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Hi -- I enjoy crocheting - reading - Bible studies - answering questions on Yahoo answers Christianity / spirituality catagory. Live in south central Texas / 7 grandchildren. Like to converse with others via email.

  • Why has my 'avatar' changed from "?

    'Sue' to '?' - I've just found that when I've contacted BeckyF and Newly Born on email that the 'from' part identifies me as '?' rather than 'Sue'. I haven't changed anything - apparently something/ someone has, though. How can that get corrected. Thanks.

    1 AnswerUser Profiles9 years ago
  • How could I get a message saying that I'd earned 10 extra points for having the best answer to a question when?

    upon clicking into the question I'd answered, got a message saying the question had been deleted?

    The question I answered was "I think I know how to solve this religion non religion problem." I remember seeing at least one other response to the question. So my other question would be "why was That question deleted"? Thanks for your help :-)

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • According to Romans 1:24-27 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their heart,?

    to dishonor their bodies among themselves.....For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful...."

    Wouldn't this passage include women right along with men? Thus, there being no loopholes?


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is IM in regards to yahoo. answers.?

    This is in regards to a 14 yr old referring to herself as "bi-sexual_lover" -- she'd asked a question a while back in the religion / Christianity section. I was one of several responses / told her that I'm a grandmother with granddaughters her age and was concerned about her 'handle' at her age. To put her time into studying and not be concerned about having a special woman friend at her age. She seemed to have a special situaton that she wanted to talk to Someone about. Offered to be a good listener if that's what she was looking for. After a couple of emails she got more and more rude and obnoxious. I 'called her on it' . Told her what she sounded like. Told her not to respond back unless she cleaned up her attitude and language. Didn't hear from her for a few days and then she popped back into my gmail box. I decided to respond back with Scripture -- after a couple of messages today, she has accused me of stalking her and now is threatening to add me to her contact list so she can Really make trouble for me. I'm not familiar enough with yahoo answers to know what IM even is. I got onto Yahoo. Answers through an apologetics site I'd been on. I like the forum and have answered a lot of questions over the past few months. I've been very concerned about young people and homosexuality. I try to guide them to Friendship and their education rather than getting so engrossed in sexuality, Their hormones are just starting to activate / the best thing to do is learn Friendship. I've only gotten into a few emails with her and a young man a while back. Lots of times I've stated my thoughts and never gotten any response back which has been fine with me. But I'm concerned about this particular 14 yr old and the trouble she may be trying to cause for any one else who tries to help.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I'm Still trying to find out why I can't seem to be able to reply back to 'contacts'.?

    Just received a message in my Yahoo email box saying that there is Legend Lady who apparently is 'connecting' with me. So - once again I've clicked into her name and found her profile info and found the email envelop reply space / clicked into It / got an "Oops... I need to 'enable Yahoo Answers email communication" / so I click into That and find my profile info. So I scrolled down to bottom - previewed my info and said it was okay. So then I try to send a message / get a Message Sent / message. Then I go back to my inbox and find the 'failure' message. The only address I have to put in the To box is Legend Lady @ yahoo answers or .com. So what address am I supposed to use ?

    So, Please, someone Help !!

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • I've gotten a message saying 'Bubba' wanted to connect with me. How do I 'connect'?

    I've been answering questions for a couple of weeks and got an email message stating that 'Bubba' was wanting to 'connect' with me. I've been trying various ways to do this and get 'failure' messages.

    Don't know What section this question is supposed to go to -- simply looking for a serious answer.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago