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  • Arthritic pain associated with a dog bite?

    Long story short--I was bitten by a 4 month old extra-large breed puppy back in early February. I did all the neccessary precautions (wound flush, antibiotics, sterile pads over the wound, etc, etc, etc). The bite was in between the "bend" of the thumb near the palm of the hand. It went from the web all the way around to the other side of the thumb and most was down to the bone. It healed nicely within 10 days and the 3 doctors treating me showed no concern of healing an infection inside. Over the last few days I've noticed almost an arthritic type pain in the joint of my thumb (right where it meets the hand basically). My thumb is slightly swollen, though it has been since the bite itself. It is really an arthritic pain. I guess I'm curious to know if it is simply arthritis or possibly arthritis as a result of the bite? I don't think there's an infection--there are no "lumps" under or around the dog bite and I have no fever or other signs of infection. Serious answers only.

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Puppy given subcutaneous injection, liquid came out his nose. Why?

    My 16 day old puppy was given a subcutaneous injection tonight and the liquid bubbled out of his nose. After about 1/4 cc, he started gagging and then it he vomitted and the bubbles from his nose. The vet administered an IV in his front leg on a very low drip and just as instantly, he again gagged and started vomitting the IV fluid. No one has ever heard of this happening before and we are stumped as to what's going on with my litter of pups. Mom is extremely healthy with a steady temperature of 100.9. But I have lost 11 pups in 52 hours to this "bizarre" disease.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • At my whits end with fleas, how can I get rid of them?

    This will put minds to work....I've always used Advantage on my dog since she was old enough. Last summer I managed to purchase a "counterfeite" box of it from a wholesale animal medicine store and she's had fleas since. It's gotten to the point where she has scratched chunks of hair out. I have tried more Advantage (bought from my vet directly), I've tried Frontline, Advantix, Frontline Plus, Revolution, Ivomec, Capstar (even gave it daily for awhile), flea shampoos, dishwashing soap, flea dips, flea sprays, the carpets and yard are sprayed for fleas monthly by pest control and I use carpet flea sprays every week, I use boric acid on the carpets, yard and on the dog weekly, I've given her garlic tablets, brush her 3 times a week and pull the fleas I see out. Recently we started giving her Benedryl (vet recommended) and she gets a cortisone shot. I feel like I've tried everything but she's still infested with fleas! She's neg for mange & other mites and is scraped monthly to check.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Red-flashing light in dashboard of 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, what is it?

    I just bought a 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee today and I noticed tonight that there is a red flashing light in the dashboard on the drivers side. It went off when I unlocked the door and then went back on after I locked it. When I turned the car on and locked the doors, it went off. But as soon as I shut the car off and then locked the doors again, it went back on. The dealership I bought it at said it had standard security system (which I assume is just regular door locks since I didn't receive a remote or anything). Are they wrong? Is this a security system and if it is, how do I get a remote for it and in the mean time if the alarm goes off how on earth would I shut it off???

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Allow owner-return or deny request?

    I have an 8 month old Boxer/Shepherd and her 14 puppies in my foster right now. The dog and litter were owner surrenders to the animal shelter for two reasons-the lady didn't want puppies to deal with and she was going on vacation and didn't want to take the puppies and didn't want to pay boarding. Well here we are 5 weeks later and she called the shelter wanting the mother dog back now that she's home from her vacation and the pups are old enough for us (the shelter) to place in homes, so she doesn't have to deal with them anymore. As an animal rescue, it's my job to make sure every animal placed in a home is going there indefinetly. I need reassurance that the dog will not be returned to me, become a stray or returned/picked up by animal control. I don't have that with this lady. But perhaps she'd be willing to follow my adoption policy and if not I can sue her for breach of contract. But I still have to consider the welfare of the dog. In my position, would you return the dog???

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is toxemia?

    I recently fostered a litter of 11 for my local animal shelter. They had kennel cough when I picked them up but it cleared up with antibiotics within a week. A few days later, they started to die suddenly. This was a mixed litter ranging from 2 weeks to 5 weeks old. After the 4th puppy died I returned the remaining pups to the shelter for testing where they told me the pups had Toxemia and even though I had rid them of most of their fleas in the week they were here, they also had flea anemia--something about the Toxemia weakend their ability to make blood cells lost from the fleas. She told me to wash everything in the house with a 1:30 bleach every day for a week and also bleach my ground to get rid of the Toxemia. I've been looking for information about this but can't find anything. I want to know what is it, what caused it, how long does it take to show symptoms (did they come with this or get it here?) Is it like Parvo, even with bleach will it stay around for 6 months?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I get crayon off a wooden wall?

    My house is REALLY old and my walls are wood (2X4's together to make one wall). The wood was not treated but it is painted. My two year old colored EVERYWHERE and I'm finding the more I try to scrub the crayon off, I've wiping off the paint and just spreading the crayon. I've tried pine sol and other similar cleaners, dish soaps, the "magic" eraser sponge, goof off and goo gone. I even tried WD-40 but it just soaked into the wall. I tried painting over it but it just bled threw. What else can I do without having to primar and re-paint?

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Cat is losing weight, fecal test was normal, blood is normal, what's wrong?

    I have a 1 1/2 year old male cat. About 8 weeks ago we noticed he had lost a lot of weight almost over night (about 8 lbs). I've dewormed him with whip, tape and round worm wormers. His fecal tests were all negative but we wormed him again anyway. His blood tests are normal, negative for FIV or Heartworm. He eats normal, drinks lots of water, bowels are normal (no worms), no vomitting, very active still, friendly and playful. Just losing lots of weight. I also have a 1 year old female cat and she is not sick at all. They share food and water bowls and share a litter box. She is an inside/outside cat, he is strictly inside. Neither one have fleas.

    The only thing wrong with him is reoccuring ear mites. Would ear mites cause weight loss like this? She does NOT have ear mites.

    16 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • False labor in a dog? Is it possible? (only those familiar should respond)?

    I have a foster dog that is pregnant. I got her Wednesday and she appeared very alert, happy, healthy, wanting to play. But she is obviously VERY pregnant. I expected her to deliver the pups within 10 days (going on her size of pregnancy and how swollen the vulva is).

    By Thursday afternoon she started getting very restless. Panting VERY heavy. Every now and again you'd hear her give a little whimper. Then she acted like she almost held her breath for a split second, then the panting got heavier. By that evening, you could see the stringy discharge from the vulva and her panting increased, apetite slightly decreased. I knew she was in labor at this point.

    Last night was a long night. She was VERY uncomfortable; panting heavy, caughing/vomitting, drinking but not eating. SURE signs those pups were on the way soon.

    So here we are Saturday night and nothing. She's eating normal, not panting at all, no whining. But still VERY pregnant.

    What's going on?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Wanna name my new foster? She's a Ditz mix.?

    ROFL!!! I got my new foster dog today (expecting a large litter) and I've been searching online for a breed. She's just so unique we couldn't think of the breed by just looking at her.

    Anyway. After spending hours staring at various breeds of dogs and wolves, we have come to the conclusion that she resembles an Australian Dingo and a Spitz--having characteristics of both.

    So....anyone wanna name my Ditz?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do all playstation 2 games work in a playstation 1?

    I've been searching for playstation 1 games for my kids and have noticed a lot of them claim to work in PS1 and PS2. I'm curious to know if I can buy PS2 games and if they'll work in my PS1?

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Electric current between stove and fridge, how do I stop it?

    I have an old fridge and an even older stove. They are sitting near eachother kind of like an "L" but there is a 12 to 14 inch space between the two. Anyway. If you touch the fridge AND the stove at the same time you get the piss shocked out of you. And it's a massive current because it even made me scream "oww" and my arm went numb for hours. Well my almost 2 year old just touched the two at the same time and shocked herself pretty good. I'm getting tired of this. My kitchen is VERY small so there is no way I can move the two so they are in different areas. My questions are why is it doing this and what can I do to fix it?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Let's have some fun.......I want to move to Wyoming.?

    I'm thinking about moving to Wyoming or Idaho or Montana area (in the tri-state area). I want a farely small town but in close distance to a bigger city for weekend shopping trips. I don't care much for a lot of snow fall or really cold weather. I don't like miserably hot either. More cool/warm days than ice cold or melting hot. Safe community, nice people, low-unemployment rate, great schools/education. Basically a good ole western town. Anyone live in a town I may want to check out and settle down in?

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What do you use for flea-prevention?

    Fleas are REALLY bad this year and I'm finding even the "guaranteed" flea preventions aren't helping 100%. I'm just curious to hear what everyone else uses--topical, oral, spray, shampoo? I've been told table salt, garlic and brewer's yeast are excellent flea-fighters. Anyone use those? Anything else? Thank you!

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog won't stop itching! She doesn't have fleas, hot spots or allergies. Vet said it's a heat rash??

    I've changed her food to a good, high-quality lamb and rice meal. She takes 3 benedryl pills daily. I've tried anti-itch creams, oatmeal soaps, fungiside sprays, multi-purpose creams and jels. But nothing seems to help. She gets a dose of Advantix every month and has for the last 2 years so it's not a reaction to it. The vet said it's a heat rash but she spends the whole day inside in the air conditioning and laying in front of a fan; it's not a heat rash! We've ruled out ringworm, mange, hot spots, mites, allergies and because nothing has changed the vet didn't think it was stress or boredom. What more can I do? She's miserable!

    13 AnswersDogs2 decades ago