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Potty Training help....please, please??
My sister is trying to potty train my nephew, but it's not working out very well. He's 2.5yrs old. He started out doing really well, and did really well for about 2 weeks. Now after, he uses the potty, he won't get off of it until someone tells him to. He will sit right there for as long as it takes for someone to tell him what to do. It's like maybe he wants to be told what to do, however this gets to be frustrating. Any thoughts on why he does this? Or any suggestions on how to correct it? Thank you!
11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhere is HB, New York ?
I have to mail an item where the location is HB, New York...I've never heard of it. Does it stand for something? Thank you!
2 AnswersGeography1 decade agoRental car info help, please?? What do I do?
Okay, our family needs to rent a vehicle to drive to Tampa (from Indiana )in March. We will be going on a cruise, so the vehicle will be staying in a secured/guarded lot the whole time were out at sea. There won't be much mileage put on the vehicle, we'll just need it for about 10 days. I can't find any places that charges by the mile, rather than charging for the time the car is rented out. Can anyone make any suggestions for rental companies who do this? Or do you have other suggestions that might help? Any help/info would be greatly appreciated.
5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoWhat color shoes to wear with cinnamon colored pants?
I have no idea what colored shoes to wear. The shirt is a deep red, the pants are a brownish/cinnamon color......what color shoes do I wear with them?
15 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago$20 Christmas gift related to a cruise or the tropics??
I have to bring a $20 gift to a Christmas party that has to do with a cruise or a tropical vacation. It has to be a gift for a female and I have no idea what to get.......any suggestions?
5 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoSuggestions for things to do on Grand Cayman?
Hubby and I are going on a cruise in March. One of our stops is at Grand Cayman Island. Any natives or people who have been there have suggestions on what to do there or make sure that we see?
4 AnswersOther - Caribbean1 decade agoDoes this computer have a DVD burner?
Here is the link.....I'm not so great at understanding the specs.....
5 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoLightScribe DVD....does this mean it can burn DVD's??
I'm going to get a new computer that says it has " SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology "
Will this allow me to put my videos right on a DVD or will I need some kind of software?
This is the computer
Are both bays on it there?( the comp. I have now looks similar, but one of the bays is just for expansion)
Will this computer allow me to pop a movie in and copy it to a DVDr?
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoCould someone tell me about LightScribe DVD burner?
I'm going to get a new computer that says it has " SuperMulti DVD Burner with LightScribe Technology "
Will this allow me to put my videos right on a DVD or will I need some kind of software?
This is the computer
Are both bays on it there?( the comp. I have now looks similar, but one of the bays is just for expansion)
Will this computer allow me to pop a movie in and copy it to a DVDr?
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoNeed opinions...which of these computers is the best?
I don't know which one to get, or that I need to get based on what I use them for, and they're at Sams Club, so no one there knows anything about them. I am on the internet A LOT, so I need speed. I take lots of high resolution photos and upload them. I multi-task all the time, and enjoy playing/downloading games and music. Here are the specs, which one do I need? I don't know what this stuff means. Thank you!
1. AMD Athlon 64 x 2
1024MB DDR2 memory
300GB hard drive
AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual-Core processor
4400 + for true multitasking
2. Intel Pentium D 950
Intel Viiv Technology with 2 processing cores
2048MB SDRAM memory
600GB Hard drive
3.AMD Athlon 64 X2
Dual-Core Processor 4600+ for TRUE Multi-tasking
2048MB DDR2 system memory
300GB hard drive
4. HP Intel Viiv Core 2 Duo E6300 w/ 22" LCD
Intel Viiv Technology with an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6300
2048MB DDR2 system memory
320GB hard drive stores up to 185 hours of digital video
12 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoI accidently got bleach on my jeans? Is there a dye I can get?
I accidently got bleach on my favorite pair of jeans. I don't want to add more bleach for the 'distroyed' look or anything...I want to fix them if possible. Is there any kind of jeans/denim dye I can get to try? If so, where do I get it? Thank you!
13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoWhat does Goodwill actually do?
There's Goodwill (used stuff) stores everywhere and I just wondered what purpose they actaully serve? I mean, they are for the lower income people, and I went in there with a friend the other day, and you pay close to retail price for stuff. I thought they were there to help the less fortunate. What do they do with all that money they make off of the stuff they get for free, I know, like Salvation army gives stuff to kids, does meals on wheels and all kinds of other stuff, but I've never heard of Goodwill doing anything. So what do they do with all the money they make?
6 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoI have thin, slow growing fingernails...what can I do for them?
I eat a pretty fairly balanced diet, so I don't think its a diet deficiency. My nails grow sooooo slow and they are very thin. They break/tear all the time. Is there anything I can put on them that will fix these problems? I can never have them all looking good because of this. Polish doesn't even stop them from being destroyed.
13 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoPlease help me...I can't navigate a website.....?
I went to a clothing website, that I've shopped on before, and I can get on the main page, but it won't let me into the sub-catagories. Like I can click on "misses" "juniors" "maternity" but not like 'jeans', 'skirts' 'shirts' once I'm in those catagories. You know how when you're going to click on something, it shows the address at the bottom left of the screen,????well, it dont do that for the sub-catagories, but does for the main catagories. I know the site works, I can access it from a family members computer, but not mine. But I used to be able to then one day it started saying 'done but with errors' and stopped working right. It dont say the error thing anymore, but I'm stil having the above probs.
Sorry so long...will somebody please, please please help me? Thank you!
4 AnswersInternet1 decade agoDo models wax their faces?
It always looks like models never have hair on their face, not even tiny "peach fuzzies". Do they have their face waxed? Is it beneficial to have your face waxed?
11 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoUnlocked cell...can I use minute cards??? Please help!?
I want to buy a new razr, unlocked from like best buy or somthing. I don't want a montly contract . I just want to know if I can buy those little cards with minutes on them( like at walmart, gas stations, etc.) and use them on an unlocked phone.
I'm NOT asking what carriers I can and can't use the phone with. Many people have misunderstood my question before. I get that one can use an unlocked phone with many carriers that provide monthly service...................................I just, please, want to know if I can buy like those little "Tracfone" minute cards on an put them on an unlocked phone. Thank you all!
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhy are sponges wet when you take them out of the package?
I'm talking about brand new, unopened sponges, like for cleaning. They are always just a little wet. Why is this?....and how do they get wet in sealed packaging?
5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWhy does my 3 yr. old tattoo still itch????
I got a tattoo over 3 years ago and it still drives me crazy itching sometimes. The yellow in it, and some of the black outline are kinda raised/puffy all the time, and really gets to itching me. I've put stuff on it, but nothing helps. It's completely healed, so I have no idea why it does that. Anyone know about this or what I can do about it? Thank you!
12 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade agoWhich Canon Digital Camcorder should I get? Suggestions?
I know I want a digital Canon....I love Canon's products, and I know I want it to record to DVD's, but not the miniDVD's .......I don't have any idea what models to even start looking at. I will be using it for like family gatherings and on the beach. I would very much appreciate any suggestions/references.
3 AnswersCamcorders1 decade agoMy sister-in-law drives me batty, what can I do? Please help.?
Last Christmas my hubby got me a really nice digital camera that I had been wanting. I take pictures throughout family functions, as do most of the other family members. My SIL (sister-in-law) is constantly trying to take my camera and run off with it to take her own choice of pictures(she's 27 yrs old).I can be mid-shot and she'll say "let me see your camera" or "here, let me take pics". This gets EXTREMELY annyoing and I find it very rude. My husband and I often discuss what kind of photos we'd like to get and I strive to get those, get others, and enjoy the family. Her household income is more than quadruple that of ours and she could easily afford to get herself an equal or greater quality camera, but does not. I have several times offered to help her pick out one to suit her needs. She has her own camera right now, and never uses it claming the "memory is full"( it doesn't take as good pictures) And she NEVER does this when hubby is by my side. I don't want to be rude.
13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago