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  • Changing careers but need work meanwhile-Resume help?

    I have a resume question. I have extensive work history in different fields from retail, restaurant, management, department leader, factory, truck driving etc but none of these are an actual career that I can feel happy about so I've returned to college 3 years ago, will have my AA degree this December and working towards a BSN in medicine and ultimately achieve a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy by 2020. Now I've been out of work since I began college in the fall of 2010 and needing to find a job for income through these next few years at school. I can fall back on my previous skills but unsure how to write a great resume since I'm kind of "in-between" right now. I'm over qualified for many positions that I would have been able to get easier before returning to college yet I'm not qualified enough yet to get a position that requires an Associates degree. I'm stuck and would appreciate help in any way.

    For my Professional Goal on the resume, what should I say if I'm applying for an assistant store manager position at a retail shop or restaurant? What about for my objectives and cover letter? I guess I could leave out the info about me wanting to ultimately become a Physical Therapist but I don't know.

    Thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Iphone dock adapter to usb?

    I'm new to iphones and I'm not too sure if my question will make any sense since I don't know much about them. My fitness center has an iphone stereo with the dock but no other way to play music through the stereo unless you own an iphone, which I do not. My car stereo has a usb and sd card option so I always put my music on the usb flash drive and was wanting to bring my flash drive in and plug it into their stereo when I work out but the stereo does not give that option. My question is, is there a dock adapter that I can place in the dock and the other end be a female usb so I can insert my flash drive into it and play my songs through the stereo that way? I've tried searching for dock adapters and the only thing I've found is female usb to plug straight into your computer for charging purposes...not what I'm wanting obviously. Any help is appreciated as I'm not going to purchase an iphone just to use their stereo lol.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons8 years ago
  • HIPAA Law and pictures?

    I am a part of a college student council and were going to be caroling at a local nursing home for our end of the year community service event. My question is that we plan on taking pictures of the carolers and the kids passing out hand make Christmas cards to the elderly. If we blurred out the faces of the residents so they are un-identifiable is it still a violation of HIPAA? These pictures will be used only in the College newsletter about the student council and what we've done this year.

    Thank you in advance!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Gift ideas for old student council board members?

    Last year at my college we created our first student council where I was the secretary and there were 3 other positions for President, Vice President and Treasurer. This year I have been nominated for President and I'm wanting to thank our previous officers for their hard work and starting the council at my speech coming up in August. I also would like to give a gift to each of them (excluding myself of course) and the only thing I can think of is flowers. Any other ideas? Thank you in advance :)

    1 AnswerCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Writing an equation to solve word problems. Help!?

    "The quotient of a number decreased by 3 and 5 is 6"

    How would you even begin to set up this equation to finish it?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • CNA job description please!?

    I am currently in CNA classes and interested in working in the respiratory care department. What are the job descriptions for a CNA in that particular department?

    I know the basics from what is being taught in class and CPR, but curious if there would be additional or particular tasks when working with asthmatics and such. At the moment in class, we are mainly focusing on the elderly and working in Nursing Homes but I prefer to be in a hospital setting in Respiratory. Thank you in advance!

    Oh, and if there are any good websites that I can visit that give info on this (only for a CNA, not LPN, RN, etc) Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between Scholorship, Financial Aid & a Sponsor?

    I am wanting to begin CNA classes in May but cannot afford to pay the fee up front so I am needing to know the difference between a Sponsor, Financial Aid and a Scholorship. I recently found out that Financial Aid will not pay for the classes, but I am wanting to go to college for RN which I will use Financial Aid for but I am worried that if I get a Scholorship to pay for CNA, I won't be able to get another one to use with Financial Aid for college. How excactly does this work?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Stonebridge Casualty Insurance Company affiliated with Bank of America?

    I've had an account with BOA for a while now and started getting all these calls from companies supposedly affiliated with them offering me different products. I've put myself on the "do not call list" but it takes up to 30 days to go into affect. Meanwhile, I recieved a call from a Health Insurance company "Stone Bridge" who said they'd mail me out some information about their policy, which did sound good over the phone. The telemarketer said I'd have 30 days to review the policy and if I decided that I didn't want it, to call the number on the brochure to cancel otherwise they'd charge $30 a month straight from my BOA account. They called me nearly 3 weeks ago, which the woman said I'd have 30 days from the phone call, and I still haven't recieved the paperwork. So I'm wanting to cancel so they don't charge my account. This is bad business as far as I'm concerned, and I have no other way to contact them other than the caller ID number on my phone from that day. Does anyone know of any other way to contact this company? Thank you.

    2 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Simple math question for mom returning to school?

    Hello and thank you for taking the time to help me with my question. I have never really been good at math and now I'm wanting to pursue college but seem to have a few minor set backs where my math is concerned.

    My question (I know it's silly) is what is the easiest way to add fractions with different denominators?

    I can't seem to remember how to do this type of math lol! Are there any hints to help me figure it out because with some problems I can "guess" my way to the correct answer, but in other's I can't so I'm obviously doing the problems wrong and simply had "good luck" getting some of the answers correct.

    Thank you :)

    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Christians, please help this child!?

    I am a Wiccan in need of serious Christians to help this poor child. I had received a personal message from a young girl yesterday browsing around in the Psychic category requesting help to get her boyfriend back who left her and she's pregnant. She's been messing with black magic and Ouija boards, and several of her questions which date back up to 10 months ago deal with questions regarding her ex whom has allegedly beat her, but yet she was trying to find out how to force conception. She also claims in one of her questions that her ex is possessed, so I found it quite strange as to why should she want to be with him and force conception so he will not leave her again if everything she claims to be accurate. I replied to her personal message telling her that she should not force him into a relationship with her and that it is wrong of her to force conception. She then angrily replied that she is "not" pregnant and I should not assume. She also says she is Christian and she believes in psychics and possessions, and she quoted "as for the possession thing i strongly believe in it and i am a christian. event he pastors i talked to believed in it when i went to them for advice. so my dear like i said don't assume."

    I feel extremely sorry for this child and I realize that I cannot give her the help she needs, so I was hoping that since she is a Christian, that perhaps you can help her along this dark path she seems to be leading. Can you please help her? I do not want to expose her info on here so if you truly wish to help, please message me and I will forward the info.

    Thank you,

    Blessed Be~

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I need a veterinarian's expertise for a 3 day old kitten?

    My roommates outdoor cat had her first litter 3 days ago. There are 5 total kittens with one being deformed and the mother cat had abandoned it 2 hours after birth. My kids exclaimed "Buttercup had her kittens!" so of course I went outside to check and make sure everything was ok. I first noticed the neglected kitten lying under momma cat's back as if momma cat was trying to smother it. The kitten was very cold, weak and made absolutely no sound. After giving the kitten a once over and realizing that momma cat was not going to take care of it, I decided to take it in and raise it (since I have prior experience raising kittens). The kitten, a little girl, I have named Petunia since the kittens were born in a flower bed :) Petunia has what I believe to be a birth defect. She was the first kitten born, and her front arms are always up over her head and she doesn't seem to be able to extend them out like her siblings can, as if her elbows are fused and un-bendable. I'm sure this is quite uncomfortable for her and she cannot crawl, so I'm assuming that "if" she does survive, she will have to walk on her elbows. Does this defect have a name, and what causes it? Also, I've just noticed today (she is now 3 days old) that she has what looks to be like a small tumor on her back in between her shoulder blades. Perhaps this is what is causing her arms to always stay up over her head? My husband checked the lump to see if maybe it was a tick or possibly a wolf worm, but when he touched it, it began oozing clear liquid. What could this be? Could it possibly be deadly? I'd really like to do everything I can to help this lil one survive. She eats quite well (2-3 eyedropper full of formula every 2-3 hours) and she has clear urine after every meal and regular bowels at least once a day. She seems to be a fighter, but I'm worried these two defects could be life threatening.

    I cannot go to the vet right now as my car tags are expired and live in bfe lol so no neighbors near by, besides I don't know any of them since I'm a quiet person and stay to myself. In a bout a month I will be able to be mobile again but I don't know if the kitten can wait that long.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance :)

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Could my 5yr old son been molested?

    My 5 yr old son is displaying (what I believe to be) too much affection towards his 9 yr old friend which is my roommates son. He has been caught kissing him on the lips, laying on him and fondling the other boy's private area. We have spoken with both boys and each time we think the situation is under control, another incident happens. My concern is that my son may have either learned these actions by witnessing others, or worse, something happened to him while in his grandparents care. When asked, my son just keeps saying that nothing happened to him, and that he just made it up, but I just can't seem to fathom that a 5yr old could make up these acts out of nowhere. He hasn't been around other children and begins Kindergarten this year, so I know that he hasn't picked up bad habits from other kids. My daughter who is 8, also shows some signs that concern me, but nowhere as extreme as my son has shown. Since my children have been away from their grandparents, they no longer withdraw or act out violently, just now I am seeing them acting out very maturely which makes me wonder what has happened around them or to them. Any advice on how to handle a situation like this? How do I talk to my son so that he Truly understands that his actions are wrong? I am wanting to take both my children to seek help, but if nothing happened to them, I am worried it may cause more harm than good. Is there anyway I can help my children open up to tell me the truth so that I can figure out what's the best course of action to take? Or should I just take them to a therapist regardless and hope it helps? Thank you

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can I use a recorded video statement of my 9yr old daughter?

    My 9yr old daughter informed me recently of some really bad things that her grandparents have done while in their care. My husband was at work when she told me everything, so I asked her if it was ok for me to video tape her saying everything all over again so that her father could hear it when he got home and she agreed that it was ok. Now, I'm curious if some of the accusations that were recorded could be used in court if we needed to go that far, or if they wouldn't accept it and think I may have coerced her into saying what she said? The accusations were not for physical or sexual abuse (as far as I know) but they included information involving drug use in the home, drunk driving, foodstamp fraud and forcing my daughter to attend court with the grandparents in hopes that her being there would make the judge not make the grandpa go to jail for DUI. She states in the video that she was starving, thristy and bored but they forced her to go with them anyway and all this was done without me or my husbands knoweledge. I feel that my daughter was used for their gain and because of that, my daughter was treated as a pawn and her child needs and wants were neglected. Any suggestions? By the way, this happened in TN, and once finding out this info we moved out of state where more jobs are available and were all able to live together rather than in an efficiency in TN which is why my daughter was with her grandparents because we knew DHS could get involved if we were all living in small quarters. Thank you

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • After 8 years, could I still be going through Post Partum Depression?

    When I was 19, my husband (at the time fiance) wanted to move to his home state of TN (I met him in FL, I was born and raised there). As you can imagine moving several hundred miles away from all my family was very stressful and it took a few weeks before being able to install a phone to call them. Meanwhile, I knew no-one other than him and I felt neglected because he was always hanging out with old friends and his mom was always over taking over his attention, so I began getting depressed and even though I talked to him about it, it didn't do any good. Apparently, I was over-reacting. Well, even though we planned to get married, we found out after 3 months of moving to TN that I was pregnant and from the moment we found out his mom starting going even more psycho on us (like for example, she'd come over crying that she needed to stay with us for awhile because she swore up and down that her husband was cheating on her and my fiance had to spend every second calming and coddling his 38 year old mother who attempted suicide twice within the first few months of moving here!) I swear she was doing all this purposely for attention and by golly she got it! Meanwhile I found out she had a major drug problem and I told my fiance that I didn't like his mom or the things she was doing and I didn't want to be around her anymore than I needed to be let alone have my child around her when the baby is born. Of course he took offense to it and always took his crazy mom's side and this was tearing up our relationship, not to mention we now had a kid on the way and was worried about he/she's well seemed that no matter what, I was in the "wrong"! At this point I felt stuck because I loved him and really wanted to be with him and have a family but also regretting moving to TN because of everything that was going on, and now were bringing an innocent child into this mess and I have no family or moral support living hundreds of miles away from family. After a few arguments he promised that things will get better and that I just need to be patient but he'll take care of everything. We decided to get married when I was 5 months pregnant with our daughter. His mother was more excited than we were about having a girl because she always wanted a girl and once she found out she started on and on about how we should give the baby to husband just thought it was funnt and shrugged it off while I took offense and thought to myself "yeah right lady, you're crazy". When my husband and I were shopping for newborn stuff which should of been a nice and exciting experience, but his mother would always try and "out do me" or "one up me"...example: she'd buy diapers and wipes and clothes and nursery bedding for "her place" making plans that our newborn would be spending nights or weeks at her place like it's a slumber party with my newborn! She was already stealing my baby and she wasn't even born yet! Of course this caused resentment and caused even more problems with my husband and I and it seemed as if this was the game she was trying to play all along. She knew I despised drugs and went behind my back and would talk my husband into smoking pot with her (probly talking crap about me and telling him that he needed a break from me) I felt so backstabbed and betrayed by both my husband and his mom. When I went into labor his mom practically threw a fit because I didn't want her or anyone other than my husband in the labor room with me and even though I said "no", she disrespected me and found my room and came in anyway while I'm in pain about to push out a baby this woman just pushed her way in...because apparently the world revolves around her and her feelings! Anyway, as we were leaving the hospital to go home with our newborn baby girl, his mother had to tag along (why, I don't know...I still ask my husband this question) well a great 1st day home with baby turned into him and his mom walking out with the baby buckling her in the baby carseat while I was practically left behind carrying bags to the car...Something was just not right about all this and my husband acts like I'm the crazy one! Instead of going home with the baby, my husband is looking out for his mom and her "feelings"....he stopped off at a video store to get a movie that his mom would like to watch because she was also going home with us and he didn't want her to "feel" left out....what a crock of S**t! I was furious, sad, neglected and tired and felt like "whatever" so when we got home I just went straight to the bedroom and cried and slept...His mom took over our new baby, while I was helpless to do anything about it. When his mom did finally leave a few days later, I was left helpless with a screaming infant that didn't seem to want me at all and I was so depressed I couldn't think straight to think of new ways to calm her and bond with her and even when I felt a slight chance that me and my newborn could possibly be bonding his mom would always pop

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • How can I request past medical records for a spouse who is bipolar?

    I am going through a divorce and my husband is bipolar. We have 2 children which he's trying to take away my rights basically cuz he's mad at me and using the kids as pawns. He has a mental history which I could use in court and was curious how can I obtain these records since we are still married. I cannot afford a lawyer, so I am going to file myself and represent myself, which he is going to have to represent himself also. But anything I can use as proof to show his instability would help me greatly. He had attempted to commit suicide back in 04 when our son was just 6 months old and the hospital sent him to an inpatient mental facility where he was hospitalized for 2 weeks. They diagnosed him as being bipolar with a prescription of meds that he stopped taking 3 months after leaving the institute and still does not take anything for it. I also have other proof of spaztic behaviour, but was hoping medical records would help even more.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago