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Looking for Flexfit Baseball Hats to fit a Large Head? ?
I have been wearing Adidas Taylor Made flexfit baseball hat. 2016/2017 style. Now mine is wearing out with stains. I got the latest Adidas golf basebalk hat and the fit sucks.
I was thinking New Era Thirty Nine 30 flexfit hat in large/xl. What baseball style flexfit hats fit a big head?
Fashion & Accessories11 months agoWearing past event t-shirts and clothes weird or tacky?
Is it weird or tacky to wear t-shirts and clothing of past events. Past events with the name of the event on it and the date?
Example I have a Summerslam 2018 t-shirt. Says Summerslam Aug 18, 2018 on it. A cool distressed logo and the t-shirt fits great and comfortable to wear.
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 year agoThinking about stopping my coffee and caffeine habit how?
I drink a lot of coffee and/or energy drinks in a day. Usually I get hyper from caffeine. Too awake where I can't sit still.
Lately I have been feeling weird. Wide awake but anxious. Sitting still is difficult and standing up in one spot feels weird. I just feel weird its not normal.
Regular day 2 or 3 cups of black coffee in the morning. At work a small energy drink around 1130-1230 if I feel tired to keep me awake.
I am thinking about either quitting using any caffeine or cutting back. How should I approach this? I don't want to feel cranky at first.
4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks3 years agoNeed help finding a free application to Download Music. Its for my iPod Shuffle my music is getting old on it.?
I need recommendations for free music downloading services. I want to download music for my iPod Shuffle. I have music on it but its 3 years old. I can't seem to find any free music downloading services
Going to download music on my MacBook Pro 2011 laptop. Its already slow and such. Not worried about the laptop.
5 AnswersMusic & Music Players3 years agoWent to the dentist for teeth cleaning. Was told a tiny hole in back molar 32 not big enough to fill. Should I be concerned?
I went to the dentist for a usual cleaning. No X-Rays this time. Was told I have a very tiny hole in my back molar #32 right side of my teeth. Was told its too small to fill. They will keep an eye on it. Does this mean I am doomed and have a cavity that needs to be filled? Should I be concerned?
4 AnswersDental3 years agoSmartphone LG Stylus Font Theme and Color Changed Can't Get Back To Regular Font Theme and Color?
I have a LG Stylus III Smartphone I think. Got it brand new in Oct 2017 from T-Mobile. Somehow I changed the color and font theme. When using apps or watching videos the color is messed up. Its so messed up I can't watch a video or use an app to play a game like Candy Crush Soda Saga. How do I reset it to factory settings for color and font size?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans3 years agoRGP Contact Lens Split into half. Could I be doing something wrong?
I wear RGP or Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. The contacts are glass not plastic. I had this one since middle of May 2017. I am gentle in caring and cleaning for the lens as I damaged one in the past. On Wednesday morning September 13,2017 I inserted the contact lens in my eye. I noticed right away it was bothering me quite a bit. I wore it about a hour and decided to remove it. Just to clean the contact lens and flush my eye out. I went to clean the contact lens and I noticed it was in half. I clean with Boston 2 in 1 and use contact lens saline solution. I follow the instructions. Could I have done anything wrong? Is it common for a contact lens to split in half ( 2 pieces_?
3 AnswersOptical4 years agoSamsung Galaxy Core Prime Cellphone battery life terrible?
I have a Samsung Galaxy Core Prime Cellphone. Got in Feb of 2016. Within the past month or so the battery life is terrible. The phone charges fast and takes a full charge. From a full charge the phone will be totally dead within 8 hours. This is having the phone on without me using it. Before a full charge it would last about 2 days. I don't use the phone much only when I have to. I can't find any app draining the battery. Any advice is appreciated.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans4 years agoApartment in wall Air Conditioner can't stay running?
I live in a Apartment with a in wall Air Conditioner. Within the past week the air conditioner can't stay running. it runs for about 5 minutes when turned on initially. This is only if the unit has been off for hours and hours. After that it runs around 1 minute and shuts off right away. It does the 1 minute running totally random. Sometimes it can be off 10 minutes then run 1 minute again or it does it in 5 minutes. When it works it blows ice cold air out. The unit is around 5-6 years old is General Electric brand. This started Aug 20th 2017. Prior to this the Air Conditioner worked great. In need of advice. Thank You.
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years agoCan I get Sunburn Walking Outside For 25 Minutes?
Everyday I go to work I take the bus. On the way home I walk approximately 1.5 miles to the bus stop. It takes me around 25 minutes sometimes 30 minutes. Is that enough time to get sunburned and get damaging affects from the sun?
8 AnswersOther - General Health Care4 years agoPrednisone and Weight Gain with Face Puffiness or Moon Face anything I can do?
I started taking 60 mg of Prednisone Feb 3, 2017. Being tapered off last does May 3, 2017. I experienced side effects. At first I had trouble sleeping but that went away within a week. I got big time facial swelling, puffy face, or some call it moon face. Its going down as I am taking less. No big deal.
Biggest side effect huge weight gain. I went from 220 pounds to 234 pounds in about 2 months. I noticed increased hunger so at first I ate when I noticed it. Now I noticed my weight gain and eat less. I drink no pop/soda, beer, or any other sweetened drink and just water and lots of it. Only the occasional pop and beer going out to eat maybe 2 a week. I eat smaller meals and only snack lightly either on a serving size cup of yogurt or some fruit if I snack. I eat lots of processed foods but my diet is not horrible but could be better. I eat lots of fruit and drink 1 Kumbucha drink a day. I exercise 4-5 days a week riding a stationary bike and doing push ups. Even with this I can't loose any weight. My question is some of the weight water weight? Will I loose weight just by getting off it? Anything I can do to stop weight gain and/or maybe loose weight?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years agoI have a valid Ohio drivers license but do not drive why do I need car insurance?
I have a valid Ohio drivers license but do not own a vehicle or drive. I do not drive someone's car I never drive. I can only drive in the daytime as I have bad vision so I choose not to drive as its too restrictive. Too expensive to own a car, maintain it, and pay insurance on it to use it occasionally.
I talked to my insurance agent and was told I need insurance. The main reason is too long of a lapse without insurance means I pay more for insurance when I actually drive again. I pay $600 a year for non owner insurance. When I go to look this up I can't find anything on it. Seems unfair just to keep a valid drivers license when I do not drive. The only way around this is to turn in my license which I won't do because I don't want to retest and will drive within a year. Can anybody explain this to me?Thanks
5 AnswersInsurance & Registration4 years agoiPad Air 2 on for $110 with shipping?
On there is a seller selling iPad Air 2's for $99 plus $10 shipping. The seller is selling multiple ones. The seller just joined eBay 3-22-17. There is a description that its either overstock or a recently returned device.
I want to purchase one as a gift for someone but have not yet. The price is too low for a iPad Air 2 but if the tablet is as described its an amazing deal. Should I purchase one or just forget it? What would you do?
5 AnswersSmall Business4 years agoFacebook been hacked or spam 2017?
Within the past week or so Facebook thinks I have been hacked or some sort of spam. Every other time I log in I am asked to identify photos of friends, review recent activity, and change my password. Sometimes this happens multiple times per day. Once I go thru the steps my FB account works as normal but its getting annoying. What can I do to prevent this? I do not want to delete my FB account and start over. Is this anything I should be worried about?
4 AnswersFacebook4 years agoUH Bikes Cleveland Ohio Rental Question?
In University Circle and around Cleveland Ohio there is this new UH bike rental program. You pay to rent a bike and ride it around. Plans are per ride or a monthly fee.
I ride the RTA bus to work and a UH bike station with bikes happens to be on the way to work. I can get off at that stop, rent a bike, and ride the bike to work. its about a 1.5 mile trip. Then I would leave the bike locked up at work. I would have the bike 8.5 hours. Am I able to do that with this bike system or is that too long?
3 AnswersCycling4 years agoSamsung HD 1080 TV Speakers Sound Weird Occasionally?
I have a 2011 Samsung 1080 HD TV I got late Nov 2011. it still works fine but the speakers have a weird noise coming thru occasionally but seems to be more frequent. I can still hear the TV fine. Hard to explain the noise but its a humming type noise. Does not sound good. I never had this problem up until a few weeks ago. Are my TV speakers going?
4 AnswersTVs4 years agoAre the Beats Bt Dre Headphones sold online for a Cheap Price Authentic?
I got Beats Solo 2 for $200 at Target cause I know they are the real thing and are tic. On eBay lots of sellers offer them for a very cheap price. Beats Solo 2 on eBay are only $84 from one seller offering lots of colors and lots available. Beats Solo (discontinued) from one seller are $64 offering lots of colors and lots available. Else are just 2 examples. Seems of me like these headphones would be easy to make knockoffs look like the originals and sell them cheap. How to tell if Beats by Dre are fake or not? Usually when the price is too cheap that is a red flag so I choose not to buy them.
3 AnswersMusic & Music Players5 years agoBeats by Dre Headphones Solo Ear Pad Coming Off?
i got Beats Solo 2 over the ear headphones brand new to use when taking my headphones with me places.
My original Beats Solo the right ear pad is starting to loosen. Can I just glue the sear pad back or buy a replacement ear pad? is replacing the ear pad difficult? I plan on keeping them just using them around the house till the ear pad falls off. They still work great ad would hate to throw them out. thanks.
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players5 years agoIs the iPad Mini 1st generation the same as the iPad 2 (the big one)?
Is the iPad Mini 1st generation pretty much compatible to the iPad 2 (the big one)? I know the Mini has smaller screen and the iPad 2 a bigger screen. I know the Mini is just HD. Is the iPad 2 HD as I could not find anything saying it was retina display. I got i iPad 2 for $140 used since i wanted a bigger screen tablet. I have had my Mini 1st generation for years and like it. Any differences between the 2? Thanks.
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years agoShould I buy a brand new bicycle?
I have a Diamdback Kalamar LX 7 speed bike 2009 model. The bike rides good for now. Currently it just got a brand new derailleur ( the part used to shift gears) and a new seat post which is used to adjust the seat. I spent $110"fixing it. In thee near future it will need a new chain and sprocket and that will be another $100 . The brakes and tires are good. I paid $300 for it. Money is not an issue. I do ride this bike a lot in the warmer months. Seems to me I would be better off giving this to someone who bikes occasionally on paved bike trails. within the past month I had to get it repaired 3 times. Should I buy a new bike or use continue using this for now?
Cycling5 years ago