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  • Dropping acid on my own?

    This is something I've been musing about for awhile, figured I'd see if you guys had any tips. I've done lsd before, with friends, but never on my own. Is it a good experience? Do I need other people around to have a good time? I have a few issues with anxiety, so there is a potential for that to be magnified during the trip, though its never happened before. If you've tripped on your own, what did you spend your time doing?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What's the difference between a pit bull terrier and a staffordshire terrier?

    Is either an AKC registered breed? How are they different from other bully-type dogs? Why are they called terriers if they're nothing like other terriers?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Is it safe to run a box-style fan in a room with a free-flying cockatiel?

    I'm working with my flighted bird on travel carrier training and getting used to the car so that we can visit my boyfriend's house. My boyf's always got this big fan running in his room, though. Is it bird-safe?

    2 AnswersBirds6 years ago
  • Suggest a dog breed for me?

    Note that I have no plans to buy or adopt and I'm not stable or learned enough to take the plunge. I've always loved JRTs but am also looking at other, more practical, options. I've been doing a lot of my own research but was curious what you guys might suggest for me.

    Traits the dog MUST have are as follows:

    ○Similar in size or smaller than a welsh springer spaniel.

    ○Very active - a dog that can happily go camping and hiking on long multi-day thru-hikes or even biking with me (I don't mind daily, long, brisk walks).

    ○Suitable for apartment living (no bully breeds or dogs who can't be trained not to bark or bay)

    Optional, but preferred traits:

    ○Small enough to be picked up

    ○Very "natural-" or athletic-looking and low-grooming

    ○Able to trusted off-leash once trained

    ○Able to compete in agility trials or disc dog

    ○Able to tolerate cats and small animals under supervision

    ○Eager to please/easy to motivate or train

    I understand many of these qualities will vary from dog to dog and may not be gauranteed in a purebred... but if you know of any dogs that might fit into any of these categories, please tell me! :)

    9 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Why do men have to pay child support?

    Honest question here. I understand a woman always has the right to abortion because you can't legally force a person to donate their body or part of their body to another person. You can't force someone to donate blood or organs, even if you're their only match and you can't even take organs out of corpses if the person didn't consent while they were alive. So you can't force a woman to carry a baby to term, using her body.

    So if the woman chooses to keep the baby, but the man doesn't want it, why does he legally have to pay child support? I don't really understand that.

    15 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Where to get a purebred dog?

    Note that I fully support adoption and will try that first. My dad always kept a purebred jack russell terrier, but he passed away a few years ago and my grandfather claimed his jack, Harley. I always loved his dogs: energetic and charming, but he kept them very well trained. I'd like to buy a jack puppy in a few years when I can support one and have done more research, but I'd like to know exactly what I'm getting, which you generally can't through a shelter. I don't understand how people find reputable, responsible breeders near them. Is there some sort of registry? Do I just need to search jack russell forums?

    5 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Abcess on dog's foot?

    My boyfriend's family dog developed a nasty-looking red patch and abcess on her foot, which she irritates by licking and biting. Swollen with yellowish pus. We'd love to take her to the vet asap but niether of us have the money. The dog is owned by his parents who are away on a business trip until Saturday. Is there anything we can do for the dog until his parents get back or they route some money to us?

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Water in outlet?

    I've set up an aquarium on the wall over an outlet. If my drip loop failed or water was splashed or something went horribly wrong and my tank broke or fell and water entered the outlet, the circuit would break, right? Not start a fire?

    In my breaker box, the kitchen and bathroom switches are labeled with "GFI" under them. Does that mean the other circuits aren't protected? My house is 21 years old.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 10g aquarium on wall shelf?

    (Sorry about that other Q with no details, the new mobile layout caught me by surprise...)

    I've got a 10g on a stud-mounted wall shelf rated to 100lbs. The tank is about 80-90lbs. The shelf has started to bow a TINY amount in the middle- when I set a level on it the bubble is always between the lines, just offset a little depending on where it's being read. Should I move the tank? I read online a tank only needs to be supported on the outside edges.

    Would installing another L bracket in the drywall between the two existing brackets help? What else can I do?

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Overstocked tank?

    I just bought a new 10gal and I plan on getting 5 harlequin rasboras and 4 pygmy cories and, if he's not too aggressive, I'll put in one of my male bettas. I'm using a fluval 12gal filter.

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Tank wont cycle?

    I'm using pure ammonia diluted in water to cycle my 5g before I put my betta in. It's been more than a few weeks though, and the ammonia level (3-4ppm) hasn't budged and there's no sign of nitrItes or nitrAtes.

    I'd like to move my betta from his 2g to the big tank asap so he has more room and I'm very impatient. What should I do? Just wait some more and keep monitoring? Can I do a 100% water change and move my betta over now and do 20-25% water changes every 3 or so days to keep ammonia down until my tank is cycled? Will doing water changes like that ruin the cycle?

    6 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Dropped my betta?

    Okay, I feel really stupid about this. My betta was being transferred to a new tank which happens to be sitting on a high shelf so it can be seen and maintinenced from my loft. I sat down the baggie he was in next to the tank and it rolled off. The drop was ~6ft onto carpet. The bag broke and the fish landed on some papers a foot or so away so I was able to dump him back into his old tank immediately, without touching him.

    He's swimming around now, but he's acting a little slow. Is there anything I can do for him, or should I just leave him and hope for the best?

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Dog throwing up blood?

    My schnauzer hasn't been eating much this week and now today she's throwing up foam and very thin, bloody, jelly-like mucous that smells absolutely terrible. She's eating grass now and isn't acting at all comfortable. I haven't seen any stools yet today so no word on her lower plumbing.

    We're taking her to the vet tomorrow if she doesn't improve tonight. I just want to know if anyone else has any experience with odd vomit like that and if I should be more worried than I am.

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Betta in small tank?

    There's a gorgeous betta at the pet store that I'd like to rescue, but my 5.5gal tank hasn't finished cycling. Would it be better to buy him and put him in my 1gal for a few weeks or to not buy him and hope whoever buys him instead treats him right?

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Cat pestering my fish!!?

    I brought home a betta today to live in the 3gal tank in my living room. My cat's got a huge prey drive so now that the tank is stocked she's hovering. I squirt her with a bit of water when she messes with the tank itself but should I discourage her paying any attention at all? It's entertaining her and her staring doesn't seem to bother the betta but I don't want her to get into trouble when she's home alone. Should I just move the tank?

    3 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Ammonia spike in aquarium?

    This is the third day of my FISHLESS cycle and Im closely monitoring the PH and Ammonia. The PH is stable at 7.8 but the ammonia went from .25ppm last night to 2.0ppm today. Where is it coming from, with no fish in the tank??

    I mean I guess thats not a big deal when I'm trying to attract ammonia-munching bacteria but that's a dangerously huge fluctuation to have overnight.

    1 AnswerFish6 years ago
  • Dealing with a traumatized dog?

    Someone very close to me died in his house and was there for a month before anyone found him. His dog, a 2-year-old jack russell, was trapped inside the house for all that time. I'm going to meet the dog in about a week because I'm very interested in taking him home with me, especially since no one else in our family wants him.

    At the moment, we know he's fine and stable, but not much about his overall physical or mental health. One of our dog expert/biologist friends told us that he is most likely perfectly fine, but will have some separation anxiety issues. We do know he was a very happy, obedient, well-trained and well-cared for dog before his owner died.

    Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? Should I expect any problems besides separation anxiety? How should I deal with separation anxiety if and when I bring him home? We also have another dog, a miniature schnauzer, who has always been fine with others, if that makes any difference.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Disobedient, persistent cat?

    My family's cat, who is pretty old, very sassy and thinks he's entitled to everything, takes medicine for his skin condition that makes him constantly hungry. Whenever we're eating, at the table or in the living room or anywhere, he's always trying to sneak in and get a bite. He obviously knows he's not supposed to do it because when I growl at him or reach out to him, he flinches and lays down and looks very guilty until he thinks I've stopped paying attention long enough to inch in again.

    Whenever he gets on our nerves for last time, we pick him up and (gently) toss him or push him away or pat him on the nose until he gets annoyed. He's very, very vocal about this and really hates it when we try to move him. Basically what I'm asking is, how can we get him to stop pestering us while we eat without making him huffy because we don't treat him like a princess like he obviously thinks we should?

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Mcdonalds job help, please?

    Today was my first day, first job in food, which was pretty terrible considering its busy as frick on saturday. I was supposed to watch some training videos but they wouldn't load, so they paired me with another employee, one of my friends, and I shadowed her all day. I picked up on how to brew coffee and drinks and was completely proficient on the register by lunchtime. The rest of the day was literally just guess-and-check on packing and serving meals because no one on the floor had any time to help or mentor me.

    I'm guessing this isn't usually how its supposed to be? Can anyone tell me about what the first day/week is supposed to be like?

    1 AnswerFood Service8 years ago
  • Amoxicillin for rats?

    I keep 250mg amox capsules on hand to take care of emerging infections, but I've lost my dosage guide and I have no idea how to manually calculate my dosage. The last time I've needed to use amox was a year or so ago, and never before that, so resistance shouldn't be a problem.

    My rats are 368.5g, 290.5g, 411g, 269g and 283.5g, respectively. Can anyone help me?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago