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  • Treatment for thigh/ knee pain?

    I currently work at an animal shelter medical team as a tech. This job involves constant standing around and not much breaks available when it's busy for a long time. So I am constantly on the move for 7-9 hours. My knees and my thighs are in a lot of pain after a days work also hurts when going up or downstairs. What are some good treatments for this? I recently bought shoes with padding so my heels aren't in a lot of pain but is this something that I would need to go to a doctor for or can I purchase something that will ease the pain?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • Do I have to file tax return for 2018 if I didn't work at all or have an income?

    I was wondering If I had to file a tax return for 2018. I didn't get a W-2 because I did not earn anything and didn't have a job at all for last year. I still do have student loans to pay off. Couple of my friends told me I don't have to if no income was earned but I wanted to double check and make sure they are right. Don't want to get in trouble from IRS or anything.

    7 AnswersUnited States2 years ago
  • Advice to pass next road test / Review mistakes?

    I failed my road test twice now. Kind of embarrassed about it but I want to move forward and fix my mistakes and pass. I'd appreciate any helpful advice to help me understands my mistakes better because the examiner just gave me the receipt saying try again next time and didn't really go over what I did wrong (except the parallel parking). Thanks in advance!

    My Receipt had:

    Parking, backing : Fails to adequately observe/ use caution = 10 pts

    Fails to anticipate potential hazards= 10pts

    Vehicle control : Delayed braking = 10pts

    Poor judgement approaching intersections = 10pts

    -My first mistake was that I got stopped at parallel parking because he said I backed up too close to a mailbox. If it was a regular driver they wouldn't even call it close but I understand that the examiners more strict on the distance.

    - Potential hazards I think he meant the mailbox as I was parallel parking?

    -The vehicle control or braking I don't really understand because I slowed down at all stop signs always stopping right before it into a complete stop and then go out slowly see left or right for any oncoming cars.

    - Poor judgement on intersections. I was quite unsure of this too because I was behind a car signalling left and the car made the left first and then I turned after waiting a little and checking for passing cars. Unless I was too slow?

    It's alot but I'd appreciate anyone helping me go over these mistakes.

    6 AnswersSafety2 years ago
  • Failed first road test. Tips for next one?

    As the title says I failed my first road test. I practiced a lot for it too and my nerves got to me. I failed in the most embarrassing way. I didn't even get to leave the curb at all. What happened was that I put my seat belt on and checked the mirrors and turned on the left signal to get started. I looked back and there were no cars coming and as I started to turn there was suddenly a car behind me passing. The instructor used the 2nd brake (this was a car used for student driving practice) telling me I failed saying I didn't check properly. I felt devastated I practiced and spent hours on that day getting ready and I didn't even leave the curb... Talk about horrible timing in the world there just had to be a car suddenly appearing at that moment as soon as I turned around. Worse of all I didn't even get to do any turns or parallel parking. Now I don't even get to know if I did anything right with an instructor or not. Any tips on how to do better next time? I was super nervous and probably didn't check properly in time or I rushed to get started.

    9 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation2 years ago
  • Lump on my gum?

    I had this pinkish/reddish lump for over a week now. It's not painful but every time I eat food it swells up (on that side). If i push it, it starts to bleed and couple hours later its less noticeable and smaller. Does anyone know what kind of lump this is? I tried searching and I am not too sure because it shows several different kinds. As I said it's not painful at all it feels really soft and then it lessens when I am not eating. I currently don't have insurance and I would go to the dentist if I definitely know its serious, but if it's not painful I want to see if there a home remedy. Anyone with helpful advice is much appreciated instead of the plain old "just go to the dentist".

    7 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Can you get periodontitis between 2 crowns?

    Was going to head to dentist about this anyways but I just wanted to know. I have 2 crowns all the way on the back of the top left area of my mouth. The gums there when i floss is really painful when I go in deep. But I was thinking to myself if they are crowns can they still be infected? I thought they killed the nerve and the tooth from the root canal procedure. I have no trouble eating or have any pain but there are times when food get stuck up there it does cause some discomfort. Any information would be great. Thanks

    2 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Hamster peeing/ Wheel problem?

    So I have a 6 month old teddy bear hamster and she has this horrible problem on 1. dropping all her food into the hamster wheel (OVO trail plastic hamster wheel) and 2. peeing on top of the food and soaks her food in her own urine and continues to use the wheel getting her feet soaked and smelly. This happens like everyday and idk how to make it stop. Like i dont want her to eat urinated food and roll with it too... I clean the wheel everyday thoroughly but she continues to do this wasting hamster food and continue to make loud sounds due to all the food rolling in there and by next morning its all stuck on the wheel cause her urine dried the food and glue it on the bottom. Any ideas on how to make it stop?

    3 AnswersRodents5 years ago
  • How to Legally purchase a firearm?

    I am planning on getting one only for self-protection and nothing else. I researched couple of sites and i know that there is harsh gun control rules but when you enter a shop and the shop manager asks you multiple questions on why I want to purchase one will he accept my only reason to purchase is for protection and self defense? Anything I need to know and the proper way of telling the shopkeeper ?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • Hamster lost his left top tooth. Will it grow back?

    Yesterday he escaped from his cage during the night and fell of from a high place and his left tooth was first bent backwards and few hours later I saw it completely gone! He only has 1 top tooth and both his bottom ones. Will he have a lot of trouble eating and will the tooth ever grow back?? Please help

    He eats and drinks and moves around fine though but I feel like it must hurt just eating with 1 top tooth.

    1 AnswerRodents6 years ago
  • Do hamsters not like being touched or petted?

    It seems every time I try to play with him a little he always walking out of my arms and always ducks his head whenever I try to pet him softly. (No Hateful answers please, it's my first time owning a hamster.)

    4 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Hamster always biting cage?

    This is an ovotrail hamster house and it's a decently good house with tubes that goes up and down but lately he's always biting the cage and looks like he is trying to escape. He doesnt run on the wheel that is inside and I put him in the hamsterball everyday for 30mins to an hour. But whenever I put him back he goes back to biting and trying to open the door. I don't know what to do for him. I give him treats and let him run around but it seems its not enough for him. I'm afraid he might lose his teeth because he bites the cage so hard. Anyone have good advice?

    5 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • How is don quixtoe a novel?

    I kind of need help with my topic for my essay :

    What makes Don quixote a novel? How does it relate to the points made by michael bahktin in epic and novel?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • hamster abscess?

    My teddy bear hamster has an abscess and I went to the vet few days ago saying he will need surgery but unfortunately i have financial issues and cant afford the surgery.. so he only gave me some antibiotics which will prob not help a lot. When I looked at it this morning its really big and red like a huge bubble ready to burst. Do not give me any hateful answers but do you think it is wise to pop it? I care about my hamster dont get me wrong. If not is there any home treatment I could do?

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • (Please help!) Hamster infection?

    This is a picture of what my hamster's leg looks like. It looks very swollen and it worries me a lot. He acts just fine, eat and drinks water. He had a scab on it a month ago and it healed over time but the leg was still a bit red. Few weeks later it became very swollen and twice as big and I dont know how he got it. I tend to notice him scratching himself sometimes though. Is this a really bad infection and should I get it checked out by the vet? Or is there a medicine I can buy for him. Please help fellow animal lovers!

    1 AnswerRodents7 years ago
  • Extreme tooth pain?

    Hey guys 2 days ago I got a cavity filling from the dentist and she told me that this particular cavity was very deep and it was very painful when she was drilling it for like 30 mins.. After the filling I still had sensitivity pain in my tooth and asked her if it will go away and she explained to me that the nerve is just shocked from all of the drilling. I tried eating on that side but even if i take the slightest chew on anything the pain shocks me in my mouth and aches for like 10 seconds. Will this pain ever go away and Is there anything I can do to ease the pain? I really dislike eating on one side of my mouth. Please help out.

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Physician assistant background requirements?

    Hey guys, just a quick question (please answer seriously)

    I am going for a career for Physician assistant and currently on my 3nd year to get a bios bachelor degree. I saw some requirements for some schools and they need a background related to health science or anything like that. Do you guys know what internship I can do to meet the requirements? Do I volunteer in a hospital or health offices or anything like that? I recently got a community service award from my college as well and hopefully that would help too.

  • Does my hamster have an infection?

    There is a black scab on his front right arm and very noticeable. it's a bit big I have ovotrail hamster cage and i don't know how he got it. But I thought to myself scabs can heal but I noticed that it's a big round reddish bump with the scab so I was wondering if it is an infection. He seems to act normal though. Does anyone know if it's serious or not ?

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • how to tame my hamster?

    I had my hammy for 7 months now. Hes a long haired syrian hamster and I want to get a closer bond with him. I give him veges, treats to gain his trust little by little but everytime I take him out to play with him or socialize he can't sit still and always tries to run away from me. Like I see other peoples hamster and they are perfectly calm and still and I really want to know how I can get him like that. He gladly takes treats out of my hand but holding him or trying to bond with him is not really working out. I know you guys may say oh it takes a while but I've been at it for months and theres no progress. Any advice or tips ?

    2 AnswersRodents7 years ago
  • Is this a sign of a cold ?

    Well it started yesterday I started sweating when I woke up. My body felt really hot and I had a slight headache. Today I woke up with the same thing it feels rly hot and im still sweating a little bit and i am coughing (not a lot) with a slight headache. Is this a sign of a cold? Because I never had these symptoms before. But other than that I can walk and dont have much problems at all.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago