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mouse girl

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  • What should I write my paper about?

    It's supposed to be a memoir, but I can't decide on an event, at first I wanted to do when my dad died, but that doesn't really have a message and its Supposed to have a message, also another person is doing the same one basically so my other (decidedly lame) ideas are:

    The time I had to draw a self portrait and it took me eight hours spanning two weeks to Finnish it, and it ened up being shown in a gallery, ( the message: don't ever give up -_-)

    My first dance recital, where I tripped but still kept going (this one is super stupid)

    Any other funeral (grandma grandpa aunt uncle)

    Rescuing a seagull

    Raising a squirrel

    I have not had a very interesting /challenging life -_-

    Homework Help9 years ago
  • is it still possible to realease my wild mice?

    ok so here is tha backstory, basically a teacher at my school caught these two mice in his classroom, and he was going to feed them to his snake (its a 12 foot rock python, feeding it two little mice is not gonna fill that thing up, he was just doing it to be "the cool teacher") anywho so i basically stole the mice and was planning on releasing them into the wild when summer rolled arround (i caught them in january) however, i found out that they are european woodmice, and scince they are from europe, could they damage the ecosystem here in michigan? i dont want to release them if they are going to cause some kind of blight or somthing. so should i release them or keep them?

    yes, i am aware that wild mice have the pottetial to carry diseases but i have had these guys in my room for over 4 months so im pretty sure if they had a disease i wouldve seen evidence of it by now.

    no, i will not kill them.

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • what should i do about my mouse?

    so long story short i stole some mice from this teacher at school because they were wild mice and he was gonna feed them to his snake. i origianlly planned on letting them go in the spring but with this giant flood we just had, ill have to postpon eit to summer. suffice to say that one of the mice died yesterday, and now the other one (i think they were related or somthing cos they never fought or had babies) is lookin all super lonely and wont move out of this little corner, hes alive cos i see him nibble on food and clean himself occasionaly, but he will not get out of the corner and thats very unusual for him. so would he benefit from me getting another mouse, even though that mouse would be domestic and not wild? or should he be just fine on his own?

    and for the people who will say "its just a mouse just kill it" or "it doesnt have feelings, youre being stupid please just dont bother wasting my time.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • what is the name of this song?

    the song that plays for like the first ten seconds of this video

    its like do do dadoodoodoo and I CANNOT FIND THE NAME OF IT ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • why does my cat randomly assult my dog?

    i have a cat named nico, and a pit-bull-lab mix named pete. nico is 5 years old, pete is 9. up until a few days ago they got along great, never chaseing eachother, no hissing or growling. but recently nico has randomly and for what apears to be no reason attacked my dog out of the blue!. i should stress that this cat is fine with my german shepherd and my other cats, its just this one dog that he constanly assults!. they dont even have to be in the same room! this cat will literally hunt down and terrorize my dog! we have had to keep them in seperate rooms when we leave cos we dont want to come home to one of them dead! please why is this happening? oh and pete is fixed but nico isnt..

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • how should i deal with this situation?

    so basically i was supposed to bring in a flashdrive with this movie on it for a teacher (its not a grade) and basically i forgot twice, once yeserday, when i swore up and down that id have it today, but today i also forgot, so they are coming for it in third hour, andi have no idea where the flash drive is so i cant call home to bring it up. what should i do?

    2 AnswersOther - Education9 years ago
  • why do i keep getting so hungry?

    so, this happens abou every four hours or so, but suddenly, out of no where and seemingly brought on for no reson, i will suddenly be freaking starving! its literally like one minute i will not be hungry at all, and then two seconds later, i start getting freaking hunger pains! i'll all of a sudden feel as if i havnt eaten all day!its happening right now in fact and i just had mcdonalds like 3 hours ago. im 18 and should not get this hungry this fast, thisnever even happend when i was having a growth spurt! i am by no means too thin or malnourished, im not obese (just kinda chubby arround the middle) and my diet and exrcise have not changed at all. i eat alot (not like all the time but 3 meals a day plus like 2 snakctimes) this happend like a week ago, and now whenever i wake up i fell like im fricken dying because im so hungry! what the hell is happening to me?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • please help, emergency, i think my rat had a stroke or somthing?

    i came into my room and when i did, i saw my pet rat nigel(hes of unknown age cos we adopted him but suffice to say hes pretty old) laying fuuny, on his side, on the ground floor of his cage, which he never does. at first i thought he was dead cos he didnt apear to be moving and wouldnt respond to sounds, but then his head jerked up in like a spasm so i pickked him up. but now he wont stand,nothing apears to be broken, he doesnt apear to be in pain, hes not cold hes breathing fine and he just ate a blueberry, but he ate it whille still laying on his side. hes blinking and hes makes an occasional sqeaking wimpering sound, also he doesnt seem to have control of his mouth real well, in the process of eating a blueberry, he bit my finger and his leg and his hand. but he bit them very weakly i am very worried because i love him very much so please what happened and what can i do? also he ocasionally jerks and twitches randomly like seizures, while gasping. i cant take him to a vet right now they all close at 6 here and the emergency one doesnt take rats.

    2 AnswersRodents9 years ago
  • what is this song called!?!?!?

    the one played within the first three minutes. please, WHAT IS THIS SONG!?!?!?

    2 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • i cannot properly take care of my bearded dragon, is there anywhere i can take it?

    i live in flint michigan, and i dont think i can take care of my bearded dragon properly, as he is wierd and refuses to eat anything that isnt mealworms or kale, and that cannot be giving him proper neutrition. so, is there anywhere near flint that will take him and take good care of him?

    4 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • is there anywhere that will take my bearded dragon?

    i have an adult bearded dragon who was given to me by a teacher. i am convinced that this thing is mentally retarded, as it WILL NOT eat ANYTHING unless we put it on a spoon and shove it in front of his face. whenever we put crickets in his cage, he doesnt eat any of them, and they die afte a couple of days from starvation. he will only eat meal worms and kale, and only if we wiggle them in front of his face. clearly somthing is wrong. he is a full grown adult and i was wondering if we could like, take him to a zoo or somthin? i dont know, somewhere that will take good care of him. clearly somthing is wrong with the habitat ive set up for him so i want to give him to somewhere that will take better care of him. so either tell me a place like that or tell me what im doing wrong.

    if it matters, his cage is about four feet long, and one foot wide,he has all the nessecary lights and even a little heating pad on his cage, he has proper bedding, a tunnel and a basking rock and he always has available water, in a dish big enough for him to soak.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • please help! this is an emergency!?

    ok well we got this baby bunny three days ago when his eyes were still closed, we fed him and took care of him and yester day morning his eyes opened and he was doin fine and he was exploring and walking arround just fine. this morning i woke up and fed him and he was still fine, he was movin arround alot and perking his ears up and eating just fine! but when i came home from school he was col d and lethargic and hes not even twitching his little nose! hes still alive cos everyonce in awhile he'll kick out his legs and blink his eyes but when ever i set him down he just kinda tips over and cant get back up! and hes really cold hes not refusing to eat hes just very cold and wont walk arround at all its only been 6 hours since he was fine what the heck happened? and how do i warm him up?

    7 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • what to do with a baby bunny?

    its a wild baby rabbit (only one) and i would like some idea as to how to take care of it. now, before you start going all crazy on mr for taking a baby rabbit please just aknowlage that i myself didnt take it, these kids atmy moms school did, i dont know where it came from and they "dont remember" where they found it so yeah, any advice will do, thanks in advance!

    also please, if you feel like being a jackass by answering "just eat it ;rabbit stew yum; mmm delicious "or some other shi+, please just dont waste my time and dont answer.

    7 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • I am considering downloaing Gimp?

    its says its free because its "advertiser suported" is that bad? and anyone who has it, is it a good program or what?

    4 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • how do i help this seagull?

    i was at lowes and there was a young (but almost fully mature, just has a few spots on his head) gull wandering about the parking lot, it was dragging its feathers on the left wing, so i stopped my car and ran after it to see if it could fly, it couldnt, but it can flap its wings and extend them fully, so obviously nothings broken, how do i help a gull with broken feathers?

    4 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • my rat is "bleeding" from his eye and nose occasionaly?

    well i read on line thats its not blood and that its the color of their tears and snot basically, is this true? and if so does he need imeadiate vetcare, or is it no big deal? also he is 3 going on 4 years old

    3 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • ugh! im just like super pissed right now! will you give me some advice?

    right so, usually im very good at drawing on ms pain, but today for whatever reason, i just cannot do anything on that stupid program!!!!!!! its like evry bit of talent in me has simultaneously gotten up, packed its bags and said "right, well, me and the fam are takin a vacation to florida sooooo..... good luck doing stuff without us!" seriously whats up with why i suddenly cant draw for shiz!?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago
  • what to do about a baby robin that fell from the nest?

    the mom knows where it is and she continues to feed it, but it cant fly yet, and the lady acrossed the street lets her cats run loose, i just dont wanna see the little guy get eaten, i get that im not supossed to pick it up or touch it or anything, i just wanna know if theres anything i can do

    3 AnswersBirds10 years ago