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  • Is it normal for social workers to privately interview your biological children for a home study?

    My husband & I were looking into special needs adoption through the state. We were told that in order to do so, the social worker who did our homestudy would require that they individually interview our children of speaking age and ask them things like "What drives you crazy about your mom & dad?" and "How do your parents punish you?" and "What do your parents do when they get really angry?" When I expressed concerns about this process being done to my children who are very young, having to be drilled by a stranger, I was told, "Well, we ARE mandatory reporters, so we will turn you in if there is anything suspicious." Seriously??? Is this normal? I spoke to her supervisor and was told the same thing, only much more forcefully and rudely. She implied that I had no business adopting if I wasn't okay with my children being taken away from me and drilled with scary questions about how bad Mommy & Daddy might be. It has been my lifetime dream to adopt, and I hate to think it will never happen now. (We cannot afford private adoption.) Are all home study processes like this?

    5 AnswersAdoption6 years ago
  • Will having therapy in your past cost against you years later if you want to adopt?

    Hello, I am 30-yrs-old and have 5 biological children with my husband so far. Years from now (at least 10) we'd like to adopt from the foster care system. My mother & I have always had a difficult relationship and she & I just agreed that maybe therapy might help. I'm willing to go, but am worried that therapy in my past might affect me negatively when it comes time to consider adoption. We'd probably go through the foster care system since we don't have a lot of money, but we do have a lot of love. :) Just curious if anyone knows if social services looks at your past therapy or the reasons for it. It's not a mental illness or anything like that. Thanks for any thoughts!

    12 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • How does bankruptcy affect buying a house in the future?

    I'm just asking for curiosity's sake. My husband and I were disagreeing because I said that someone could buy a house a few years after declaring bankruptcy and he said that a person could essentially never buy a house again once they've declared bankruptcy, or at least not for 7 years. What is the correct answer?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How can you treat a chronic ear infection? PLEASE help!?

    We have a 2 year-old St. Bernard who can not shake her ear infection. The vets don't seem to do anything but prescribe useless meds. We've cleaned it, treated it, used drops, goop, sprays. It seems like nothing helps. She's had it for 5 months now. No one in the house can sleep because we have thin walls and all night she shakes her head violently which is very loud. I feel bad for her and I feel bad for my babies who keep waking up. Please help!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Free doulas in Western Washington area? Any advice where to find one?

    I am due in February and really need one of the free doulas that is in need of births to gain her certification. My husband will be in and out because we have 2 other small children that we have no one to care for. I really don't want to be in labor alone in a hospital. I've searched so many avenues with no luck in finding a doula.

    We are low income and cannot afford services. We have no family nearby to watch our kids or help me. All our friends work so it's luck of the draw if any will be able to watch our children for hubby to be with me. Chances are most likely not.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I've contacted the college here and someone called me but left no number and never called back. Another doula told me she had a friend that would contact me, but it's been 2 months and I haven't heard anything.

    Any suggestion would be helpful. Thanks!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a free doula?

    We have 2 small children already and my husband will have to spend his time watching them. He will be coming and going with them during the birth because we have no one who will watch them. Because of this, I would love to find a doula to help me. But we are low-income and cannot afford to pay for one. I'm looking for a free one (I don't care if she's brand new or still in-training). I mostly just want someone to be there with me so I'm not alone. :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What's the cheapest and best company for car insurance/home insurance/life?

    We are moving out of our current state and need to switch companies. I was just wondering what the cheapest company (also with good service) for all types of insurance would be. Thanks!

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • To all Protestants who claim to be Christians:?

    Why do you think that you are "saved" just because you believe in Jesus Christ? Believing in God is a natural, God-given knowledge that we are born with. It sure would be easy, but it's not that easy to be a Christian. This is all based on the false logic of one single sinful man, Martin Luther.

    Our Lord Himself said "Amen, Amen, I say to you. Unless you eat of the Flesh of Man and Drink of His Blood, you shall not have life everlasting in you." Then many of His followers left Him saying "this is a hard saying." (John 6) He did not recant what He said. He meant it, word for word. Only Catholics receive Our Lord's Flesh and Blood. How do you justify this to yourselves? Do you really believe heresies over the words from Our Lord's lips?

    (And just to clarify, I am not referring to the so called "Catholic Church" that is composed of the heretics who claim to be pope and spread their humanistic ideals. I'm talking about the traditional Catholic Church with the latin mass of old.)

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any demand for traditional wives/mothers anymore?

    I am raising my daughters to be good Christian women who will do as God intended for their husbands, stay at home, raise the children, allow their husbands to be the head while they are the heart, be the child's first teacher, probably homeschool, clean the house, make meals, basically, be a wife and mother. My question is, is do men still find this attractive in a woman or do they think it is outdated and would prefer a working type who acts more like a man?

    I'm always hearing about men wanting such women. I hope my daughters will be able to find good husbands in this crazy world. I just want to know if it is true or if society has changed so much that it is not so.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago