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Is Obama's Change Going StrengthenThe Patriot Act?

After all, he voted YES to it.

Perhaps Obama will allow ALL American citizens to be wiretapped......

That would be quite a change, wouldn't it?

I am concerned about Obama's blank check called CHANGE...... with no specifices .....

4 Answers

  • janie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thnk both he and Hillary are bought and paid for and we have no real chioce. anyone who voted for the patriot act and funding the war is not for me. Mostly, though he let us down on the historic election challenge..he voted against it like all the other spineless democratic senators except for Barbara Boxer right when everyone thought he was this person who was going to change everything and be so great..that is when I knew he was a traitor to the grassroots dem despite them telling us he was this big savior in the media..right there we should have wondered...and also wondered why he jumped right to the senate bypassing congress..what secret deals were made?

    When the dems took over congress in 06 and ignored the mandate of the people for ending the war and for impeachment and joined hands in co-operation with the reps as they were so scared they would lose in 08 if they seemed to be liberal progressives and as they hugged the middle ever tighter, so many activists I knew were furious.

    Yes, let us bend over backwards and cooperate with the republicans who excluded us from decisions and committees, who tried to take away the hundreds year old right to filibuster, and who openly cussed us out.

    These are people to build bridges with and treat so respectfully. God, they are cowards. Give me a leader like Kucinich who votes and champions our causes..we, the people, causes..who stands alone against the crowd with moral courage.

    Does Obama's flowery talk of uniting the country more and such mean more of this we will bend over backwards trying to appease the conservatives and make us not look too much like that dirty word can light have peace with darkness?

    How do you co-operate with people trying to ruin our country, steal our civil rights, shred our constitution, take us to fascism, deplete our treasury, make the world hate us, pollute the world with depleted uranium, break international law, make the middle class disappear and more of us poor, cooperate in outsourcing our jobs, destroying our environment, keeping us dependent on foreign war, siding with corporations against the little guy, ignore education and our infrastructure, cut our social programs by 50 million and 23 weeks later give 80 billion in tacx cuts to the rich, let gas prices rise, have all kinds of scandals and campaign financing frauds, steal our elections and democracy and so

    If this is what Obama wants....cooperasting and finding common grounds with these thugs in congress, God help us.

    .I don't trust him to be honest..he is a corporatist and since the media is pushing him, we can be sure he is good for media conglomerates and the rich..look to who the media ignores..Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Gavel and see who is best for the country.

    the only real opposition party we have is the people...most of the rest are part of the one party system of TPTB

  • 1 decade ago

    The Patriot Act is the unheard of, but I believe, one of the most important reasons we need to get this election right. The new President coming in will have powers at their hands no new President has ever entered office before with. The Patriot Act has a lot more in there then just wire taps, it gives an enormous power to the President, especially with Executive Order, that they have never had before. This is why it is so important who comes after Bush. The President we put in office we have to trust to use that power in a positive way to drastically change Washington. In fact in any other election year, Obama's campaign of change would be largely just a fairytale, even if he won and tried his hardest. But with the Patriot Act and other revision's Bush has made, real change is possible from the President now, he has a lot more leeway and power then ever before. This is why this election is so important. The Patriot Act in the end can be a blessing in disguise, if we get the right guy in there that will use it againgst the people who passed it to change Washington and then give it back, or reform the law. Or it can still be our curse, and we can put people in who will use the new powers to just further F us up. Good question/thinking on the subject of the Patriot Act. More people need to think of the Patriot Act and the powers the next President will have, it is severly overlooked.

    For all you people that asked why Obama didn't wait to run till he was older - I believe this is a large reason why, he knows this is it for his plans, his best chance. Whatevever Dem gets in there has to revise the Patriot Acts, there will be too much pressure, but only after they get a little time to use the new powers themselves. And Obama's proposals of change in Washington would be impossible without them.

  • jim h
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He should have voted yes for it. As far as change, he can only suggest, congress has to make the change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am concerned too.

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