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  • How do I become an artist?

    Right now im a senior in high school and in this ap art class. This class is legit going to help me become a better artist and we are suppose to be doing a lot of work. I can draw really good but right now we are suppose to be starting a piece since school just started and we have like probably no more than 10 days to get it done. There were previous students whos works have won them many scholarships. I dont know if this is an artists block but im trying to figure out what to draw but i cant right now. im thinking about drawing this picture but i want someone to look at it for three seconds and be amazed.I want someone to think and remember something that can relate to my piece. But the problem is that I dont think that that drawing would effect people like that. so im really stuck. so can someone please help me and give me tips because im just feeling really bad right now. Art is my life.I cant stop for one second in class without doodling on my paper and next thing i know my paper is filled up without realizing what i have done. having this block makes me feel closed in ;(

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration9 years ago
  • how do you write this in japanese?

    "the art of melodies"

    if there is a way to make it look nice please do so

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Questions about eating unclean and clean animals in the Bible ?

    This is really bothering me. I read in the Bible that anything(right now I'm talking about sea creatures) without fins or scales you shouldn't eat so I stopped eating crab and stuff like that. I did some more research and I got confused about animals on land. So I tried looking up answers online and people are saying different things. So what animals is it okay to eat. So please if you answer provide proof by writing the verses and the passages. Please don't just tell me the answer without proof . I'm a Christian by the way. Thank you for answering.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Questions about eating unclean and clean animals in the Bible ?

    This is really bothering me. I read in the Bible that anything(right now I'm talking about sea creatures) without fins or scales you shouldn't eat so I stopped eating crab and stuff like that. I did some more research and I got confused about animals on land. So I tried looking up answers online and people are saying different things. So what animals is it okay to eat. So please if you answer provide proof by writing the verses and the passages. Please don't just tell me the answer without proof . I'm a Christian by the way. Thank you for answering.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do i get this old smell out of this shirt?

    We went to our grandmothers storage to get some stuff out of there. We saw a couple of clothes from when my grandmother was young that are cute. I washed this old smelling shirt (it was in there for like 16 yrs)but the smell didn't come out. So I washed it again but it still didn't come out. I just washed it again and i let it sit in this oxy clean washing powder with bleach and water. After it was washed it still had that old smell. I don't know what to do. I used Febreeze and perfume but it still smells old. Before anyone says this its not the washing machine that smells its the shirt. I really like this shirt its really pretty. You wouldn't guess it came from the 70s if you seen it.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Question about my eyesight going blurry at times?

    Its mostly my right eye but it still happens to both eyes. It sometimes happens and it sometimes doesnt. Right now its happening. Once I had my glass off (my eye was blurry) and I was looking in the mirror and I thought I saw something cloudy on my eye. I blinked then it went away. I haven't looked at my eye in the mirror since then to see if something actually goes over my eye or its my vision going blurry or that it was my imagination. Well I was told by my eye doctor that I may have glaucoma so maybe could it be that I'm going blind???? Also I want to wear contacts but would this effect (sorry if i used effect and not affect i still dont know which one to use) it more?

    3 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • What company was this makeup product from in this commercial ?

    The commercial isnt old at all but its been around.It had a white girl and a black girl in the commercial. The product they were selling was eyeshadow. The black girl had orange eyeshadow on and the white one had blue. The purpose of the eyeshadow was it to be long lasting. The reason why im asking this is because the black girl had a beautiful tattoo of a flower on the palm of her hand and i want the exact one. I'm thinking the company was maybelline but I just don't know the name of the eyeshadow. If I know the name I could look up the commercial and get a good look at the tattoo. I really want this tattoo so can someone please help me

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • Does anybody think Gerard or the science teacher in teen wolf controls the kanima?

    The end of the episode when the kanima was revealed as jackson it showed someone in a car with a sticker on it connecting with Jackson . The last episode it showed the teacher getting in the car with the sticker on it. The latest episode is basically pointing fingers at him. I'm thinking he could be it or Gerard. Im thinking what if the creators are trying to trick us. Like what if that sticker (the sticker is has an intellectual quote on it) was given to all the staff members at the school. Plus he is a sketchy character to begin with. I know its almost at the end of the season so maybe he isnt. I don't want to jump ahead of myself but just trying to keep an open mind. So what do you guys think

    3 AnswersOther - Television9 years ago
  • Questions to non christians, please answer?

    Before you get mad or think this is a freaking long question please read. All i want to know is your perspectives and reasons. I was just wondering why not have something to believe in. Why put your trust in man when all they want to do is put you down. As a Christian I have had horrible things happen to me and I haven't even reached the age of 20 but going through those things hasn't made me lose my faith. I would rather go through life knowing that there is something greater than this world that awaits us when we die. I would rather believe that I was created from someone who has ONLY good in Himself. I understand going through hard times makes you want to question your faith but doesn't that reason make you want to search for the reason why you're hurt. Nobody said life is easy so why not focus on something that doesn't harm you nor others but is only good. The reason why some dont believe is because they think " if God was so good why do people hurt everyday and that if we don't believe in Him we are damned" . The reason why things happen to people is to test their faith. the things we go through doesnt get easier because life doesn't stop for anyone. Also we can't play on both teams- either youre one team or the other. Its the same thing with choosing God-either you're with him or not.

    Why do those who don't want to believe want to find an explanation for everything when this whole world is a mystery and will always be. Why would I want to believe that I come from some type of primate. That's downgrading. I would rather die a Christian and find out that what I believe in is real than to die as a non Christian and find out that what I didn't believe in is true. Again, My intentions aren't meant to hurt anyone, I just want to know.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should i expose my sister?

    My older sister has a problem peeing in the bed still- she's 19. She ruined her bed,our little sister's bed, and the couch. Because of that my mom bought a whole new couch and has to buy my two sisters a new bed. We just moved into a new house however my 19 yr old sis didn't help out at all. She raises hell everytime something doesn't go her way. She gets an attitude with my mom. No one likes to be around her. I try to keep a relationship with her but I don't b/c she would start being mean again and I cant stand the way she treats us. Also she is suppose to be moving out but I don't know when. Now since she doesnt have a bed my mother lets her sleep in our new couch. I told my mother that isn't a wise choice at all but she said she has one chance. We just got back from a funeral from out of town and at the hotel she peed in the bed. When I found out about that I knew she was going to pee on the couch. I just woke like 30 min ago and found her going to the bathroom. I kind of got the feeling that she peed again. I smelled the couch but no smell. when I walked passed the couch where she slept the rug was wet -our couch has the material like vinyl. I smelled it and it smelled like her pee. No one is up right now so what should I do? If I confront her she's going to get an attitude and I don't feel like arguing first thing in the morning but if I have to I will. If I wait on my mom to wake up then the wet spot would have probably dried up-my only evidence. It just makes me mad that she does this because when she leaves WE have to deal with cleaning up her pissy smell on the couch. She has no reason to be sleeping on the couch. There is a blow up mattress but she complains that it hurts her neck. I slept on a blowup mattress longer than she has before and during that time my knee was hurting but I sucked it up and slept on it. Even my grandmother who's 60 yrs old with bad knees was willing to sleep on the blowup mattress when she was staying over. So the reason why her problem neck hurts shouldnt be a problem. She is such big baby.

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Why wasnt the Confederate flag banned ?

    If anyone gets mad I really don't care. I live in the south,Knoxville TN to be exact, and I cannot stand seeing a rebel flag. Its basely looking at a swastika. I see stickers on cars that have a rebel flag and it saying stuff like if you get offended by this then you need to read up on history. Its a symbol of the kkk and Neo nazis. Why is it still used? Before The swastika had a bad reputation it was used (still is) for Hinduism and religious beliefs. Other than places like that you don't see it anywhere else not even in Germany. If that was banned then why can't the rebel flag be banned too. "People" say its a sign of southern pride but you don't see any other race besides white people flaunting a rebel flag. Its a sign for racism. So can someone answer my question? Can it be banned now?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Is there any other color of peoplemention in the Bible?

    I hope no one gets mad or whatever its just something I would like to know. You know how the description of Jesus is, is there a description like that with anyone else.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is there a site where i can read the Bible...?

    is there a site where i can read the Bible in a modern way for free. As in modern I mean when its not translated in the language when they use thus thy etc. I need this because I don't really understand the Bible in how its written.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Should i apologize to her?

    Should I apologize to my sister because I feel guilty. Im 17 and My sister is 18 almost 19 yrs old. For the longest time she has been hanging around the wrong people, smoking, drinking, etc. During that time she has been disrespectful to my mother and being mean. It got to the point for my mother to kick her out(but she came bac). Now she gets attitudes then acts nice then gets an attitude and keeps on going like that. Because of that I don't even get close to her. Even the whole entire family is sick of her attitude. Today she was at my moms house and this wasn't my fault and we got into an argument. The part I believe that's my fault is when I said "you are not wanted here and I'm not the only one that feels like that" . She then started cussing and screaming in front of our lil sis. I feel like I made her mad yet sad so that's why she reacted that way. I would be to if my sis said that to me when her our mom and our two other siblings are the only family that i only have that actually cares. So what should I do? My sis is a pure b**** but I feel like everything is my fault

    6 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is there anyone that can help me?

    I feel like I'm emotionless when it comes to people. I don't have anybody to talk to. I really don't have any real friends, my mom doesn't literally understand me, my sister and I don't have a good relationship at all, I think going to a psychologist is pointless due to the fact that I hate talking about my feeling because I don't do that at all, and my school counselor acts like she doesn't care whenever you see her for things. I really need someone to talk to but I don't know who. It may sound like I'm an overdramatic teenager but I'm mature for my age. And this is serious. What I'm feeling literally hurts inside and whenever I'm by myself I find myself crying. Is it best for me to call a hotline? If I do can they trace my number or something.

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • Why do black people always die first in action/horror movies?

    It's not all the time, but it's most of the time. No one can say it isn't true because who hasn't noticed it? Unless it is an all black cast movie, a drug dealing movie, a dancing movie, or a BET movie the black people die. They may not be the first to die, but the director always finds a way to get them out of the movie. In the end the hero or the heroine is white. I'm really sick of seeing this in movies, so why does it happen? I'm pretty sure someone complained about it before because it is soooo obvious.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Is my cat going to be okay?

    Some time ago (like months ago) my cat got into my sugar gliders food and ate it. his butt then became runny like he has hemorrhoids and because of that we put him outside. I looked at him yesterday and it looked like everything was ok. I'm not sure though because before his butt would seem okay but then it would go back. We haven't taken him to a vet because my mother needs to know if there is something else before she spends a lot of money. So is he okay?

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago