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  • What to wear to a house party?

    I'm meeting with a bunch of girls the Saturday after we move into college and I wanna look hot. :P I've never been to a college party so what should I wear and how should I do my makeup/hair?

    Here's some facts about me:

    I'm 5'6"

    I'm fairly skinny but I do have a but and c-cup boobs.

    I have blue eyes

    I have brown super curly hair (that I can straighten) with blond highlights :)

    Any suggestions/pictures would be super helpful! Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • Cheap/easy Halloween costumes (that aren't slutty) for a teenage girl?

    The title basically says it all. The grocery store I work at does a Halloween in August thing, and if you work you're expected to wear a Halloween costume. What are some cheap and easy Halloween costumes that could be ideas in case I have to work?

    Thanks for your help. :)

    8 AnswersHalloween10 years ago
  • How big of an age difference is too much?

    There's a guy that I work with and we've been talking and kinda flirting a lot lately.

    He's 5 years older than me, as in I'm 18 and he's 23.

    Do you think that's too big of an age difference?

    What's the biggest difference you think is okay between a couple?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How to flirt with a guy from work?

    So I just started a job at a local grocery store, and I noticed that there's a really cute guy who works in customer service. He seems super nice too, and from the little I've talked to him, someone that I'd like hanging out with.

    So, my question is: What are some ways I can flirt with him/get him more interested in me/get him to notice me more?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Installing The Sims 3 on Windows 7?

    So I bought the game because I'm a huge Sims fan (obviously) and I want to install the game on my laptop, which has Windows 7. Is installing this game on this computer the same as installing the game on a computer that runs with Windows 95 or Windows 98?

    Is there any tips you can give me about installing this game or walk me through the process of it?

    Thanks for your help! :)

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Questions about spray tanning?

    So tomorrow I'm going to Caribbean Tan & Spa to get my trial spray tan before prom in a few weeks. I'm not exactly sure what to expect. The spray tanning says its VeraSpa (I don't know if that's a brand, or if that is just what they call their booth.) So if you would be so kind to answer, I have some questions about spray tanning:

    1) Is this one done by machine or person?

    2) How much or little should I wear when this is occurring? (It's a trial for prom, and my dress is strapless, I don't know if that makes a difference.)

    3) How long do I have to wait before I can shower?

    4) Is it going to irritate a fairly new belly button piercing?

    5) Do you have any tips to help me be more comfortable/less nervous?

    Thanks for your help! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • 6 questions about navel piercings?

    1) I got my navel pierced two days ago, and next week I wanted to do my trial spray tan for prom. Will this affect the healing/cleanliness of my piercing?

    2) How long will it be until my piercing is fully healed?

    3) Can you sleep on your stomach with a navel piercing that isn't fully healed?

    4) How long do I have to wait before I can change the ring?

    5) What are some tips to help keep my piercing clean and to heal faster?

    6) Can you swim with an unhealed piercing? (My class trip is in 8 weeks and we're staying in a hotel with a pool, and I'd really like to swim.)

    Thanks for all of your help! :))

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • what's a witty comeback for this?

    I was hanging out with some of my friends last night and we were talking about prom. They were giving me crap about going with the guy I really like. One of my friends asked if the guy I like was going to comeback from prom without his virginity. What's a witty comeback for that question?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I'm going to a dance with my friend, but don't know what to wear?

    So my friend asked me to go to Night Storm (a public dance for kids 14-19) with her but I don't know what I should wear or how to do my hair. I know it's casual.

    Some facts about me:

    -Not to be arrogant, but I do have a fairly nice body.

    -I have boobs and a butt but neither of them are overly large.

    -My hair is super curly, but it straightens easily.

    -When it's curly, my hair is a little longer than shoulder-length but when it's straight, it goes past my shoulder blades.

    Any ideas for clothes and hair would be wonderful. :)

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Will you help me with three guy questions?

    I like this guy a lot, but I he's really really shy. We're friends already, and even though some mutual friends insist that he isn't interested in anyone at the moment, I sometimes get the feeling that he likes me.

    Reasons I think he likes me:

    -There was a retreat at school, and things got really emotional. I was upset about some things, and he specifically made sure I had kleenex and I was okay.

    -We were goofing around during play practice, and we were sitting in two balconies facing each other. He noticed that I was looking at him, winked, and slowly lifted up the side of his shirt so I could see his abs.

    -After a play performance, we went to his house to watch movies. Everyone else had sat down, but he had the option of sitting between me and a mutual friend. Instead, he sat on my other side, so it was just me he was near, and sat very closely, so we were almost touching.

    -There's been a couple of times where I've been teasing him, and we just end up looking at each other and smiling like idiots.

    -I play around like I'm going to beat him up and punch him on the shoulder. (Not hard enough to hurt.) He sometimes acts like it's either the worst thing ever and he's dying, or he starts chasing me. Either way I start laughing.

    -I asked him to prom, and he just got a big smile on his face and said sure.

    -That same night, some guy that I didn't know gave me his number. The guy I like started pretend pouting and was teasing me about taking the new guy to prom.

    -There's been a couple of incidents where I've caught him looking at me. (I cheer and he plays JV, so he's usually up in the stands when I'm cheering.)

    -There was also an incident where my friend pointed out that he keeps looking at me.

    -On the bus last night the guy was sitting a couple of rows behind me. I got up to get off the bus, and when I did, his friend purposely asked really loudly, "Nick, who do you like?" like he was trying to get my attention so I'd turn around. (<--This one is kinda iffy.)

    So, my questions are:

    Do you think he likes me?

    If yes, should I ask him out?

    If yes, how?

    I don't want to make things awkward for prom in case he doesn't like me/says no, but what do you think?

    Thanks for your help! :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's your opinion about him liking me? (lots of details)?

    Okay, so there's a guy that I really really like, but I don't know how he feels back. I'd like some non-biased opinions, please. :)

    Reasons I think he likes me:

    -There was a retreat at school, and things got really emotional. I was upset about some things, and he specifically made sure I had kleenex and I was okay.

    -We were goofing around during play practice, and we were sitting in two balconies facing each other. He noticed that I was looking at him, winked, and slowly lifted up the side of his shirt so I could see his abs.

    -After a play performance, we went to his house to watch movies. Everyone else had sat down, but he had the option of sitting between me and a mutual friend. Instead, he sat on my other side, so it was just me he was near, and sat very closely, so we were almost touching.

    -There's been a couple of times where I've been teasing him, and we just end up looking at each other and smiling like idiots.

    -I play around like I'm going to beat him up and punch him on the shoulder. (Not hard enough to hurt.) He sometimes acts like it's either the worst thing ever and he's dying, or he starts chasing me. Either way I start laughing.

    -I asked him to prom, and he just got a big smile on his face and said sure.

    -That same night, some guy that I didn't know gave me his number. The guy I like started pretend pouting and was teasing me about taking the new guy to prom.

    -There's been a couple of incidents where I've caught him looking at me. (I cheer and he plays JV, so he's usually up in the stands when I'm cheering.)

    -There was also an incident where my friend pointed out that he keeps looking at me.

    I know he's shy and doesn't have a TON of friends, but he's also really good friends with a couple of girls who cheer with me, which is why I'm not sure if it's me he's looking at or the other girls. He's a huge sweetheart and really genuine, so if he likes someone he really means it.

    Thanks for your help! :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What accessories would go with this dress?

    I ordered this dress for prom, but I'm not sure what to wear with it for shoes or accessories. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. :)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Two questions about ice skating?

    first: I'm going ice skating with my friends tomorrow at an indoor rink, and I'm not sure what to wear?

    second: I'm absolutely horrible at skating, the last time I went I was about 7 and I slipped and sprained my ankle. Any tips?

    Your help would be greatly appreciated :)

    8 AnswersIce Skating1 decade ago
  • I have an error that keeps popping up.?

    I have Windows, and whenever I try opening up the user control panel it says Internet Script Error and it won't let me close the window that opens. I'm getting VERY frustrated, is there anyway to fix it? I'd REALLY appreciate it!

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What are some quotes for my picture please?

    So for my best guy friend's birthday, I'm surprising him with a new picture. (He's really mushy about that kinda stuff.) But, before I put it in the frame, I wanted to edit it a little bit, including putting a saying or quote on it. I just can't find any good ones about hanging out with the guys, especially considering the fact that I'm a girl.

    Any ideas?

    Oh, and if it helps, here's the picture I was going to use:

    Thanks for your help! :)

    2 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think? Are these some signs?

    Basically, I kind of like this guy, and I want to know if you think he likes me back. He's a HUGE goofball, and I'd like your opinion on if he likes me or if he's just messing around. :)


    We were at play practice and I was sitting on the balcony by the prop room, and across the stage he was sitting on the balcony by the place where we keep spare doors, windows, etc. We were both looking down at the stage, and when I looked up and saw him looking, he gave me a really funny look then slowly lifted the side of his shirt up so I could see his abs. (At the time I laughed, thinking he was joking.)


    After the play, the entire cast and crew went out to eat, but after that about half of us went to this guy's house to watch movies. He was the last one to sit down, and he purposely sat by me. We were in his basement, which was kind of small and he had plenty of room between me and someone else to sit, but he chose to sit on my other side, so it was our friend, me, him instead of our friend, him, me. He also sat pretty close to me.


    Whenever I see him, I hit him (not hard, it's basically my way of flirting). If I'm walking past him, it's a pat on the chest, but if I'm like standing next to him it's usually a punch in the arm. When I punch him, he grabs his arm and starts acting like it's the most painful thing ever. (Which once again, makes me laugh.)


    He plays for JV basketball, and I cheer for Varsity, which means we're never on the floor at the same time. Tuesday night, one of the cheerleaders noticed that he was looking down at us. All of us cheerleaders are friends with him, so we decided to goof around and spastically wave at him. He started smiling, and looked away. A few minutes later, I decided to look back at him and he was staring us down. He was sitting too far away to tell who he was looking at.

    The thing is, he's a goof ball but he's kind of shy and doesn't have a huge amount of friends, so it's hard for me to tell how he flirts or not.

    What are your guys's opinions?

    Thanks for your help. :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Tips/stories on baby simulators?

    I'm taking Child Development this semester, and we're getting our baby simulators to take care if in about 2 weeks. My teacher told our class to be prepared because the baby will cry, need burping, need fed, and will just be fussy like a real baby will. I'm worried that I won't do a good job, or be one of those spastic completely over protective people who don't let anybody touch their doll.

    Do you have any tips that'll help me or stories about taking care of a baby simulator?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • I'd like your opinion on a few things please :)?

    So there's this guy that I kinda like and I want some non-biased opinions please. :)

    We have some similar interests; we were both involved in the play, we both like football and basketball, and we have a really similar sense of humor. Oh, and him and I are already kinda buds.


    He's a sophomore and I'm a senior. Is me being 2 years older than him a big deal?

    Whenever I see him, I punch him and he either acts like its the most painful thing in the world (which makes me laugh), or chases me. Is that flirting?

    What can I do to flirt with him/make him like me?

    ^That's us together, would we look cute as a couple?

    Thanks for your opinions! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Tips on how to stay warm when sleeping in a box?

    I'm part of the service club at school, and in a couple of weeks we're doing a lock-out. Basically, we're acting like we're homeless for a night, sleeping in cardboard boxes and such. Any tips on how to stay warm would be greatly appreciated! :)

    15 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Question for the guys: I keep arguing with myself about it.?

    If a girl liked you, would you want her to flat out tell you?

    Because I've been trying to hint it to a guy I liked, but he's either not getting it or doesn't like me back.

    Thanks for your help. :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago