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I am a born again Child of the Most High God..He sought me and He bought me with His redeeming blood..Glory, Alleluia..Amen!! Come and meet me @ my new address below:;_ylt=AkIpbbtr41foKkyzaTAwa7q0AOJ3

  • Christians what more can we do?

    Hello beloved brethren.. :)

    What more can we do?

    I have been here since 2005..I have seen so many here come and go.. :(

    Do Christians that come here, come to share to the words of Jesus?

    Do we walk the walk?

    Or do we just talk the talk?

    Jesus said we are to ~Love~ one another as I have ~Loved~ do we show that here?

    We are not to repay evil for we condemn others?

    Do you let your light shine, so others may see the ~Love~ of our Lord?

    Has anyone ever been won to the Lord by hate, anger or condemnation?

    Jesus said forgive and we will be forgiven..

    Do we harbor any bitterness in our hearts, toward anyone?

    Or do we go to our prayer closet and lift them up to the Lord?

    Can we put ourselves in their shoes?

    Let us never forget from whence we came..Verily verily I say unto must be born again..

    Can you share your experience how, when and why you asked Jesus to be the Lord of your life?

    Then look at back, at what you have written..

    Are you looking as if in a mirror and judging others from the things that our Lord has forgiven you for?

    I say the above not to condemn..but rather to uplift.. :)

    Lest we forget, from whence we first came.. :)

    EDIT: I ~Love~ Everyone..whether they be Christian, Atheist, Jew, Pagan, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Agnostic and Gnostic..

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is it the words in the Bible that convict our heart?

    Or is it the power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us?

    For if it was but mere words..then why am I not an Atheist any longer, for I have read Richard Dawkins..The Chariot of the Gods..

    All after I asked Jesus into my heart..

    So which is it?

    What you read?

    What you learned?

    Or what is inside of you?

    Thank-you All for your answers..

    With Love..In Christ.. :o)

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does He who is without sin..Cast the first stone..Mean?

    To all of my brothers and sisters in Christ..

    What does He who is without sin, cast the first stone mean to you?

    Does it mean only "certain types" of sin?

    If so please show me scripture in the New Testament?

    Or did Jesus mean "all kinds" of sin?

    Ask yourself, why did I leave my first Love (Jesus) and go back to judging others?

    Are we not to pray for those that despitefully use us?

    Are we to repay evil for evil?

    Or are we to repay evil with Love..

    How can we call ourselves Christians (Christ-Like) and see our fellow men in need and not help them?

    How can we sit in judgment of someone, without even knowing them?

    How can we say we Love God (whom we have not seen) and yet say all kinds of evil against people (whom we have seen)?

    When we can "truly Love one another", as "Jesus Loved us" (unconditionally)..

    Only then do we have the right, to call ourselves the children of the Living God..

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With Love..In Christ.. :o)

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think Jesus thought about wars, self defense & the death penalty?

    Hello.. :o)

    Please show me scripture in the "New Testament" to support your answer.. :o)

    What does Jesus say about self defense?

    Example: If someone came up to you and threatened you with a gun etc.

    What does the "New Testament" say about Wars?

    What did Jesus say about killing?

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With Love..In Christ.. :o)

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians..Are you sin conscious?

    Or are you Son conscious?

    Do you live day to day, worrying about sinning?

    Or do you live day by day, giving it all to Jesus?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What would Jesus Do..WWJD?

    Hello.. :o)

    This question is for my brothers and sisters in Christ..though anyone can join in.. :o)

    1.) Would Jesus condemn or mock someone that commits adultery or any sins at all?

    Just remember this Lady..Who is without sin cast the first stone..

    2.) Would Jesus say Hey Atheist how did the world come into being?

    Or would Jesus say blessed are the peacemakers..

    3.) Would Jesus say if you hurt me or steal from me..I will get back at you?

    Or Would Jesus say: Do not repay evil for evil for vengeance is mine saith the Lord..


    Do we as believers in Christ have the right to show hate, anger, or unforgiveness towards anyone for any reason?

    If so please show me scripture to support your answer from the New Testament..

    Just remember Matthew 5:The Sermon on the Mount.. :o)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With Love..In Christ.. :o)

    ((((((( HUGS ))))))

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why was my question deleted?

    Hello.. :o)

    I had asked the question under R&S: Why do some people use labels?

    I put it to a vote..then came back to find out it got deleted.. :o(

    How was not this not a question?

    Was there any hate or malice in the question?

    Was in not appropriate for all ages?

    Was there any vulgar language?

    So please Yahoo, tell me how this was against your rules and regulations?

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :o)

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Who said this statement?

    Hello (((((((( Everyone )))))))

    Who said this quote?

    No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as Chief Magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example.

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))) To One & All.. :)

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you like this Poem by:?


    Here is a Poem I just found going through my Debra M..

    Is this not fitting for our dear sweet "Friend" Debra M?

    My heart sings a melody

    That none can hear but me.

    It rejoices in the knowledge

    That soon we will be free.

    So many lessons learned today

    I hope I have shown I care

    I don't want to close my eyes tonight

    But sleep must take his share.

    It was a glorious golden day.

    One I will ever hold in my heart.

    I pray we see many more

    That this is just a start.

    My soul though is tired and worn.

    It aches and seeks its rest.

    So I bid you sweet goodnight my life

    And do as He knows best.

    If you hear not from me for a while

    Don't fret or fear the chance.

    It isn't that I am not here

    But simply joining the dance.

    Peace Be With You,


    ((((((( HUGS ))))))) To One & All.. :)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Was Jesus a pacifist?

    Hello.. :)

    Was Jesus a pacifist?

    If so..why do you think so?

    If not..why not?

    ((((((( HUGS ))))))) To One & All.. :)

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a synthetic wig?

    Hello.. :)

    My daughter is losing her hair..:(

    She is 33 years old..

    Where can I find the least expensive strait long dark brown wig, for my precious daughter?

    Other than ebay..

    ((((((( HUGS ))))))) To One & All.. :)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Religiously Speaking..What are you giving your Mom for Mother's Day?

    Hello everyone.. :)

    What are you giving your Mom for Mother's Day?

    I am writing another Poem for my she went home to be with the Lord on Valentine's Day 2008..

    (((((((( HUGS ))))))) To All the Mom's out deserve it and so much more.. :)

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can I watch youtube?


    I can not watch anything on youtube.

    I reboot my computer and ran a virus check to no avail.. :(

    The play, pause or any other buttons do not show up..all I get is a black screen..where the picture should be.. :(

    My adobe flash player is 10 and my shockwave is updated..

    Can anyone help me?

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    3 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Does this Poem say enough?

    Hello Everyone.. :)

    Does this Poem say enough?

    A Love That Never Was

    As I ponder on the why’s and why nots

    I must look beyond, at what I think I have lost

    One day at a time, I shall take for a brand new start

    Only Goodness and Grace as I leave, Do I want to impart

    My heart still grieves, for what might have been

    Though he tried, he could not find any ~Love~ within

    I’ll take the time to stop and reminisce if but for awhile

    That what most I will miss, is his laughter and smile

    If it were right, he would have able to shown his heart to me

    That is something he cannot, so it is time to let him be free

    I want us to part ways without any anger or hate

    As I look back, I can see it was our fate

    You may ask me if I have any regrets

    It just is hard to fathom, we will no longer be a duet

    I want us to stay “Friends” and keep in touch

    Having known him nine years, I will miss him very much

    Though some may say we have lost at ~Love~

    When I think of him, I will Thank God in Heaven above

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What more can I do, to find something that is lost?

    Hello.. :)

    My cat Auntie got out last night..she is an inside kitty and 5 1/2 years old..she was fixed 2 weeks ago..

    I cannot leave any pics..because they are on my phone and I have to pay for them to be sent to my computer..No money.. :(

    Is there anything you can suggest that I can do to find her?

    I am not sure if she will make it outside today, as I live here in Phoenix, Arizona and it is already getting very hot outside.. :(

    Because I am going to ask my "Friends" can you "please" keep her in their thoughts and or prayers?

    This will undoubtedly get deleted..but my cat is worth it.. :)

    ((((((( HUGS ))))))) To one and All.. :)

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    EDIT: I posted it here, because of All the "Friends" I have on R&S.. :)

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How can a crime be considered a crime?

    Hello.. :)

    President Obama said what was not considered torture then, is now considered torture.

    I may not have said exactly, but how can one go back in time?

    How can a crime that is committed before it was considered a crime at that time, be prosecuted?

    Example: If I was molested as a young child, but there was no previous law governing what happened to me, I can not prosecute the said assailant, can I?

    The above is said with ~Love~ and not any criticism about our new President..

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Beauty in the Eyes of the Beholder?

    Hello.. :)

    How many times do we judge someone on their looks?

    Is beauty really in the eyes of the beholder?

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have you ever thought you said something..But find out you did not..?

    Hello.. :)

    Have you ever thought in your mind, that you said something to someone?

    But find out later that maybe you did not?

    Could it be the beginning stages of Alzheimer's?

    I am it has been happening to me a lot lately.. :(

    It breaks my heart, to know that the ones I care deepest about..

    I may have hurt.. :(

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    I put this question under R&S..Because I just could not find a correct one, to put it under..

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What if we all started out as one celled microbes?

    Hello.. :)

    Do you believe we started out as one celled microbes?

    What do you think could have caused the split of these microbes to become different species?

    What do you think could or would be the cause of our (DNA) to not be exactly the same?

    I ask this question not with any criticism..but rather looking at another viewpoint.. :)

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this short poem?

    Hello.. :)

    The Bird’s Needs Met

    As I look up into the clear blue sky

    I cannot help but wonder why

    The birds soar with their wings in the air

    They seem to go day to day without a care

    Then I read the scripture where God meets all the birds’ needs

    Yes, our Lord feeds the fowls, just as He does me

    Should we not take a lesson from our flying friends

    That God will meet all our needs until the end

    ((((((( HUGS )))))))

    In Jesus Most Precious Name..

    With ~Love~ In Christ.. :)

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago