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International Business and Education Consultant; Peoples Republic of China and the United States.

  • My wifes Headaches, Leave her Dizzy & Blackout?

    My was in a car accident back in 2007. A woman rear-ended her. It didn't initially appear to be a bad accident, it was one week before our wedding, but in the years since then my wife experiences severe neck and back pain and she has headaches which are very painful and cause her to feel dizzy and nearly blackout. I will describe them in details now and ask my question.

    First, she experiences them exclusively on the left side of her head. She describes it has having CONSTANT painful pressure with an occasional moment when she will get dizzy and feel light headed.. She says that she sees total blackness when this occurs.

    Recently it as been getting more frequent.

    She has seen two neurologists who have performed MRIs. They say there is no tumor, and because we just had our first child, she is nursing and she wont take medication.

    Are there resources that might help us to find out what she is experiencing and diagnose her?

    Does anyone have this experience? Its frustrating watching her suffer. Thank you.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Statute of limitations on debt? Collection Agency Wants Payment for a 2002 University Bill.?

    I took some University classes back in 2002 and I just got a letter from a collection agency saying that I owe $1900 dollars to the University.

    First I dispute this debt.

    Second, isnt there a limit to the amount of time they can pursue this debt? It is seven years old.

    Recommendations about what I should do? Please advise, thank you.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Legal: Golf ball hits car windshield, Who's Liable?

    So, I'm T'ing off at the local golf club, and I hook the sucka good which rips the ball through the woods and into an oncoming SUV smashing the windshield. The driver comes over and bla bla bla..

    So in this situation, legally who would be responsible. Me, Golf Club? Just curious.. Thanks..

    10 AnswersGolf1 decade ago
  • Car Accident: Back Injury?

    My wife is a petite woman of 34 years who was rear-ended a week before our wedding. The damage to the vehicle was not very much but she was at a full stop and hit by a larger truck.

    Since this accident (Ten Months) she has experienced horrible pain in her neck and back, we cant golf or scuba or do anything we've come to enjoy together.

    Her Symptoms are:

    1. Severe Migraine Headaches, Pain in Left Ear, Left Head

    2. Extreeme Neck Pain, Mid Back (Near Shoulder Blade)

    3. Disabling Lower Back Pain

    4. Numbness in Left arm and Hand

    Shes had a brain scan, two MRIs and Xray ion Lower back. MRIs and CAT Scan of Head yielded nothing. MRI of lower back indicates buldge of the L4-L5.

    In the past ten months she has underwent the following treatment.

    1. Accupunture (1 times per week)

    2. Physical Therepy (1-3 Times Per Week)

    3. Massage Therapy (Every other week)

    She is afriad of Chiropractors in the way I fear spiders. How can she find peace from pain?

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Immigration USA, F1 Visa to H1B?

    I'm a Chinese citizen who re-entered the USA in Jan 2006 to finish my PHD. I married my fiance (US Citizen) in the United States in September 2007 and will finish my PHD in December 2007. My intention is to work in a post doc research position. I need advice on the type of visa I should be applying for and any restrictions I should be aware of.

    My parents are old, and I need to travel back and forth to China to visit with them. Which visa would be suitable to allow for me to apply for green card, work and still be able to leave the country and return?

    Thank you

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Legality of Mobile Phone Contests That Television Shows Offer.?

    Dear Lawyers..

    When television shows such as 1 vs. 100 offer viewers with mobile devices opportunities to win $10,000 Dollars for "Guessing" which of the five people (shadowed and unseeable) is "Holding the Cash" and mobile phone users can vote up to ten times. Doesn't this fall into lottery laws of the states? And aren't there limits to the profitability of lottery schemes?

    The concept lacks any conceivable strategy, is based solely on chance.

    at .99 cents each vote, for a maximum potential of 10 votes at $9.9. If you have 3 million viewers and 10% vote at least twice, thats 1.98 x 300,000 = 594,000 dollars of revenue the phone company makes then splits with the television show either in profit share or advertising commission..

    I F'ing hate the oligopoly of mobile phone companies.. and I'd like to challange the greedy pricks praying on the ever growing pool of ignorant fools spending their money on this.

    Any thoughts on the possibility of challenging this?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is God Good?

    Is God good because he "is good" or because he chooses to be good in a realm where "Good & Evil" exist?

    And if so, thus he must choose to be good. Therefore did good exist before God in order for him to Choose it? If so, what else came before God?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Job Discrimination, Manic Depressive Person?

    We bring several hundred people a year to foreign lands for jobs and culture exchange. Today, a guy calls up and says that one of the teachers in our program is manic depressive and lied on an application form. That he's collecting money from the government and taking medication.

    So upon further quetioning of this individual, I find out that this teacher was engaged to his daughter, lived with them for a time, and that this guy has a personal vendetta against the teacher.

    So my question is: 1) What to do in a situation like this, the teacher was required to complete a medical evaluation and passed with flying colors from his doctor. Is there a legal basis for not hiring a Manic Depressive who is on medication? Seems like discrimination to me!

    This teacher passed several interviews, is highly educated and seems of good moral fiber.

    What should I do about this guy who is trying to make trouble, he even contacted the consulate of the country where this guy is.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What Happened to Creativity and Originality?

    Is it just me or is the state of originality and creativity in the United States seriously lacking? To much focus is being placed on remaking of old movies, music.. When was the last time a new Christmas Classic was created?

    I don't listen to the radio anymore, its all advertising and commercial hip-pop..

    The last refreshing song I heard was from Maroon-5 and the last couple of movies about magic, "The Prestige, and The Illusionist" were really well done..

    I'm a pretty open guy and enjoy almost everything from opera to Opra.. So tell me, am I turning into my father? I think it would be interesting to do a generational study in perceptions of music and art, has this been done already?

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago