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Hiii I'm Helen!!! 16 years young Aries Rising Virgo Sun Sagittarius Moon :) ------------------------------------------------------------- Things I love; ♥Harry Potter♥ ♥Forever21♥ ♥Kids♥ ♥Family♥ ♥Friends♥ ♥Movies♥ ♥Summer♥ ♥Thunderstorms♥ ♥Cats♥ ♥Owls♥ ♥Reading♥ ♥Astrology♥ ♥Disney♥ ♥Wrestling♥ ♥Monkeys♥ ♥Really hot weather♥ ♥Lord of the Rings♥ ♥Forests♥ ♥God♥ ♥Chubby things♥ ♥Hot Topic♥ ♥Gum♥ ♥Mythology♥ ♥History♥ ♥Writing♥ ------------------------------------------------------------

  • I dropped my blowdryer on the hard bathroom floor?

    I was blowdrying my hair and set the blowdryer down on the sink but it missed the sink and fell to the floor instead. It was still on when I was going to place it on the sink. But it immediately turned off and so did the lights in the bathroom when it hit the floor. I switched the button to off on the blowdryer and reset it as well. It smells like it s burning but it s not. My question is: should i unplug it? Will I get electrocuted or something if I do?

    5 AnswersHair4 years ago
  • What is located within the glomerulur capsule?

    a. The renal cortex

    b. The loop of the nephron

    c. Several collecting ducts

    d. A knot of capillaries

    e. The peritubular network

    2 AnswersBiology5 years ago
  • My adult sister abuses my mother?

    I am honestly getting so sick of the toxic relationship my mother and sister have. Ever since my sister was little, my parents have spoiled her and given her anything she wanted. I remember when she was a preteen/teen and I was elementary-aged, watching her steal money from my mother's purse. She has taken advantage of my parents in every way possible. Last month my dad passed away so now it is just my mom and my 28 year old sister in the house. I remember things started when I was 14 and she was 20. She would yell and scream, and it would happen maybe a couple times a year. Maybe around 3-4 years ago, it has escalated to physical abuse like breaking things, the house is unrecognizable now, to actual physical abuse hitting my mother and father. She has hit me as well. I am away at college and 22 years old. I never plan on returning home or even living around my home, I went pretty far away for college. My mother will not do anything, she chooses to live with the abuse and honestly I am so sick of it. Whenever I visit home, I am subject to the abuse as well. We have contacted the police numerous times, but my mom never wants to press charges. When my dad died last month, right before I was on my way to go back to college, my sister hit me and pulled out some of my hair. My mom convinced me to not call the police, but now I'm thinking I should when I go back home. Spring break is coming soon and I will be home for a week. What should I do? P.S. My sister used to be my brother.

    6 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How do I teach my boyfriend to kiss?

    It's really starting to take a toll on the relationship, at least on my side. I'm very fond of my boyfriend. He's great, we get on well, I like cuddling with him, etc. It's just that he's a bad kisser. He's only ever kissed one girl before and that was a one-time thing so he's completely new at this. The problem is: he's a VERY wet kisser. For example, if he kisses my body, it feels like I've just taken a shower. I'm trying to get him to follow my lead with kissing but part of me wishes he already knew. I'm trying to be patient and teach him. Any tips? Especially on how to make the wetness go away, I've told him to swallow. I thought that his lips just might be too big and that's why his kisses are so wet, I'm not sure if that's true or not though.

    So I guess the main questions here are: Any tips on how to make him a better kisser? On my side and on his side? Like also what can I tell him to do to become better at it? How long will it take before he's good at it? And tips on helping me to be patient?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Transgendered sibling abuses parents?

    My sister is transgendered, mentally ill, and abusive. I have gone away to college for a year and a half so I am away and safe from her but both of my parents and my two cats have to live with her everyday. She is emotionally, verbally, and physically abusive. Everyday she goes on a rampage and breaks things. The state of the house is absolutely terrible. She has already gone to jail but she was discriminated against because she identifies as transgender. My mom refuses to press charges on her or send her to a mental hospital. My sister refuses therapy. I am honestly worried that things will escalate and that I will no longer have a family anymore. At the very least I would like to help my cats, but the university I am at does not allow pets. Soon, like within the next year, I should be moving off-campus though and I will see if I could move my cats out with me. My dad is elderly, sickly, and a stroke patient. For the last month he hasn't been eating a lot and has lost a lot of weight.

    I don't know what I should do. The counselor I work with at school says that there is nothing that I can do about it, it is up to my mother to make the decision. But I can't help but feel guilty. Is there anything I can do?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Five men trying to take me?

    Last night I had a dream that five men were trying to kidnap me and do sexual things to me. I escaped wearing a blue fairy-like ballgown which eventually fell down to the point of me being partially nude. I was running looking for help until I ran into a Burger King and saw my boyfriend in it. I ran up to him, relieved, and told him what happened. He was trying to make me go back to the five men. I then began reasoning with him but nothing. I didn't think much of it in the dream. Then I attempted telling the two women workers at Burger King, thinking they'd be more understanding but they just laughed. I started getting angry with them and that's when I woke up and told my boyfriend the dream. We watched a movie a couple days ago where something similar happens so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. We're also traveling home via a Coach bus today. Later that night, my boyfriend ended up having a dream that the bus driver died and a bunch of other crazy stuff was happening on the bus. We were trying to get home but apparently I wasn't even on the bus.

    Does anyone know what all this could mean?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation5 years ago
  • Touching eyes after...?

    I gave my boyfriend a handjob. Probably about 10-15 minutes later I started falling asleep and my eyes began to tear up. They can tend to do that sometimes when I'm leaning on my side, falling asleep. So I went to wipe away the tears and I might have touched my eyes in the process as people do when they wipe away tears. I fell asleep for a couple hours at his place then when I woke up I now have this burning feeling in my eye and like the feeling that I have an eyelash stuck in there. What should I do?

    2 AnswersOptical5 years ago
  • My cat is missing?

    My cat has been missing since 3 p.m. yesterday. It's been nearly 24 hours. There is a bike ride behind our house and we went looking for her there, trying to follow any pawprints we found. We didn't look at all of the bike ride, just a quarter of it. It's in the single digits here and the snow is up to our ankles. I don't know what else to do?? She's the first cat that we got. :( She's an indoor/outdoor cat and she's usually just sleeping in the garage when she goes out but she wasn't in there! A stray cat has been coming around that we've been feeding. Our other cat, Squeaker's, fur was all russled up and had some blood on it yesterday so we took him to the vet. He's fine, apparently it was the other cat's blood on him. I thought he was fighting with the stray cat and made him leave, but the stray cat came around 7/8 am this morning to be fed?? Squeaker and our missing cat, Nina, tolerate each other. They've been living together for four years and a couple days ago, my mom said that Squeaker had Nina cornered and was hissing and trying to claw at her while she did nothing. They've never gotten into such a bad fight before?? Is it possible that Squeaker got into a fight with Nina and chased her off?? Even after they've lived together for so long??

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Stray cat outside in below zero weather?

    We have a garage that is disconnected from our house where the cat has been staying. It's been staying there for a week. Tonight the cat came by our back door so we gave it some cat food, water, and put a box with a warm robe in it. The cat ate the food and water and is staying there. It keeps meowing at us as if it wants to come in. :( I really want to bring the cat in but my mom says no because it might have a disease and we already have two healthy cats that might contract whatever disease it might have. I really want to bring it in my room and separate it from the other cats, and it should be okay? I'm just really worried about it because it's so cold outside. My mom said we'll take it to the humane society or the vet tomorrow but I wonder if it'll be okay tonight? It's -5 degrees fahrenheit out and the real feel is -18 degrees. It's supposed to reach -9 degrees tonight. :/ What should I do?

    5 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • How to prevent water beads on the bathtub ceiling?

    So one of my roommates told me a couple days ago that shower beads can make the ceiling rot and all moldy. She says that whenever her and another roommate take a shower, water beads never accumulate up there. However whenever I take a shower they always get up there. How?? I don't get it, what am I doing wrong? Does turning the shower head on and off having anything to do with it? Flicking my hair back and forth(I have really long and thick hair). What is causing this? And how can I prevent it?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • My eyes hurt?

    They basically started a couple of hours ago. My right eye hurts more. I noticed I have a little red spot in my right eye. I've been on the computer a lot lately. Last night I was on it for about 4-6 hours until like 3 am. Also I was basically on it all day today, more so on and off. But for a couple of hours straight. I closed my eyes earlier and when I opened it my vision was blurry. I went to the bathroom, rubbed them and just put some water on the lids of my eyes. When I opened them, they were much better. I looked it up and online and it said I have glaucoma!! Is it that or is it from the computer? It says that if its glaucoma it's urgent and I need to go to the hospital!!

    2 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • Why do I get so bothered by cleaning products?

    My throat starts hurting. I can't stand strong scents either (i.e. some perfumes). Am I allergic or what? How can I clean without it bothering me so? The only thing I'm not bothered by is dish soap.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • How do I get the smell of gasoline out of the house?

    My cat brought the smell in with her. We're about to give her a bath to get rid of the smell on her coat. But how do we get the smell out of the house?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry7 years ago
  • My cat smells like gasoline/oil?

    She likes to sleep in the garage and we think she might've gotten the stench from it onto her. She doesn't feel like she has anything on her fur. What should we do? What kind of shampoo is good to wash this off of her?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Why are there so many people against drugs for the mentally ill?

    I'm about to start taking Prozac for my OCD and I'm researching it. And wow so many people out there are saying some pretty scary stuff and are totally against it. One person said it makes you emotionally numb. I'm getting scared to take it now...

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • I am terrified of taking Prozac for my OCD?

    Tomorrow morning I will take my first dosage of Prozac: 5 mg. I'm supposed to take it once every day. My therapist never told me that I had to start taking medication for my OCD but I thought it would be best if I go see a psychiatrist to get medication for it because I'm going away for school in the fall and I thought it would be beneficial. But now I am SO SCARED of taking it. The list of side effects terrifies me and I'm scared that it's too late now for a proper testing trial now that I'm home and safe and not off at school by myself. Does anyone have any advice for me or maybe some people who were in a similar situation as I am can tell me what it was like?

    P.S.: I'm in exposure response prevention therapy.

    2 AnswersMedicine7 years ago
  • Why does Draco seem concerned for Hermione in Goblet of Fire?

    “Hadn't you better be hurrying along, now? You wouldn't like her spotted, would you?”

    He nodded at Hermione, and at the same moment, a blast like a bomb sounded from the campsite, and a flash of green light momentarily lit the trees around them.

    “What's that supposed to mean?” said Hermione defiantly.

    “Granger, they're after Muggles,”said Malfoy. “D'you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around. . . they're moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”

    “Hermione's a witch,” Harry snarled.

    “Have it your own way, Potter,” said Malfoy, grinning maliciously. “If you think they can't spot a Mudblood, stay where you are.”

    “You watch your mouth!” shouted Ron. Everybody present knew that “Mudblood” was a very offensive term for a witch or wizard of Muggle parentage.

    “Never mind, Ron,” said Hermione quickly, seizing Ron's arm to restrain him as he took a step toward Malfoy. ...

    “Oh come on,” said Hermione, with a disgusted look at Malfoy, “let's go and find the others.”

    “Keep that big bushy head down, Granger,” sneered Malfoy.

    Okay I know he's still being his insulting self but I don't understand why he would even tell her to beware. Any ideas or interpretations of this scene?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • My cat keeps sneezing?

    He usually has this problem around springtime, probably from allergies. But the last couple of days he's been sneezing A LOT. Just now a minute didn't go by without him sneezing or me hearing what sounds like congestion from him. When he sneezes, his whole head like shakes. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow morning which is about 7-8 hours from now. Is this something really serious?? Should we take him to a 24/7 emergency vet or will he be okay for the next couple of hours? I'm really concerned.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • My mom refuses to let my cat wear his Elizabethan collar?

    She's like crazy worried that he'll get stuck somewhere while we're all sleeping. The vet prescribed him to wear it for two weeks starting today for this bite mark he's got on his leg that he tries to lick while he's cleaning himself. She doesn't like the way he's reacting to it which is kind of just staying low to the ground not really sure what to do with himself. I told her that he needs to wear it for his own good but she wants to like slowly get him used to it. She said she wants him to wear it for like ten minutes tomorrow but I see no good in that. Can I get some advice on what to do? Should he even wear it? She's so worried about that but I'm so worried that he'll make his bite mark worse.

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago