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Favorite Answers45%
  • Now that we no longer vote for best answers, how will they be determined if the asker doesn't choose?

    With the new update to yahoo answers I have to wonder how a Best Answer will be chosen when the asker doesn't bother to choose one. I've received many of my Best Answers by popular votes because the asker didn't choose. What's going to happen to those type questions now?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • So..Who should I sue?

    Ok, So yesterday my daughters basketball team lost 42 to 12. She's not actually part of the team, it's just her schools but it left her incredibly depressed. I charged the opposing team with bullying as soon as the game was over. This morning my daughter was so distraught she took a hammer & nails to school & began knocking down the other students & driving nails into their skulls. The police arrived & killed her when she refused to put down the hammer. Now I have to wonder, WHO SHOULD I SUE FIRST? I I go after the nail manufacturer for not putting a big warning on the box "May cause death if driven into vital organs"? Do I sue Walmart for not keeping such dangerous items in a locked case & allowing anyone to buy them? Should I go after the goverment for not requiring background checks on common household tools? Should I sue the cops for not using non lethal weapons? Is it the schools fault for scheduling the event & not having proper security? They could have stopped all this if they'd have had check points at the fence where they strip searched all the students. At least they suspended that kid who pointed his finger at her & went bang hoping to scare her into not nailing him.

    I have very limited funds since I'm only working part time at McDonalds & they keep shifing my schedule so I can't hold down another job. I have to chose who to send the lawyer after carefully, he's expensive. After the first case is won I'll have enough to go after the rest.

    Now that I've pointed out the amount of stupidity going on lately by combining several events into one big fiasco ( with surprisingly little actual exageration ) I'll get to the real question.

    Why are people being this stupid & not taking personal responsability? What is the world coming to?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Christians, what do you think when I say Your a Muggle?

    Are you insulted. Put off? Does it even bother you that a fictional book insults you?

    If not why do several Christians on here assume that using scripture to insult atheists is going to do anything but give Christianity a bad reputation? To an atheist the Bible is little more than a fictional fairy tale. Why would they care what it says when you insult them with it?

    I see it day in & day out on here & while I'm not an atheist even I have to come to their defense. Christianity is supposed to be a religion of love & compassion. Using the Bible to insult another religion or even a non religious person is totally hypocritical & gives the religion a bad name.

    What are you trying to accomplish by acting like this? Is this some form of Christian trolling? Are you trying to push people away from the religion?

    Now if your not one of the ones posting this kind or rhetoric or forcing your particular views down every ones throat feel free to ignore this question. This is soley meant for the zealots giving religion a bad name.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Why is nobody teaching the teenagers on here anything about sex, pregnancy or relationships?

    Every day I see the same type questions.

    ( Parapharasing many questions I've seen )

    "Does he like me?"

    "Why doesn't he/she text back?"

    "We had sex but now he/she doesn't respond, why?"

    " Is this just my period?"

    & of course the most common

    "COULD I BE PREGNANT?" In all it's forms including " We used the pull out method, could she be pregnant?". "I forgot several of my pills & had unprotected sex...". " If we have sex during my period can I get pregnant?"...etc.

    I'm seeing these constantly & have to wonder why nobody has bothered explaining this stuff to them. Are their parents not around at all? Do they not know how to use Google? Are they just not listening?

    What's going on here & why aren't these kids being properly educated in such things?

    7 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • My daughters turtle is injured. What Can I do to help?

    One of my daughters red eared sliders began biting the fold of skin on the back of the other turtles neck. It has since scabbed over & peeled off leaving a hole exposing the muscle underneath. The turtle still eats & acts normally now that it has been separated from the aggressive turtle. Is there anything I can do to help her neck heal?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • I need to get satellite internet. How many megs per month would be good for gaming?

    I've been stuck on dial up for a while. My wife just got a laptop & we're wanting to get both computers hooked up to satellite. I'm a gamer & would like to play something like WOW for up to 4 hrs a night & she does a lot of videos & such. About how many megs a month are we likely to use?

    I'm trying to select a plan.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to have a Yahoo group declared abandoned by the owner?

    I'm the moderator of a Yahoo group & have been keeping it going for years now. Unfortunately we're starting to have some problems that I'm unable to deal with because I'm only a moderator with restricted authority. I've tried to contact the owner with no success, she's been gone for ages. Is there any way I can completely take over control of the group?

    2 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many beggers on Runescape? ( continued )?

    Sorry if my last question seemed like more of a rant.

    I'm actually wondering why so many people feel its appropriate to beg in the game or on here. Would they do this in real life?

    Why do people think someone should just give them a high level character that they've worked hard on?

    I've seen lots of posts on here either asking for free stuff or for a high level character & was wondering why these people thought it was proper to do so.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why are there so many beggars on Runescape?

    Do they have no honor?

    I constantly have people begging me for stuff when I’m ingame. I also see lots of it on some of my groups & on here. What makes people think it’s right to beg either for items or accounts? I personally don’t mind giving help, information is always free, But come on… If you want something WORK FOR IT!

    It’s a bloody game for petes sakes. How hard is it to click a mouse to make your character swing his pick or axe? If you need something made at least gather the materials for a higher level character to work with. Don’t expect him to just give you something or to just give you his character that he’s worked on for a long time. What makes these beggars think he should?

    The hand cramps must be SOOO terrible if they’re forced to begging to get what they need.

    What do you feel about this?

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • 10 pts to the first correct answer.?

    Show your calculations and reasoning.

    Don’t look at other peoples answers before you reply & no correcting yours afterwords.

    There is a 20 step ladder mounted vertically on the side of a boat.

    Each step is 10” from the next.

    The 5th step from the bottom is just under the water.

    If the water level rises 4’ how many steps will be under the water?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago