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Chuck Norris
My kitten's pupil turned brown?
Please help! I went to say good morning to my kitten today, and I noticed that her right pupil is now brown. She isn't acting any different; she's eating, playing, and cuddling like normal. The eye is a little bloodshot around it. Last night I saw that this eye wasn't dilating quite as much as her other one, but I didn't think much of it. I couldn't find anything about this on the internet, so please let me know if you know anything about this.
4 AnswersCats7 years agoWhy do my custom ringtones not work as text tones on my iPhone 4S?
On my iPhone 4S, my text tones work just fine, but for some reason, when I set it to a tone that I moved over from iTunes, it doesn't work. All other tones work, and when I select the tone, it plays, and works as a ringtone, but whenever I get a text, my phone is completely silent. Help?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoIs my girlfriend pregnant?
Okay, my girlfriend has been worried about this for a while, and we just want to get an answer. On the 9th, I fingered her for a bit. There's a chance that some pre-ejaculatory fluid was on my hand, but I know that my hand was not damp. Her period was due on the 15th, and she has yet to get it. She has no PMS symptoms, nor any pregnancy symptoms. She's been under extreme amounts of stress though. We're both applying to colleges, and she's not entirely sure of what major she's going into. We've both had a lot of schoolwork, and she in particular has had a lot. Plus her troubled situation at home has not helped at all. I myself feel that it's just from stress, but we're still both a bit worried. She plans to take a home pregnancy test, but I would still like to see what other people have to say in the meantime. Help?
2 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoHelp with my relationship?
My girlfriend and I have been together for some time now, and we're happy together. Over the time we've been together, we've gotten closer, and have progressed in the bedroom, if you will. However, things have turned sour, almost. A few weeks ago, I found out that she smoked a few cigarettes a year ago or so. I was upset at first, but we moved on. Since then, her sex drive has plummeted. We barely even get to first base when we're together. in school, and otherwise, we're a normal teenage couple. She says that when we do make out, she feels awful, like she's cheating, even though she isn't. She originally wanted intercourse, which I said I was not ready for. Now she said she's confused over that and everything else sexually. Please help?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoI need help with my relationship?
Okay, so my girlfriend and I have been together for a good while now. Over time, we've become closer both emotionally, and sexually. However, a few weeks ago, my girlfriend's sex drive plummeted. We kiss when we see each other, not nothing more than that. I've talked to her about it, and she says that she feels like a cheater when she gets anywhere with me for some reason, even though we're together. She asked me to be a little less clingy, which I understood where she was coming from. When we're together in school, she's perfectly normal, as is when we hang out, just nothing sexual. I found out that a year ago or so, she smoked a few cigarettes. I was upset about it at first, but I forgave her, and moved on. She hasn't been the same since then. She says that she's really confused and I don't know what to do. Help? :(
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow can I cheaply ship coins somewhere?
I have a friend in the UK that wants a few US coins (two $1 coins). I have them, and need to ship them. I don't want to spend too much to ship them (I don't plan to get a box to ship them in). Can I honestly trust the postal system with shipping two dollars in an envelope, or should I ship them a different way?
1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses1 decade agoWhy does my transfer rate on downloads always drop?
Whenever I download anything, the transfer rate starts at about 150 kB/Sec. It quickly drops its way down, and slows down around 55, and will keep dropping gradually until its around 15 KB/Sec. I have a lot of large files that I have to download for school, and it czan takes hours to download. Is there any way for me to boost my download speed? I run IE6. i've tried to upgrade it or download Chrome and Firefox, but my computer won't let me download the files because of this problem. Any help?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoWhy does my wild pokemon modifier in soul silver not work?
Okay, so I put my code in, and press L+R, and the masterballs and ultra balls appear. I throw out a certain amount of each to get the right pokemon and level, and I press and hold L when I'm walking through the grass. For some reason, the pokemon that show up are the wild pokemon that are usually there, and not what I'm trying to get with the code. Help?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat is a pedligfor history class?
Okay, so I'm going in to a higher leveled history class this year, and I need to do pedligs for three chapters over the summere. The only problem is that I have no idea what it is, what you include in it, how it's formatted, and how long it should be. I found NO websites with any information on them. A little help?
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade agoIf I went and got a 100 trillion dollar bill from Zimbabwe exchanged?
For American dollars, how much would I get?
4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoAre there any websites with tables for Delta S of compounds? Easy 10 points?
I need to look up the entropy of fusion for a bunch of COMPOUNDS, but the only ones that I can find are just for elements. The first one to answer with a website with an actual table will receive 10 points. And yes, PDF files are acceptable.
1 AnswerChemistry1 decade agoPokemon Heart Gold Error code 80430?
Okay, so I was trading with someone on my Heart Gold game via wi-fi connection. We were trading and everything was fine. I left to go get more pokemon, and when I went to go trade again, it would connect to wi-fi, but when i talked to the other person, it would try to connect for a while, only to get an error message with the code 80430. Both of us have eachother's codes and everything, but we cannot connect to eachother.
I do not want computer jargen or anything, I just need to know what I need to do to fix this.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoTips on catching Entei in Pokemon Heart Gold?
In my heart gold version, I have the wild Entei down to 1 HP (I know for a fact that it is; I used my Syther's false swipe numerous times, and it's about a pixel away from fainting). It is also asleep. However, everytime I throw a Pokeball, it doesn't work. Now I've tried everything. Dusk balls at night, quick balls at the beginning, fast balls, everything. But every time, it either busts right out, or rarely it'll shake once, and then fail. I have my level 25 Haunter out that I use for mean look, so it doesn't escape. Is that the problem, or is there something else that I could use to help myself out?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoMy girlfrind wants to take a "break"?
Okay, so I've been dating my girlfriend for about a year and a half now. I'm a sophomore, and she's a junior (both of us are high schoolers). Ever since the start we've been in love, and everyone sees us as that "model couple". We've had our disagreements, but never anything much more than a "which band is better" type of thing. Everything seemed fine this past weekend, we didn't fight at all and she hasn't been depressed in months really. Then today, out of the blue, she said that she wanted to take a break, saying that she's been busy and will be even more busy when college touring comes around. She seemed a bit quite for the remainder of the day.
I myself have never been anywhere near abusive or anything. I'm quite quiet and nerdy, and so is she. (she actually wears the pants in the relationship).
I am just really confused with this, and I wonder is anyone could tell me what they think she's thinking, and what I should do. I really want to keep her. I'm just afraid that she's slipping away, you know?
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDoes anyone know where I can get a shirt like the one Eddy has in Ed Edd N' Eddy?
I'm not sure why, but I walways wanted the same shirt that Eddy from the show Ed Edd N' Eddy has. Does anyone out there know a site that would have it/a company that could custome make it for me?
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoHow early should I get flowers for Valentine's Day?
Okay, so for Valentine's Day next week, I plan on getting my girlfriend some roses, you know, the standard dozen or so. I want to make sure that they life for Valentine's Day, but I don't want to wait until the last minute and have the shops be completely empty. Any help?
3 AnswersValentine's Day1 decade agoIs my coin worth anything?
Okay, so at the grocery store the other day, I went and picked up something, and I payed with cash. One of the coins in my change was a 1988 P nickel. It's in good/great condition. The letters are in bold print, and there's something else quite odd. On the back only, there's a rim almost around the edge. It's smooth, and goes al the way around It covers up half of the letters in "e pluribus unum" on the top and most of "The United States of America" at the bottom. It seems unlikely that it was done intentionally; the rim is exactly as high up as the letters. Thank you for your time.
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade agoCould someone give relationship advice?
Okay, so my friends (yes, my friends, not me) Have been going out for a month now. They are a very nice couple; they go together very well. However, there has been some turmoil lately. The girl told her friend that he is being too "clingy", though she doesn't tell him to his face. He isn't all that clingy at all. She said that all of her past boyfriends were too clingy too, even though none of them were at all. Also, when they say farewell at the end of the day, she just silently walks away. She also ignores him and everyone else a lot. None of us know why. She has been sorta facebook stalking a guy since well before the relationship too. Does anyone have any ideas?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan my friend see Aura?
Okay, well, my friend claims that she can see a person's aura, but the colour of it depends on their mood. As in red hen they're angered, navy blue when they're worried, et cetera. She says that she has been able to see this for the past four years. She is always and incredably honest person, andshe would never make up anything like that. I'm just wondering if there is any documentation of anyone else being able to see this, or if there is at least an explanation. She's Roman Catholic, so there isn't any witchcraft or anything like that going on.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoTen points to the first good answer! How do I seperate the sent and indox under messaging on the Samsung Rogue?
On my first Rogue, the inbox and sent messages are two different categories. I lost that phone and had it replaced. On the replacement phone, they are all in one area, called "messages". I called *228 and updated the phone, and nothing happened. Does anyone know what I could do?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago