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  • Claire or Cora...which one?

    We can NOT decide on baby number 2's name if she is a girl!! Big sister's name is Grace Ella. Would you go with Claire or Cora? And what about for middle names?!

    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Nolan or Levi? Claire or Cora?

    Which name do you prefer for a boy? Levi Jacob or Nolan Jacob? And for a girl... Claire or Cora?

    Sister's name is Grace Ella.

    12 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Rate these boy names?

    Having a hard time deciding on a boy name. Middle name will be Jacob. Sister is Grace Ella. Rank them for me, please, or give opinions on which you like or do not like!







    15 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • When can my baby sleep on her belly?

    My baby is 5 months & has been rolling over (both ways) since around 3.5 months. Lately when I lay her down she wants to roll onto her side or belly. Is it okay to let her sleep this way now? Can I lay her on her belly to sleep since she prefers it, or should I only let her sleep this way if she gets herself into that position? She has excellent head control and can push her upper body up on straight arms. I only worry a little because she does not roll as easily from her belly to back-- she can do it, just not as easily as she does from back to belly.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When should I pump my milk?

    I have to return to work in a few weeks so I need to start pumping my milk to store & freeze for when I am away from my baby. How should I go about this? Should I pump after she feeds? Before? Is there a certain way to go about this that will up my production so I can feed her AND still pump enough to store? Thanks for any answers!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding Problems?

    I have been exclusively breastfeeding since my baby was born (she'll be 6 weeks tomorrow). We had some latching trouble initially, so I was using a breastshield. I slowly weaned her from that about a week or so ago, and she did not seem to be having any trouble latching/eating. So I have not been using that at all. I also occasionally pump my milk and have my husband give it to her in a bottle because I do plan to return to work and I want her to be somewhat used to getting a bottle. We've been doing the bottle sometimes since she was around 2 weeks old & she didn't seem to have trouble going back & forth.

    The problem: The last few days, she seems to not want to breastfeed. She acts hungry but then will only nurse a few minutes (maybe 5-10) and then she still acts hungry but will cry and scream when I put her to breast. Yesterday she ate poorly all day, but when my husband got home, she did eat 3 oz of breastmilk from a bottle. Today, same thing. Will hardly nurse at all. He tried to give her a bottle from the fridge but she wouldn't take to it-- I pumped a new one and he gave it to her warm & she took right to it!

    I think she is only wanting the bottle. How can I reverse this? I still want to be able to nurse her and it's concerning and disappointing to me-- I don't want to have to stop breastfeeding and I don't want to have to pump constantly so she has a bottle. Should I take away the bottle for a while? I don't want her to be hungry!


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 40 Weeks & Not dilated at all? Chances I'll go into labor on my own?

    Today I am 39 weeks & 6 days. I had a doctor's appointment and they checked my cervix & it's completely closed. The doctor wants me to come back next week and we'll evaluate how things are going at that point-- She said they don't like to induce unless your cervix is actually open because it increases my risk for ending up with a c-section. If I'm not dilated next week she might try a cervical ripening agent to try to get me to dilate & THEN induce... But she said I could end up going up to two weeks over my due date.

    Anyways, my question is this-- Has this happened to anyone else & they went into labor on their own? My doctor said being dilated doesn't mean a whole lot-- That I could still go into labor at any time on my own-- But I feel like if nothing is happening yet that it isn't going to! And I really don't want to have to end up with an induction OR a c-section. I'm just feeling a little hopeless and like this baby is never going to come out on her own.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • For Fun: What things have you done to "Abuse" your pregnancy status?

    Just for fun-- Have any of you pregnant ladies done anything that is sort of abusing your pregnancy status? Like have you tried to use you pregnancy as an excuse to get away with things?

    My husband & I were recently at a wedding and he wanted a chocolate covered strawberry from the dessert table. I told him that we had to wait until they served the dessert! But he said that I could go get one because I was pregnant & people would understand. Just FYI, I did not do this-- But it got us to thinking that there may be some funny things that people have done and used their pregnancy as an excuse to get away with it.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which girl name is better?

    Grace Adelyn?

    Grace Johannah?

    Grace Lilah?

    18 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What middle name would sound good with 'Grace'?

    My husband and I like the name Grace for a girl. But we're having a hard time coming up with a middle name that sounds nice with it. Any ideas?

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Iced Tea in Pregnancy?

    I have been craving iced tea from McDonald's sooo bad this week!! And I've actually had it a few times but I control myself and just get a small. I'm drinking unsweetened, so I'm not worried about that... I am worried about the caffeine. How much is too much?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy-- what gives you relief?

    I've been having some bad nausea lately. Luckily, no vomiting (yet) but it certainly makes me feel miserable. I know they say to try to get a little bit of food in so that your stomach isn't empty, but I find that impossible when everything looks repulsive. What gives some of you other pregnant girls relief?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My doctor doesn't want to see me until 10 weeks?

    I recently found out that I am pregnant. When I called my ob/gyn they said that they do not schedule the 1st prenatal appointment until you are 10 weeks along. Is this normal? Because I know that a lot of people on here have appointments before then and some even have ultrasounds and get to hear the heartbeat before this!

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are my pregnancy tests positive?? Photos Included!!?

    I'm approximately 12 dpo. These are dollar tree tests.

    I took the first test this morning with my first urine & at first I thought the test was negative-- but when I looked again I could see a line so faint that I felt like my eyes were tricking me!! Fished it out of the trash later (Obsessed!!) & I could def. see the line still but I know you aren't supposed to read it after 10 minutes.

    The second test, I took in the middle of the day. I took photos of right after the three minute mark. So those photos were all taken before the 10 minute time frame. But the lines are so faint that I just am not sure!!

    I will certainly test again in a few days but I just wanted to know everyone's opinions!!

    Tell me what you think!

    15 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • A few questions about ovulation?

    I am going on my 6th month of trying to get pregnant. This month, we decided to use ovulation predictor tests. At 9PM on Thurs 2/4, I got a positive. My husband and I had intercourse that evening (and also the day before, just by chance). I also had the egg white cervical mucous that day. We did not have intercourse the next day. But I thought we still had a good chance, because I am under the impression that once you have a positive ovulation test, you will ovulate within 12-48 hours. So at the latest, I would have ovulated Saturday, 2/6, right? The only thing that contradicts this is that I also had egg white cervical mucous yesterday, Sunday. Which should I go by? Did I miss it this month by not having intercourse after Thursday? Is it possible that I got a positive test but did not ovulate until Sunday?? Or can you have EWCM but already be done ovulating?

    Oh, & the test was definitely positive because I use the digital ones.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How long to get pregnant?

    I am three days late. Took a test this morning-- And negative. :( This is so frustrating!! Being late really made me feel like I could possibly be pregnant. My husband and I have only been trying for 5 months now so I feel selfish to complain, but I guess I am just starting to get worried. How long did it take everyone out there to get pregnant once they started trying??

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How can I get rid of this smell?!?

    Ok, so a while ago I found a rotton potato (OK, a few) in a drawer in my kitchen. My apron was in the drawer with these rotton potatoes...I got rid of the potatoes and the smell has left the drawer but I can NOT get it out of the apron! It smells sooo bad. I've washed it twice and it still stinks. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this bad smell? I know it's crazy--I could just throw it out--But it's a nice apron!

    9 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago