulled. So, for the next 7 days I get to take antibiotics. My dentist, since I was drugged up, informed my mom that I'd have to use another form of birth control for the rest of my cycle. My last iron pill is July 1st and that's the same day I take my last antibiotic. So, does that mean after that I should be protected? Or does that mean I should wait the rest of the next cycle?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for your period to be lighter because of stress even while taking birth control?

    I have been incredibly stressed out the last month and I noticed that my period has become lighter. I know stress can do this but I am on birth control so I don't know if stress can still influence it. I have been on birth control since August and it has never been this light. And I don't think I am pregnant because I am on birth control (which I take exactly the same time every day) and we use condoms (most of times we have used condoms this month, they have been spermicidal ones too)...triple protection :) So what other possibilities could there be for having such a light period?

    Women's Health1 decade ago
  • What do I do if I have lost half a pack of birth control?

    So, I lost half a pack of birth control. I have a week and a half worth of birth control gone because it fell out of my purse somewhere. I have two other packs of it so I coordinate for the next two months around not having the rest of the pills but eventually I will need to do something about the birth control because my insurance won't let me get a new pack of pills too far in advance. So, what should I do?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why do I hear so many stories about women getting pregnant on the pill?

    After having sex with my fiance, I think his condom slipped slightly when he pulled out. I have been on Loestrin 24 Fe since July. I have never missed a pill and I take it at the exact same time every day. Our condom usage along with me being on birth control makes the chances of me being pregnant very slim, but I hear all these horror stories about getting pregnant on the pill and if it did indeed slip before he took it out, I don't want to even think of the possibility of being pregnant (I have way to much going on to worry about that at this moment). So, does anyone out there want to be nice and shed some light on why all these women get pregnant while on the pill? If anyone has, do you know why? Is it because you didn't take it regularly or happened to be taking a medicine that interfered, etc? And if I did end up getting pregnant at some point on the pill, what signs would I recognize while on the pill (seeing as some women on the pill still get a normal on-the-pill-period, and seeing as the birth control itself can cause the early signs of pregnancy anyway)?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Can I pregnant while taking the placebo pills in my birth control?

    This is a silly question, knowing that it is supposed to prevent it during the placebo pills as well, but what I don't understand is how it can prevent pregnancy if I am not actually having my "period" during the first two days I take the placebo pills? Thanks.

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When taking the placebo pills for Loestrin24Fe is it ok to take Midol because it contains acetaminophen?

    I took Midol during my period when I was on the placebo pills and I was wondering if that would do anything to effectiveness of the birth control.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I have an odd question, would it be ok to use a baking sheet on the stove top?

    I am but a poor college student who wants to make pancakes and can't even spare a few bucks to buy myself a proper pan...however I do have a baking sheet. Would it harm the baking sheet to use it on a stove top?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Should I tell my mom and how should I tell my mom I'm engaged?

    My boyfriend of over two and a half years asked me to marry him and I know for certain he's my soul mate. Problem....he's 19 and I'm 20. I am afraid my parents are going to think that's too young. My mom's the easy-going one. We don't plan to marry until after I am done with my schooling (college and then grad-school if I get in), but still. Next weekend I am coming back from college and spending the weekend at my fiance's which isn't too far from my parent's house. So, I am thinking about meeting my mom for dinner and telling her. Should I tell her now or wait? And if I tell her, how do I tell her?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Why am I still bleeding (Hymen question PLEASE help)?

    Ok, so due to certain medical problems, before intercourse, my gynecologist has suggested I dilate my vagina which I have been doing. But last night I went a little too far and I am pretty sure I tore my hymen which isn't exactly what I was supposed to do but it should be perfectly ok because that's what would happen in intercourse anyway. It bled and stopped. But now it is bleeding again. Should I be concerned?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When shopping in a store, is there a way to tell if the fish is wild or farmed?

    In Japan it is marked on the package whether the fish was caught in the wild or farm raised, is there a way to tell in the United States?

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Could someone give insight as to why this is happening (a question about birth control)?

    I am on my third pack of Loestrin24E (birth control). And I have noticed some spotting (breakthrough bleeding). I know that's normal. However, I have been spotting for 10 days. And I have noticed an increased flow after drinking or eating some form of caffeine. Even my midol (contains caffeine) has increased flow 30 minutes or so after taking it (this also goes for tea and soda and even chocolate). The more the caffeine, it seems, the heavier the flow seems to be. Is this some MAJOR coincidence? Or this there an effect of caffeine on my period? On my birth control? Does it being a diuretic effect either my period or my birth control? Could this be why my spotting is lasting so long?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How long will this spotting last?

    I have been on birth control (Loestrin24) for almost 2 months now. I accidentally missed my pill. I took it just over an hour later than I should have. Now I am spotting. Does anyone know how long this spotting will last? Will it go away soon because I am continuing to take the "white pills"?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How are Kosher animals treated?

    A few months ago, I became a vegetarian, not because I was against killing animals but because I am against animals being treated inhumanely and slaughtered inhumanely. A new friend of mine, after telling her I was a vegetarian, asked me why. I told her why I had become a vegetarian and she, being Jewish, told me I should look into Kosher meat. I know that Kosher meat is humanely slaughtered, but how are they treated before slaughtering? If anyone has a good source where I could find out more about Kosher meats (like a website) that would be great.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • birth control question about the sugar pills?

    At the end of the month when you start taking the sugar pills....does your period come that day or does it take a couple days to start?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Question about birthcontrol?

    Will starting the birth control pill on the first day of my period, decreases the length of time of I will have that period?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do you get a boyfriend for Christmas?

    I have been dating this guy for almost two years and everything I think of, doesn't seem special enough. But I can't buy him anything too too expensive because I'm a poor college student. Anyone have any ideas that could help me out?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any great date ideas?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of any ideas for a date. Something other than a movie or dinner and something out of the house...and something to do in the evening. Thanks!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago