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  • I never had sex in my life. Am I a loser?

    This might come across as a joke to many, but I am 22 years old (soon to be 23) and I have never had a girlfriend or sex. Guys around me in my age are all outgoing and cool having lots of sex and relationships with girls and stuff, and it just seems like I am the one who can never even learn to ask girls out - even if I have the opportunity to do so.

    Lately, there was a girl I really liked, but I came to know that she has had sex with 2 guys. This kinda came as a shock for me, I mean, I know I should just learn to get over it and move on, but for some reason I cannot forget it - I don't know why, it just won't get over my head, and I feel sad and depressed.

    What can I do?

    Thanks a lot for helping!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I interpret her behavior?

    Alright, so - I'm 22, she's 27. Now before you say she's quite old for me or something similar, please read on.

    Her behavior is like she's of my age; we guys are classmates, and she often calls me up to meet together and help her out with the studies (unfortunately, she has a joint family, which means we never meet at her house). I really like her and even touch her casually while we are talking and discussing something funny. She does the same.

    We both say stuff like 'love you darling, sweetheart, honey, etc.', but I feel that's still kinda casual.

    Off late, I find myself slowly becoming used to her. I enjoy her presence and do quite a lot possible to see her happy. Every time I try to make a serious remark about loving her (I think I somewhat do, because I find myself going above and beyond to do what makes her happy, and it's just that 1 person. I do not do extra for anyone else), she kinda ignores that - as in she doesn't respond back with something similar.

    She only asked me about going out together once and then we both got busy with our work and study lives; 2 things I noticed about her are: her mood can change easily, and she is mostly restless (similar to being overly active), as in I don't see her calm usually. Also, when she arrives at the school for the classes, she only speaks to me the most, and to nobody else (as in, no other guy).

    So, how do I find out whether I really have any chances with her? Or is it a dead-end? Is she using me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How can I stop being overly competitive and start enjoying life? - Please read.?

    Hello all,

    Before I begin, let me clarify that neither am I trying to look cool/awesome/sexy or anything of that sort, nor am I bragging about how successful I am. I genuinely need help, and that's why I am here. I express my sincerest thanks and heartiest gratitude to you for taking your time to help me out :).

    I will give a brief summary of my professional and personal profile to help you better understand what causes this problem for me.

    O.K. - So, I am a senior graduating this spring. I am completing my undergraduate career (in engineering) in 2 years 6 months (as opposed to 4 years) with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.90; I am a regular writer for 2 of my college magazines, and a chief organizer in the events that take place within the region; my university also has honored my performance with an Overall Award of Excellence (among the 150+ students in my major), and I have been selected for an honorary program by an institution in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

    I am known by many people in my university - students and professors, as a good student. However, personally, I feel very insecure - on multiple grounds. I have a long history of being bullied - physically and psychologically. I was NEVER a fighter, and because I'm not so well built (20 years, 166cm, 60kg, endomorph - right now), I was hardly ever able to fight back. It so happened that these guys in school were also good at studies (I don't get it, how?). Whenever I tried to fight back, they would all (4-5 guys at a time) jump on me and I'd lose instantly. Because of incessant stress from bullying, I had a REALLY bad record in the last 2 years of high school (we call it grade XI and XII). As a result, I get intimidated easily whenever such a situation arises and do my best to move out of the area to avoid any conflict.

    So, in short, I know it sounds stupid - but, I am a person who is a complete pansy (lol). What's worse than the feeling that you won't be able to defend yourself (or a loved one) when the situation arises? *Sigh*..

    That's when the problem started. I became the biggest and probably the worst over-thinker in my university (and probably also made it to the top 10 ranks worldwide). I over-think so - so - SO much! I always (and ALWAYS) think of the negative side of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING even before trying. It occurred to me that I would have to be the absolute best and beat all the competition to be able to secure a job after I graduate, and so, I tried my best - my professional career is all about me sacrificing EVERYTHING (friends - never had any, nobody wanted to be friends with me anyway, happiness, relaxation, and whatever else that brings joy to your life) for a HIGH CGPA. To this date, I have never ever went out with friends or on a picnic; I have never ever had a girlfriend (what girl would wanna date a pansy anyway? :( ), and all I have known is CGPA. My health has deteriorated a lot of times, but thankfully, never beyond what I could control or fix.

    And here's the problem - I am a hardcore perfectionist with a bunch of unrealistic ambitious desires. If I EVER score anything less than the highest grade in any subject, I go into depression and just plain crazy. I don't openly express it, but it's really hard on my inner-self. I don't have the peace of mind. I have lost the joy to appreciate everything good I have, for I over-think its negative aspects all the time. Also, the slightest gesture from someone else which could (or does) make me look like a fool (like those 'practical jokes') makes me real angry (you could say I take things all too personally). I have this inner super-egoistic self of mine which I would LOVE to change, but I have no clue on how to do so...

    Summing it all up, despite all the things I have achieved, I always tend to be pessimistic and a hell of an over-thinker. Currently, I have a great undergraduate record, but the other day I checked the job market and not a lot of jobs are available in the region - and that's making me worried.

    Lately, my problems have been driving me insane, and I am having suicidal thoughts every now and then. Please help me :(

    Thank you very much for your time!


    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • How can I be happy alone?

    Hello everyone,

    This has been quite a problem with me for sometime, but only now do I realize that I must do something about it.

    Okay so, to begin with, I am a graduating student at an university with a major in electrical engineering. I am about 20 credit hours away from graduation, and I have a CGPA of 3.20, so I guess I'm an OK student.

    I work really hard to achieve my goals, but then there's always a part of me which keeps seeking company constantly! It's like, I would pay $ 1,000,000 to someone who could teach me to be happy alone and not need anyone else to be the reason for my joy or happiness.

    I don't know why, I always wish I had a good friend or someone with whom I could hang out and stuff. I am quite vulnerable to this and end up trusting people too easily. I wanna change that....

    All suggestions are welcome!

    TL:DNR: How can I be happy without anyone else by my side? Please help.

    Thanks for reading!


    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • I'm so bored of everything these days. Why?

    Hey all,

    I know this is going to look like some generic post, but w/e. I am a third year level college student and I'm bored of just about everything. I used to play Guild Wars 2, but even that's boring now since I know the story and stuff. I don't wanna do ANYTHING and NOTHING interests me. Why is this? The feeling is kinda annoying when you look around at everything and feel like it's all dull and lifeless.

    Thanks for your time; all suggestions are welcome.


    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What are the benefits of drinking black coffee?

    Hey guys,

    I started drinking a cup of black coffee per day without any sugar in it.

    What are the health benefits that I can expect from this, if any?

    Thanks for reading.


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • I'm bored of everything in life. Why?

    Hey all,

    I'm really bored of everything in life. Now, let me make myself clear - I did NOT say depressed. I'm bored in the sense that I see nothing new or interesting in my life.

    I'm 19, Male, college sophomore; life's pretty calm and quiet. I don't know why, but nowadays I don't feel interested to do anything.

    I get good grades in college (B+ or so), I work as hard as I can. But it's the same thing over and again, read and memorize and write it on the exam day.

    I tried playing games (MMORPGs) and they too are quite boring. Hanging around with friends never works either.

    Can someone please tell me why this happens and what can I do to prevent it?

    Thanks for reading.


    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • What's the average age for retirement in the West?

    Hello everyone,

    Could someone please give me an estimate for the retirement ages in Europe (different regions), U.S.A, and Canada? I mean for jobs of mechanical engineers and such.

    Any links to websites are also welcome.

    Thanks for reading,


    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • How can I be serious?

    Hey folks,

    I am always cheerful and happy, and I hate being that way because people think I got no problems in my life though I actually have difficult times.

    How can I be more serious?

    Even if it's like a robot or a zombie, I don't mind. Just want to be quiet and serious, minding my own business.

    People ignore because they feel I am not mature. I look childish and stupid whenever I smile. I want to change things and become more mature.

    Please tell me how can I achieve a calmer and quieter demeanor.

    Thanks for reading!

    Have a great day folks.

    P.S. - I'm 19 if that helps.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • In case Earth had a ring of meteors like Saturn, how would that affect its tides?

    I know the meteors would still act like a moon broken down, but would they be big enough to cause a change in the tides? Wouldn't the tides pull them in and disintegrate them?

    Would they rotate like the moon does? If yes, would spring and neap tides still be form? Would we have rotary tides?

    Thank you for the help.

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • iPad 2 iOS 6 Untethered Jailbreak Link Please?

    Hey guys,

    I am looking for an untethered jailbreak for an iPad 2 running iOS 6, any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for your time,


    4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • Is it possible to be emotionally numb?

    I am happy, cheerful, and naive. I trust people too much, and cannot remain serious for a long time.

    I have seen many people in my life, and they all are very stoic. I tend to overreact to problems and end up looking like an idiot. When something good happens, I am over joyed.

    I wonder if there is a way to always have the same face. No feelings, no emotions, no expressions, and therefore no pain.

    I don't want to be this way.

    Isn't it possible to remain serious and quiet always? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    P.S.- Don't tell me weird things like OMG NO YOU'RE GREAT and all. You aren't helping me by saying that anyways.

    4 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Why is the thickness of the crust important?

    We know that hotspots are more common in oceanic crust than continental crust areas, but how does the thickness of the crust affect the magma?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • Why aren't hotspots as common in land?

    We know that hotspots are common underwater since they have made the Hawaii Islands, are there any land "hot-spots" that we know of?

    Also, why aren't hot spots common in land as common they are under water in oceans?



    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology9 years ago
  • Is it even possible for a planet to be formed without gravitational energy?

    Okay so, I am debating that if there was no gravitational energy, then there would be no orbits and the planets would not be formed since there was no pulling force that acted upon them.

    But here scientists have found planets that do not orbit anything, but simply keep moving around the galaxy. My question is, if they do not orbit anything, how were they formed even?

    Here's the link(s):

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Which law of planetary motion is responsible for?

    We know that there are three laws of Planetary Motion A.K.A. Kepler's is given that after the creation of the sun in our solar system, the smaller particles left out during the Nebula flattening condensed together to form planets, which then entered specific orbits as per the Kepler's Laws. But WHICH one of the three law is responsible for this phenomenon and why?

    Thank you,


    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why/how do planets revolve around the Sun in orbits?

    Also, how would you explain the formation of a solar system where the planets revolve around the Sun in random directions and planes?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why are planets such as Earth colder than the Sun?

    And why can't they heat up like the Sun?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • How does size affect temperature of Sun vs. Earth?

    Dear Friends,

    I read that the Sun is much hotter than the Earth, despite having few ways to generate heat is because of the fact that it is much bigger than the Earth. I would like to know how the size of the Sun plays an important part in helping it get higher temperatures.



    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Need help analyzing her behavior (girls please read)?

    Hello everyone,

    Okay so there is this girl I know for a few months. We met on a forum, a few months back; mostly sticking to school and college online study, we did talk quite a bit about personal lives though. However, this became addictive, and I had to stop talking to her 'cause I wasn't able to concentrate on other things, because we would be texting each other all the time. After a while, I tried to contact her again, for things were quiet and we could talk safely. When she finally received my e-mail and replied, it appeared as if she is so overjoyed. Her words were full of happiness that one would expect of feel having found a long lost friend, and she said she would contact me later that day. Since we live in opposite sides of the earth, it was evening and then night for me. I killed my sleep and waited for her message/e-mail the full night, but no message whatsoever. I started fearing if everything is fine (yeah sorry for the paranoid nature of mine..), and later the next day evening, I got a message saying that she had been busy that day and went to sleep as soon as he came home..and sounded quite casual. So, my question is, how can I understand what was on her mind? Was she just toying around with me? Being extremely happy one moment and sounding pretty casual the other, I just don't understand..

    Girls, could you please tell me what this means? Guys' opinions are welcome too..

    Analyzing girls' behavior is sometimes very difficult...

    Thank you for reading (and many more thanks if you decide to help!),


    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago