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Lv 729,053 points

Daydream Believer

Favorite Answers13%

Born in Chicago in 1962 I've lived in several different states, but mostly in my native Illinois. Married happily since 1980 with a beautiful daughter, wonderful son and 6 fantastic grandchildren. I have vast life experience in many areas, and a degree in psychology and I'm a published author. I want to help people, give the best advise I can to a generarion so far removed from my own and help teach along the way. I love people but have trouble understanding them, so here I am. To my credit, or shame, however one wishes to view it, I refuse to suffer fools lightly. I have a dry, often dark sense of humor and scarcasum is my middle name. (Even if I can't spell LOL) I have much to share besides knowledge, love, compassion, empathy and humor. While I'll never understand most people, I do love them and only wish to help and perhaps made a few new friends along the way. I allow people from this site to send me messages but attack because you don't agree with what I say,

  • How do I deal with this.......Sorry So Long?

    Please nice answers only. My cousin and her family have moved here to Illinois from coastal Mississippi after being displaced by the recent hurricane there. They have a very sweet natured 14 year old son who is very overweight and they yell at him non-stop to lose weight. Here is where I need advice. While they say he HAS to lose weight they allow him to eat whatever he wants and never anything healthy! They don't believe in making him even try foods if he doesn't like how they look. My concern naturally is for the boy who is being let to eat himself into an early grave by parents who are kind, intelligent and well educated. They should have their own place soon, so do I keep my anger and opinions to myself or sit them down and help them understand they are hurting their only child? I love them all dearly, they are my family, but this can not be good, I know it isn't. M as I'll call him stands only 4'9 and weighs 275 pounds! Please help with some good advice. My mother was the exact same with my younger brother who is now nearly 47 and in very bad health, is there anything I can do that won't lose a part of the little family I have left? BTW They are currently staying in my house so I have to listen to them fuss about this poor kid's weight problem while they give him sugar filled cereals, candy, chips, french fries and Hot Pockets and nothing else. Thanks.

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What is the silliest nonsense movie line you've ever heard?

    For me it came from the comedy/horror film HOUSE starring William Katt & Key Lenz. Lenz played Katt's ex-wife, an actress. One night he is watching her on TV and she said to her co-star in a fake night time soap opera "My Sister Was An Only Child And You Abused Her"

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Has anyone here ever had a medical condition commonly known as a frozen shoulder?

    If so what can I expect when I start physical therapy in 2 weeks? Please only real, honest and polite answers. Thanks.

    I'm almost 50 BTW, have a high tolerance to pain but this sucker really hurts!

    4 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • An honest and polite opinion on family argument over head lice?

    My eldest step grand daughter, who is 12 has lice all the time. Literally, she'll wait until they are eating her scalp alive before she says a word and by then her younger half brother, sister, step-mother (my daughter) and father have lice too. Her younger siblings aren't old enough for school yet and have little contact with other children outside their older sister and a few cousins who've never had lice. Yet her mother blames the little ones for her constantly getting lice. How can I or any of us nicely tell her mother it might be the other way around? Both sides are threatening to keep these kids apart and this situation is getting totally out of control. Her mother won't believe she gets them at a 'nice, clean public school'! Help please? Rude and unrelated answers WILL be reported. BTW her mother is loved like part of the family just as her daughter is. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • I'm Looking For The Lyrics To An Old John Travolta Song, Please Help?

    The Title is GOODNIGHT MISTER MOON and I've searched high and low all over the web and each site give me this message "We're sorry but the artist has decided not to disclose the lyrics for this song". Thanks in advance. And please, don't answer unless you know the full and correct lyrics. Thanks again.

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Need Help With Lyrics To A Righteous Brothers Song, Please?

    In the early 1970's The Righteous Brothers recorded a song called Rock And Roll Heaven. In the mid to late 1990's they did another, updated version of this wonderful song. Same sweet melody but with Roy Orbison, Ricky Nelson, Jerry Garcia, Freddy Mercury & Kurt Cobain to name a few. Could you please help me find the lyrics and the link to those lyrics? It was lovely as the first and I once had the CD single which has been stolen. I can't find it or the lyrics anywhere. Thank you for your help.

    5 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • How does a grown-up write a free letter to Santa?

    This may sound silly, and if it does to you, please don't make fun. Every year my husband and I save all our change in a 5 gallon plastic bottle. It is not touched no matter how much we might need it during the year since it is our Christmas fund. In October of this year we had about $90.00 saved and it was stolen. We are low income and usually do not want or ask for charity but have become desperate. That money would have bought our grand-children's gifts this year. Now it is gone. Does anyone know of any groups in Southern Illinois that can help grandparents? If not it'll be a gift-less Christmas for children too young to understand. Please if you know of any groups or people who can help in the Carbondale-Marion or Williamson County area let me know. We have 6 grandchildren ranging in age from 16 months to 11 years, 3 boys, 3 girls. All we want is to give them something decent for Christmas. Thank you and God Bless.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How do I begin trying to locate a child that might have been purposely switched without my knowledge/consent?

    ( Sorry This Is So Long) I was raped and got pregnant at 16, my mother tried to force me to have an abortion and I refused. My son was born in Dyersburg Tennessee on February 15, 1979. I was put under 2 minutes before his birth and woke up in recovery alone, where I stayed alone for over 45 minutes. I saw my son for only a minute before he was rushed to another hospital in Memphis with serious birth defects, He died a week later. Now, 30 years later my sister, brother and Aunt say they believe my mother arranged for my healthy child to be switched with the ill one of an older married couple. There are so many unusual things surrounding his birth and death that this has but doubt that the child I gave birth to actually died. I've grieved every day for 30 Long years and no matter what, the baby I loved and watched die is mine, but I have 6 autopsy reports, no 2 are the same and it's extremely rare for a healthy non-smoking, non-drinking, non- drug using 16 year old to give birth to a baby with Down's Syndrome. If my biological child IS alive (and I'm not holding out hope) How could I begin to try and find him? If he is alive I did not give him up and at the 30 he'd have to know the parents who raised him are not his biological parents. I'll welcome any help. Thanks.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Could Someone Help With The Title Of This Film?

    We believe the film was made in the mid to late 1990's. It is about fraternal twins, a boy who is in a mental hospital because he seems unable to speak and his sister who has deformed hands, her father, who we think is a doctor, is trying to replace her hands by killing young people, he might be luring his victims by using an ice cream truck. The sister is kept in a basement near her dead mother's prized piano. The brother draws hands on every surface of his hospital room trying to tell what his deranged father is doing. A woman, either a police office or psychologist is trying to help the brother to unlock the mystery to his silence and the recent murders where only the young victims hands were cut off. It's a murder/mystery/horror type of film and might, just might have been made for television. It's driving me and my sister crazy, please help. Thanks. :-)

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Need help finding the title of a film, HELP! ?

    A woman is investigating a series of disappearances and murders where the victims hands were cut off. It also involves fraternal twins, a boy in a mental hospital who doesn't speak but only draws pictures of hands and his sister living with their deranged father, the sister has deformed hands and the father, I think he is a doctor, is killing people trying to replace her hands, a piano is key in this film. It is driving me and my dearest friend insane trying to remember the title. Thanks.

    (We are fairly certain this film was made in the 1990's)

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • The original version still works on everyone PCs but mine, I'm not even given the option to switch back!?

    Everything I can find says that the old version of Yahoo was phased out, if that is so how come everyone I know still has the old version? Yahoo is my home page and I loathe this new beta version, I am NOT given the option to switch back and have tried everything to get rid of the beta version, HELP!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • Help with song title, driving my hubby crazy, help please?

    For several days my husband has had the tune to a song in his head, it came out in the late 1970's or early to mid 1980's, all he can remember is it's a love song about a sad man grieving over the death of his wife and in the song he is at one point dancing with her ghost.

    It's NOT Ghost Dancer or Ghost Dance

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Help with song title, driving my hubby crazy, help please?

    For several days my husband has had the tune to a song in his head, it came out in the late 1970's or early to mid 1980's, all he can remember is it's a love song about a sad man grieving over the death of his wife and in the song he is at one point dancing with her ghost.

    It's NOT Ghost Dancer or Ghost Dance

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Who Can Name The Film To Go With these Obscure Quotes?

    The person who gets ALL of these wins 10 points, if no one gets them all, the points go to the first person to get the most. Good Luck.

    1. How Do I Get Eyes Like That?

    2. What? Did You Skin A Cheetah?

    3. Look Bit*h, You Knew I Was A Snake.

    4. NO! Summer. Reruns.

    5. Why Are Your Boobs So Big?

    6. It's A Race, I'm Winning, I'm Winning!

    7. It Ain't About How Hard You Can Hit, It's How Hard You Can GET Hit.

    8. I came to save orphans, not to make them.

    9. I'm Going To Show You That God Does Exist.

    10. See, you're NOT The Only One Who's Watching.

    11. It's Just Me And Super Dave.

    12. Do Not Trust The Woods.

    13. Get Bent Taxman.

    14. 'Cause I'm Freddy Tiffany.

    15. No, DON'T Do A Panama.

    16. At Least I Die A True American.

    12 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I'm Looking For A Rare LP At A Reasonable Price?

    I'm looking for the one album released from a 1970's teen show called THE KIDS FROM C.A.P.E.R. and a back-up CD if possible. I've already looked at eBay, made a 'Want It Now' post and so far no takers, I know this album DOES exist, I once had it and it was stolen. Please help!

    1 AnswerMusic1 decade ago
  • Asking A Global Favor of all who pray.........?

    My daughter is nearly 8 weeks pregnant for the 6th time, the first four ended in miscarriage, the fifth, a stillbirth only this passed July. Please pray for my daughter and her unborn child's health. Thank You. And God Bless.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why when a family suffers a death, do people ignore them, treat them like they have an awful disease?

    Our daughter and SIL after 3 miscarriages, had a beautiful boy who was stillborn on July 7th. Suddenly it's as if we all have a contagious illness and many people who DO talk to us are rude to the point of cruel. Has anyone else gone though this? How did you feel? How Did you cope? Can you believe that one so-called "friend" has done all he could to cause us more grief because HIS daughter's baby LIVED? We had to get a restraining order against him, it's insane! We are so lost and feel so alone. Please serious answers only. (We Are A Christian Family And Right Now God Is The Only One We KNOW We Can Depend On.) Can anyone help us understand why people act this way? Thanks.

    18 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago