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  • Why should we consider a man who did not have the guts to switch preachers for President?

    If Obama could not walk away from a preacher who taught hatred and racism to him for the last 20 years, how can we trust him to be our commander in chief?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has Everyone Forgotten McCain and the Keating 5?

    McCain went on the take for the S&L's in the early 90's.

    What makes you think he won't sell out all of America for his own means?

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is McCain And The Iraq War Worth An Economic Depression?

    One major bank has gone under, and housing prices continue to plummet.

    It does not appear any GOP economic fix is going to work for us to avoid slipping into a depression soon.

    What might work is for us to end the Iraq war and start investing massively into our own economy, using FDR style economics to pull our economy out of the limb.

    While I support Hillary Clinton, at this point I am nervous enough that I would gladly support ANY democrat candidate ..... as long as we can avoid a future depression ....

    How about you?

    What do you think?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Obama Belonging To A Militant Black Church Change Your Views?

    I had heard before that Obama belonged to a militant black church, but I had thought they were just rumors.

    After this Wright thing broke open (and Wright preaching "God Damn America"), it would seem those rumors are quite true.

    This really changed my view of Obama to the negative.

    How about you?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Wanna Bet Hillary Takes Texas?

    I already donated to her campaign last month, .... but Texas could be do or die ....

    How bout this, if she wins Texas, I will donate to her campain (in my case $100), the next day.

    If she loses and ends up out of the race, I will be up here supporting Obama ...... and putting my money where my mouth is still ....

    Anyone else on?

    10 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Don't You Wish We Had The Clinton Economy Again?

    Seems ironic that 10 years ago we had the strongest economy in American history, doesn't it?

    That was under Bill Clinton.

    Now Hillary Clinton, his wife, is running for president.

    Wouldn't you once again like to have the booming economy we had before?

    38 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Obama Electable Anywhere Besides in Red States?

    Seems Obama carried Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas ... etc.

    But lets get real .... these are RED states that are going to vote McCain in the fall, regardless of which Democrat is on the ticket.

    Hillary Clinton, on other hand, managed to carry the big blue states such as New York, and California..... she wins where it counts.

    Is Obama really electable if he only can win primaries in mostly RED STATES?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • After Texas Will It Be Time For The Democrats To Unite?

    I am a Hillary supporter. But I am also a realist. I am thinking that unless Hillary landslides in Texas, Obama will probably have cinched the nomination.

    I am also concerned that a split in the Democrat Party would not allow us to take advantage of the current GOP implosion, and increase our numbers in Congress.

    Do you think it will be time after Texas for us Democrats to unite and support a common nominee then, regardless of who our nominee might be?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How can McCain address the economic future of America?

    He has said several times that he knows little about economics.

    Yet, that is the most pressing problem of today.

    More taxcuts, less spending .... broken record ..... more Bush policies?

    That would be just another Bush rerun, and Bush brought the current incoming recession.

    Perhaps Clinton AND Obama BOTH are more qualified for addressing our economic situation than McCain .....

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Clinton And Obama On The Same Ticket Later?

    I am a Hillary supporter. But as close as these results have been tonight, and the fact that both candidates attract different voting blocs, it would be a shame to not have them both on the same ticket in the end.

    I will vote for the nominee, whoever it will be in the end .... but with McCain on the other side, sure would be nice to hit the GOP with a double whammy. What do you think?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can Obama Change His Congressional Voting Record First?

    His voting record seems terrible.

    It seems to me, he should have another 4 years in Congress to try to change his voting, before he tries to change America.

    How about you?

    Can you deal with the "CHANGE" Obama brings, if it is consistant with the way he votes in Congress?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Obama's Change Going StrengthenThe Patriot Act?

    After all, he voted YES to it.

    Perhaps Obama will allow ALL American citizens to be wiretapped......

    That would be quite a change, wouldn't it?

    I am concerned about Obama's blank check called CHANGE...... with no specifices .....

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will the GOP Use Resko Against Obama In A General Election?

    Kerry, a war hero, got swiftboated and painted as a traitor in the last election, by the twisted GOP.

    With Resko in Obama's background, aren't you concerned Obama is more of a liability than an asset in a general election?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why Did Become An Obama Front?

    As a member of MoveOn for about 10 years, I was horrified to find them suddenly involving themselves in the primaries. As a Hillary supporter, I am disappointed to find they no longer represent all of us on the left, and quit MoveOn.

    I am wondering why MoveOn suddenly decided to represent only half of us now, after all these years???

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will Obama's Rezko Problem Hurt Him In The General Election?

    It seems that his ties to Rezko are already creating problems.

    The GOP is noteworthy for digging up non-existant dirt when they need to, such as in the case of the Swift-Boateers, in order to destroy an opponent in an election.

    With ties to a criminal such as Rezko, do you still think Obama is electable?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Hillary Clinton Need A New Campaign Staff?

    Things have kind of gone to hell for her lately. She is a very strong and popular candidate but is getting nailed hard in these primaries.

    Is it time for a staff shakeup?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why Did Obama Vote YES for The Patriot Act?

    Is this the kind of change Obama REALLY is going to bring?

    The same-old same-old .....?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How Many Democrats Would Defect To McCain If It Is Obama Vs McCain?

    Just out of curiosity.

    I am a Democrat who is speculating about voting for McCain should Obama and McCain be our choices.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago