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Graduate -Moody Bible Institute (For my own knowledge) Dairy truck driver married 34 years 4 kids and a dog.Live up in the mountains (@4000 ft level) Bar-b-que lover extrordinaire.Grew up a So. Calif. surfer/athelete.Naturally affable character.Baseball lover extrodinaire!
I'm going to "Comicon"are you?.....?
I'll be in the Spock Ears are you going to be "Darth Niullus " again or a Gamorrian Guard? I hope I can find a nice 250 lb Supergirl! Last year I picked up on "Princess Leia" except she was 53 years old and 300 lbs. I'm looking for a "Batgirl" this year!!
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoI need help in proving evolution....?
does any one know if science has found an transitional fossils? I mean from one species to another?I know there is evolution within a species (changing color or size etc) but how about from one species to another unlike the Coelencanth Fish? Any help?
9 AnswersBiology1 decade agoO.K. Western history buffs.................?
Which movie was more to your liking and factual.'Tombstone' starring Kurt Russell? Or Kevin Cosner's 'Wyatt Earp'?
Why or why not ?
3 AnswersHistory1 decade agoI heard a Public Service Announcement telling me...?
because of water conservation,I shouldn't wash down my drive way etc. I thought 'Now we have five million illegal aliens in So. Calif. here and I figure each one uses at least 20 gallons of water a day,what with a shower and brushing teeth and cooking . 20 x 5,000,000 is a hundred million gallons of water a day!!' Am I nuts? What do you think?Think of all the electricity and fuel also!I don't know about you but I'm moving to Guadalajara! The whole population is up here! There must be lots of jobs there Yo Quiero Enchiladas Suissas con Cervesa de Tecate!!! EY YI YI!!
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoSince everybody started walking away after Oprah spoke...?
At Obama's gathering,do you think she should run instead of him?Afterall when she left so did the crowd!
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoIn California,we have ,they say, five million illegal immigrants...?
I say more like five million plus spouses and kids. But for arguments sake let's say five million. We are being threatened with water shortages,increases in price and fines for overuse.These five million use at the VERY least twenty gallons of water a day (one flush is three gallons plus cooking and a bath or shower) That is One Hundred million gallons a day! 100,000,000 million gallons of water that should be for citizens and LEGAL immigrants who waited in line for years like my grandfolks did back in the day.I mean really,I don't give a crap where you are from,wait legally like everyone else did.You are breaking into our house like a burgler and should be treated so. Am I wrong?I think not.Mexico and other countries are using us for the easy way out to their problems.
What say you???
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWell now, John Mirtha has gone to Iraq and says the surge is working...?
All you treasonist creeps like Harry Reid,Nancy Pelosi and Tom Lantos.Are you all going to apologize to the troops for saying the war was lost?When I was young it was Walter Cronkite who tried to lose the Viet Nam war for us. All you nay sayers need to apologize to the Greatest Fighting Force that ever was!! The greatest and most righteous!!Reid said the" war was LOST"What now Benedict Reid?
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoNow that the stock holders of Sirius and XM Radio have voted to merge....?
Howard Stern will indeed be the King of All Media once and for all.The fact that he outwitted the FCC and CBS is the Genius move of ALL TIME in Radio .What say you?Whether you like him or not,you have to admit!
3 AnswersRadio1 decade agoIt is "Retro" to like older bands but if you are a TRUE?
Beatle fan,not just a "Johnny come lately" ....Just what is it that attracts you to the guys,their music and their personalities.The things that just make you say "There is not any other group like them,nor will there be....ever!".For is the soundtrack of my "tween years to adulthood" and all the loves in between.
What do you say?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agoYou have solid informaton,irrefutable evidence that.....?
an atomic suitcase bomb is hidden somewhere in a metropolitan city here in the U.S. You know what city and what area,just not the building it is in.It is set to go off in one hour.You have the main suspect in custody but he won't talk. Do you chance torturing him or do you say "Screw it" and let perhaps 10,000 fellow citizens go up in ashes and have a nuclear contaminated city for the next 40 years.
It's your call,one scuzzy loser or thousands of men ,women ,kids,dogs and cats are vaporised.
Be perfectly honest....You just found out your wife and kids are in that neighborhood at the museum.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIf in Philosophy there are......?
no absolutes.....Does that mean there are 'Absolutely no absolutes?'
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPlease,I want to know if I'm wrong...?
These are the things I heard about Mormonism.If they are wrong correct me.I want to think of them as Christian.
#1. Adam is the ascended God of this earth.
#2. Jesus and Lucifer are brothers.
#3. As man is ,God once was. As God is ,man can become.
#4. If we follow all the Mormon tenets,we can become God of our own planet someday.
#5. There is a Father and Mother God in heaven creating souls through intercourse.
#6. When there was war in heaven between Jesus and Lucifer,all the souls that stayed neutral get Black skin when they are born on earth.
I'd like to know if these are true or if my friend is pulling my leg.A lot of us don't know what goes on in heaven.
41 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat is about Isaiah and Ezekial that.....?
for some reason in Isaiah 14: 12- 16 and Ezekial 28 : 12 (B) - 16...People don't want to think Lucifer is who we now call Satan.Why is that? Lucifer was cast out of the mountain of God .Jesus said"I saw Satan fall like lightning". Isaiah says "How art thou fallen from Heaven?..."
What's the problem .It is Satan,get over it.He still has acess to heaven on a temporary basis (Zecheriah 3 and Job 1) but some day Michael will thrust him out for good.Of course ,then all Hell will break out on Earth, but that's for the book of Revelation!
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoYou can't actually think!......?
That the whole Congress could have been duped into the war.As if Bush and Cheney were "Heh,Heh! We'll make all of them think it's about National Security,when actually it is about oil for our buddies.We'll be RICH! Rich I tell you Dick! We will be rolling in it.All we have to do is fool the whole House and Senate.But I'm such a GENIUS,that will be easy!"
You think it was to avenge his Dad,get oil, and give Cheney a lock at Halliburton.What are you mechugana? Nuts?Looney?
It is about the security of the U.S and it's allies!We were attacked on our soil!Even Pearl Harbor was a territory @ the time!Hussein slapped us in the face 17 times after we said stop it.It was enough!The WMDs are in Syria ,everyone knows it.That's why no one condemned Israel when they bombed them recently.They may have taken out an atomic site.
You people can't hate your own country that MUCH? "Oh,I support the troops" you say,Bull! They support the war ,so you are against them .Period!USA!!!!!
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhy when you answer........................?
a question on "Religion" they always try to prompt you over to the "Gay ,Lesbian " site?Don't they know we probably aren't interested in that sort of thing?Just asking.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf the Apocrypha was supposedly taken out of the Bible by the church councils ,then...?
why wasn't it in the oldest manuscripts from 2500 years ago like ,Sinaiaticus,Alexandrina ,Vaticanus or any of the Qumran texts.The Church Councils were at least 800 years after the completion of these texts.Where was Enoch,Sussana,Tobit ,etc etc.?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI want evidence from you "naysayers" who don't believe in the ...?
perfection of the canon of scripture. To the ones who say Paul is a false Apostle,and all of his teachings wrong(You're probably legalists),to say that is to say the Bible is false.What is your criteria?I think Paul was a very special guy who lead us out of the Old Testament into the New,as John the Baptist lead us from Moses to Jesus.The denominations have chosen to push Paul back and bring the legalistic Peter to the forefront.What say y'all?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBeing an ameteur baseball player who has faced....?
85 mile an hour fastballs,no one can take away Bonds' acheivement.He can take all the steroids in the world ,that won't put the bat on the ball, especially when all you get is lousy pitches .If that was the case ,Jose Canseco would hold the record.Don't you agree Barry must be the only one in the world who found the "Undetectable Steroid",since he has passed all the tests?
I say God Bless him and I hope the next one is A-Rod.Records are made to be broken!
1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade agoHere's a question for ya' !.......?
How come Yahoo won't give me a straight answer on why I am not notified when someone answers one of my questions.I have to go to my profile to find out someone answered one.All my checkmarks are in place.Also ,I am not notified in my Email when I get a "Best Answer" anymore....What's up Yahoo?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhy??Am I not..?
Why am I not being informed when there are answers to my questions and when I get "Best answers"? It's like Yahoo doesn't love me anymore!
2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago